Page 76 of Ruler

“Leave him out of this,” I hiss.

Turning her gaze on me, Ana implores, “They’ve already found all the others. You two are the only ones left.”

“You fucking bitch,” I whisper-shout as anger and fear wars inside me.

She scoffs and turns her attention back to Kai. “You’ve trusted me this far, why stop now? I’m not lying when I say I’m your best chance for survival.”

They glare at each other for so long I almost say something, anything. Whatever it takes to free Liam and Gus. Well, mostly Liam. As a Drákon, Gus should be safe enough. No, I refuse to do that. I won’t pick and choose between them, doling out odds in my head when it comes to their safety.

“Ana!” Kai growls, anger palpable in that one word.

As she tries to walk around him, he twists his body while easily matching her steps, constantly staying in front of me.

“Kai,” she shoots back just as angrily. “It’s not like I’ve been short of opportunities to hurt you or Acacia if I really wanted to. Don’t do this. Remember what I said after Nadia’s death.”

My husband stiffens. “You said that you hated her for what her death meant for you, and that you hated yourself for thinking like that.”

She takes a few steps back and runs a hand through her short hair that’s almost matching mine now that my extensions are gone. “I never asked for this,” she hisses. “This is no life. I hate what I’m doing for a family that’s never done anything for me. I want to see it all destroyed as much as you do.”

“I doubt that,” I quip.

“Trust me, Acacia. I wouldn’t wish this life upon my worst enemy—”

We all tense as someone shouts Ana’s name, asking where the hell she went off to.

“We don’t have much time,” she hisses. “If you still plan to keep your marriage from them, Acacia needs to come with me.”

I know it’s risky to put my—our—faith in her, but she’s making too much sense to ignore. There’s no logical reason for me to be here with the Ruler. And if they find out we’re married, I can’t claim my spot as the Drákon Leader.

“Fine,” I say as I walk around Kai and up to Ana. Without blinking, I lift the knife in my hand and point the tip straight at her throat. “But if you’re lying to me, just know I’ll find a way to kill you.”

When she gives me a deranged smile, I briefly wonder if she and Nikolaos ever met. I have a feeling they’d get on famously if they did.

“Fair terms.” Sincerity rings clear in her voice, and despite not wanting to, I begrudgingly respect that. “Here, put this on instead.”

Ana thrusts a Drákon robe into my hands. I carefully put my bag on the ground before swapping one robe with the other.

“Keep the hood up and don’t talk to anyone. Don’t stray from my side, and if anyone asks you a direct question, tell them your mistress doesn’t want you talking to anyone but her.”

I can’t help quirking a brow as everything inside me objects at the thought of using the title Liam reserves for me in the bedroom. Although I want to argue, I grind my teeth and nod.

As Ana leads me away from Kai, I don’t look back. If I do, I’ll crumble and run back to my husband. Right now, he’s the only one I know for sure is still alive, and it pains me to the core to turn my back on him.

Knowing that he isn’t alone is the only reason I manage to put one foot in front of the other. His guards are close enough to protect him should he need it, which I don’t think he will. Again, no one is going to be insane enough to attack the Ruler. At least not once they know it’s him.

I want to shy away from prying eyes as Ana and I walk into the clearing in front of the entrance to the maze. It’s bigger than the one me and Gus trained in, and I’m thinking that means it’s more deadly as well.

“There you are.”

I spin around as none other than Andre Drákon comes sauntering up to us.

“Where did you run off to, sister?”

Ana giggles coquettishly. “Just having some girl time.” She pulls me closer to her side and grabs my ass.

Even though I want to balk at this unexpected turn of events, I force myself to stand still—even leaning closer as though I like her touch.

Andre lets out a booming laugh while shaking his head. “Only you could get turned on by seeing people perishing in the maze.”