Page 83 of Ruler



With no time to return their greetings, I shout “Duck!”

My warning reaches them just in time to avoid another fucking arrow. Either this place is a lot more brutal than the one I trained in, or I’ve forgotten how terrible it truly was. I don’t have long to ponder that before we come to the next stretch.

If I remember correctly, the next trap is right around the corner. Trusting my instincts, I tell them to stop. Wanting and needing to touch Liam, I quickly take Lupa’s spot. I want to weep with joy the second I feel his arm around my shoulders, but I manage to keep it in.

“You always were a troublemaker,” I jest, though my grave tone makes it fall flat.

“Do you know the route?” Mordred simply asks.

I gnaw on the inside of my cheek, unsure of whether or not I should answer. It’s clear that the Tribunal wants a show, which I hope I’ve given them. Marian’s words about proving my identity in the maze comes back to me.

The thing is, I don’t believe mastering the maze would be enough to prove my identity. And since they’re watching, I don’t want to risk making it look too easy, in case they retaliate or throw us any curveballs. So I’ve purposefully taken some wrong turns and pretended to only narrowly avoid traps to make it look like I have no clue. But I do. It’s all coming back like this is part of my morning routine.

“Let’s try left,” I suggest, doing my best to make it sound like a guess.

Ignoring their questions, I grind my teeth and begin walking, which is a lot slower now with Liam’s added weight. Gods, and I’m only shouldering half of it. As we limp away, I keep my eyes off my consort’s foot. Focusing on his injury won’t do any good, and I need to stay vigilant.

“Down,” I scream as there’s a whistling sound from above. “Lupa, watch for wires on the ground. Mordred, you look up.”

If they feel any way about me barking orders, they don’t show it.

We trudge along until we, by my calculations, are only one turn from the exit. I’m scared I’ve made it look too easy for our fucking spectators, so I deliberately take the wrong turn, one that should only have one trap—one I’ve fallen for way too many times. It’s a tripwire about halfway down on the left side, so I deliberately steer us on the right side.

“Is that a lever?” Lupa asks, tentatively taking a step towards it.

“No!” I scream at the same time.

My warning comes too late, Lupa’s foot catches on the wire that’s stretched all the way across. I use all my strength to push Liam and Mordred behind me, but I don’t make it to the Russe Heir in time. Her scream rings out as a spike shoots out from the hedge, piercing her calf.

“Lupa,” I cry out, running to her side and catching her before she falls.

Her face pales, and her breathing turns into ragged pants.

“Breathe through it,” I softly urge her. “Keep breathing.”

While I keep talking, I swiftly undo my pants and push them down so I can free my remaining knife. After doing my jeans back up, I make a cut in the middle of my tank top. Once the first line is made, I easily tear the fabric from my body and quickly bind it around her leg, just above the place where the spike is still protruding.

“I don’t dare pull it out.” Rushing my words, I gesture at the weapon.

Lupa shakes her head. “Do it, Cia. Pull it the fuck out of me.”

I don’t know why I look at Mordred and Liam as though they get a vote. But when the Hatt Heir nods, I feel better about doing it. I know it’s risky as she’ll lose a lot more blood this way but since we’re still in the maze, there’s not really any other option as she can’t limp around with that thing stuck in her. Wrapping my hand around the wood, I pull with all my might. With a sickening squelching sound, it slips free of her skin, and I rush to re-tie the fabric from my top around the wound.

“Can you stand?” I ask.

Rather than answering, she takes my hand and allows me to pull her up. Mordred is quick to get Liam back up, and he doesn’t protest at shouldering him alone, while I assist Lupa.

With my guidance, we make it to the exit without further incidents. As soon as we’re out of the maze, I ease Lupa down and Mordred does the same with Liam. Lupa barely manages to sit before I throw myself at Liam.

“Liam,” I sob his name as I practically throw myself at him.

He engulfs me in his arms, squeezing me tight. We’re both trembling like a tree in a storm, and I finally let myself feel the fear I felt when I saw him get injured.

“How are you feeling?” I ask.