Page 78 of Ruler

“Ahh, more uninvited guests,” Andreas says with barely contained glee. “What are the odds of finding people from all three families roaming the island like this?”

I sense Marian shifting next to me. “Just kill them and be done with it, my love,” she says sweetly.

My love? Oh, for fuck’s sake this is getting ridiculous. I’m weirdly offended that the only way she can get men to do her bidding is through threats and spreading her legs. Well, that’s not what’s offending me, it’s that it was that easy for her to charm someone like Andreas.

“Silence!” Ana shouts. “Andreas either gag your whore or remind her of her place.”

Joachim snickers. “I have to agree. Your consort doesn’t have a voice here.”

The Drákon that Marian is cozying up to turns, and I almost take a step back at the pure unadulterated anger in his eyes.

“I’ve warned you before,” he snarls. Without further prompting, he pulls on her hand until she staggers to his side.

“On your knees, cunt.”

Marian trembles as she kneels at his side.

I smile sinisterly underneath my hood as he backhands her so hard her head snaps to the side so fast she loses her balance and falls. Although I don’t like Andreas, that was so satisfying I’m considering killing him quickly instead of dragging it out. I’m not really, though. Liam’s injuries have sealed their fates.

“Can we get on with it?” Ana asks, sounding as though the entire thing is boring to her.

Joachim nods. “Bring the Drákons forth.”

I watch as Gus and Morgana are ushered forward by some of the guards. Luckily, Gus looks just like he did when we parted ways, unlike Morgana. She’s covered in cuts and bruises, most of them not new. Fuck, I’m pretty sure they’re all from the maze.

Addressing Arthur and Remus, Ana explains, “Tonight we’re going to find the next Drákon Leader. As you can see, it’ll either be Augustus or Morgana who…” She pauses and looks at the men to her left. “We really need to give her a new name if she wins. Morgana isn’t a Greek name.”

Immediately murmurs break out as the Tribunal discusses appropriate names for Morgana. I’m glad for the reprieve. As long as they’re preoccupied by ridiculous discussions they’re not shedding blood.

While the Tribunal sticks their heads together I take the opportunity to look around. I try to spot an obvious escape route, but there are none. Guards are littering the place and guarding every freaking nook and cranny. It’ll take divine intervention to get out of here, which is a problem. Morgana and Liam look like they can barely stand, and that makes them easy targets.

Even if we manage to create enough distractions to help the two of them out of here, I don’t know what way to take to get them to the tunnels. And more importantly, I already know they aren’t going anywhere. They’d rather die than hide. I know this because that’s why I’m here, and why I’m not leaving until I’ve seen this through.

I need a way to let the others know I’m here. Gnawing on the inside of my cheek I try to come up with something. Then, an idea hits me out of nowhere.

“Mistress.” I tap Ana on the shoulder to get her attention. “May I make a humble suggestion?” I’m proud of myself for managing to keep the contempt out of my voice.

“What is it?” she snaps.

Speaking louder, I answer, “Acacia, mistress. Isn’t the name Acacia part of the Drákon line?”

Where Joachim looks pleasantly surprised by the suggestion, Andreas looks like he’s constipated. Or angry—possibly both.

“That’s an interesting suggestion,” Andreas barks.

Ana’s lips turn up at the corners as she looks from the other two before turning towards Morgana. “What do you say? Do you think Acacia is a fitting name for the Drákon Leader?”

Both Gus and Liam begin to shout at the Tribunal. They’re hurling insults while letting them know exactly what they think about using my name like that.

With all three of the Tribunal facing forward, I chance looking up again, making sure to meet Liam’s gaze head on. His eyes widen as he takes me in. I discreetly place my index finger over my lips to tell him to keep quiet, and when he nods I know he’s understood. I repeat the motion after catching Gus’ eyes, and he too falls quiet.

“Who are you?” I stiffen and turn my head as Marian asks the question.

Shit, I didn’t notice she’s back next to me.

“I asked, who are you?” she repeats. “There’s something familiar about you.”

Hate pulses through me as she moves closer, and I unthinkingly move my hand to my arm, palming Mizéria. I could kill her right now, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it. However, if I do so, I risk them outright killing Liam—even when they find out I’m alive. A consort for a consort.