Page 85 of Ruler

I lift my arm and push the fabric of my top up, showing them the tattoo on my ribs. Then I say the words. “Drákon to ápeiro den koimátai pia.”

“We will get to the bottom of this,” Joachim says sternly. “But for now, you’ve earned the right to see your challenge through. Marian Drákon, you’ve been called out.”

Trying her best to sound unbothered, she sneers, “I refuse. I don’t know who this woman—”

“For fuck’s sake, mom,” Gus shouts. “Just go die already.”

I don’t know whether it’s Gus’ words or Marian’s theatrical gasp that makes some people snicker, not that the reason matters.

“Excuse me,” one of the guards says. “But I want it to be known that some of us believe her claim. Those of us who have served for a long time remember Acacia from Nikolaos’ functions, some even recognize her from before that.”

Turning, I look at the guard who spoke up. “If that’s so,” I say, pointing at the ground next to Kai and the Leaders. “Go stand over there. I would hate to accidentally kill you.”

I don’t wait for people to move, and I definitely don’t wait for Marian to walk down here. I’ve waited for far too long. The family saying is that we’re no longer asleep, yet I’ve slept. I’ve awaited other people’s actions, allowing them to dictate my reactions.

No more.

I’m done dragging things out and dancing to the tune of someone else’s music. Even though I’ve fantasized about taking my time killing Marian, this is not the day for that. Truthfully, no day would be. She doesn’t deserve to keep breathing, to keep spewing her toxic shit.

Without taking my eyes off her, I walk behind Ana again. The bag is still where I left it, so I quickly unzip it and pull the jar out.

Holding it high into the air, I ask, “How did you explain your missing finger, Marian? Did you tell people you cut yourself while cooking? Or maybe you claimed something else entirely.”

“That’s not mine,” she hisses, clutching her mutilated hand.

I smile sweetly at her. “Should we try to put it back? See if it’s a fit?”

My words have the desired effect. As she finally comes at me, I can’t stop smiling. I’m going to fucking love every second of this. At the last minute, Marian pulls a knife from her robe, making stabbing motions while she closes in. I roll out of the way, catching her legs with mine.

“You fucking bitch,” she screams. “This was all meant to be mine. I was betrayed. Your cunt of a mom ruined everything.”

I let the words roll off me. She’s already committed so many grave insults that the ones about my dead mom aren’t going to take root and throw me off kilter.

“Wrong,” I pant as I capture her wrist with my hands. “You were owed nothing, but you’re too godsdamn stupid to see that. You had a great family, Marian. A son and a husband who loved you, it just wasn’t enough.”

I slam her hand into the ground until she lets go of the knife.

“You ruined lives left, right, and fucking center without a care in the world. You stole Gus’ family, and you bartered for Morgana like she’s property.”

Between each word, I punch her. Her face, torso, legs—I don’t aim, I just rain punches down on her.

“You fucking sold me,” I scream so loudly my throat immediately feels raw. “You captured me and sold me like a fucking animal. I’m your niece, and you did that to me. You mistreated your own son. Forced him to do your bidding, all while slowly trying to destroy the light inside him.”

The deranged woman beneath me laughs, she fucking laughs, not even bothering to try and protect herself.

“Are you expecting me to feel bad?” she scoffs.

“That would be a nice change of pace,” I mumble. “But we both know you’re not nice. You’re a monster, Marian.”

Using my free hand to reach for the knife, I smile down at her as my hand closes around the blade.

“I don’t need your remorse,” I say loudly. “I needed your confession, and now everyone here has heard it.”

There’s only one thing left to do, or two, actually. Leaning down I place my lips next to her ear and whisper, “Your plan failed, dear aunt. I’m married to Kai. So even though I’ll never be the Leader, your actions pushed me into the arms of the Ruler.” I chuckle as she sputters in outrage. “You made me the most powerful woman alive, all because you didn’t want me to have anything.”

“You’re lying,” she spits.

“Am I?” I ask with a deceptive sweetness. “You were at the auction where he claimed me. And why do you think he’s here tonight? He’s mine and I’m his. Thank you for that.”