Page 74 of Ruler

Before I can pull one of my knives, I hear the sound of leaves rustling and then everything goes black.

Chapter 23


IclutchMizériainone hand, and one of Liam’s blades in the other as we step onto Dead Man’s Isle. Mentally, I pray to the deities that were once upon a time worshiped in this country. I pray for Liam and Gus to be safe. I pray I didn’t make a mistake by forcing Kai to signal for them to come here.

The agreement was that whichever Leader we lost contact with via Kai’s fancy satellite communication device, that’s where we would go. But when both Arthur and Remus disappeared simultaneously, I made the decision by trusting my first instinct. This has to be the right place.

Liam, Gus, Mordred, and Isolde approached from the south while we’re at the north. I hate that we’ve split up. I understand the need for it, but not knowing if my men are safe causes icy terror to spread from the pit of my stomach and then through my veins like poison.

If something goes wrong, I won’t know about it and I hate how powerless that makes me feel.

In the darkness it’s easy to lose not just yourself but also your senses. I don’t know how long it’s been since we signaled for Liam, Gus, Isolde, and Mordred to go ahead. Even though it feels like hours upon hours, I can’t imagine it’s been more than a single hour. That’s still long—too long.

As though he’s sensing my thoughts, Kai wraps his long fingers around my wrist and squeezes gently. “It’s the best way, Nereid,” he reminds me in a hushed whisper.

I inhale deeply while gripping the handles of the knives harder. Kai’s right, but by Gods I hate being away from Gus and Liam. It feels like I’m missing a vital part of myself.

Not for the first time, I second guess the plan. The only reason I agreed is because I was outvoted, and because deep down I know it’s the right thing to do. If the Tribunal truly believes me to be dead, there’s no point in revealing the truth too early.

Closing my eyes, I focus on my breathing. But no matter how much I try to shake the feeling of dread, it keeps multiplying like the heads of the legendary hydra. I hate not knowing if my men are okay, and right now, I’m not sure my safety is worth being in the dark about theirs.

“It’ll be okay,” Flavio whispers reassuringly.

The Russo Heir confuses me, I don’t have a clear read on him. Having now spent more time with him than ever, I like his quiet confidence. Although it shouldn’t matter anymore, I still can’t stop being annoyed he wasn’t immediately up for saving Morgana. Ironically, what makes me dislike him is the reason my husband likes him.

During the flight, Kai pointed out multiple times that Flavio’s job is to back his Leader up, which means that questioning the mission was so deep in his job description it would have been wrong if he hadn’t spoken up. And I get it, I really do. It’s exactly like me and Gus; he would have challenged it as well if he’d been in the Russo Heir’s position.

I sense more than see when Lupa moves closer, and I wish I had words of comfort to share with her. But I refuse to give her empty promises and reassurances. What she needs to hear is that Morgana is okay, and I don’t know that she is.

Best-case scenario, the Tribunal is keeping her alive and considering her a candidate for the vacant Leader spot. Worst-case scenario… well, that would be if they’ve killed her already. Ugh, this isn’t the time for me to expect the worst and hope for the best. If I’m being completely honest with myself, I’m seventy-five percent sure she’s alive.

Ana hinted at Morgana being too valuable to kill, and not that I trust her at all, but I believe that to be true. The Tribunal has kept her safe and hidden for all these years, that has to count for something.

Everyone is quiet as we follow the winding dirt road that’ll take us to the middle. The terrain is rough and unforgiving, much like it is on the isle I’m familiar with. The rocks are sharp, and I know I’m going to bleed if I fall. Even though I know I shouldn’t, I risk lowering the hood on the robe so I can take a look around. Of course it doesn’t help with how dark it is, but it’s making me feel better.

Picking up the pace, I feel the others do the same. My skin prickles, and I can’t shake the feeling we’re being watched.

Pausing briefly, I pull the hood back over my head. It’s not much, but at least it gives me some semblance of anonymity at first glance. I’m still having a hard time coming to terms with the way things have escalated. Shaking my head, I try to banish the thoughts, it won’t do me any good to be distracted. It’s something we’ll have to sort through… later. Once we’re all back home, and when all of this is nothing but a distant memory.

Suddenly, the sky lights up, causing me to immediately leap into the shadow from the trees, shielding my eyes against the harsh light. Still holding my wrist, Kai automatically follows me. Lupa lets out a squeak before Flavio quickly slaps his hand across her mouth, quickly pulling her into the area that isn’t lit.

“Keep it the fuck down,” Kai hisses.

Looking at Lupa, I want to say something soothing because I feel bad for her. She’s clearly close to her breaking point, we all are. Yet something stirs inside me, something created at the hands of Nikolaos.

Contempt for the weak.

I chew on the inside of my cheek, not letting go until I taste the blood I’ve shed. It grounds me enough that I can hold back the fight or fight instinct instilled in me—I know that’s not the saying, but I’m not sure I have a flight instinct anymore. Lupa isn’t weak. In fact, she’s as strong as they come. I swallow over and over, frantic to get rid of the monster awakening inside me.

Not able to stand still, I begin walking again. Unless Ana has betrayed us, something has gone horribly wrong. This isn’t one of those times where one option is better than the other. The reality is that both suck. Even as I think that I know that Ana playing us would indeed be the worst. Because then they know we’re all here, and… that I’m alive.

We’re close to the middle when a magnified voice booms, “Prepare the maze.”

I almost stumble, my blood running cold at the words. The maze… yes, we suspected that much. But shit.

While I’m silently panicking, the words have the complete opposite effect on Lupa who straightens. Her face is twisted into an expression of anger, and her eyes are as dark as the abyss.