Page 55 of Ruler

Morgana fucking left.

How the fuck did this happen? This is Kai’s house, which is supposed to mean something. Did we let our defenses slacken too much? Is there a traitor in our midst? Is any of this even real, or has Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams, cursed me with some really messed up nightmares?

No, I’m not dreaming. The sickly pale hue I saw on Liam’s skin is enough to convince me I’m awake.


I can’t wrap my head around all of this.

I pace impatiently back and forth in front of the door into the medical facility in the south wing of our house. Kai’s doctors are working their magic on Liam, which I suppose should bring me some semblance of calm. After all, the ones deemed worthy to treat the Ruler should be the best in the world. Yet, I feel nothing but dread.

Abel should be the one to work on my consort. Instead, the Drákon doctor lies lifelessly in the next room.

Gus and Kai are with me, their presence enough to keep me from getting on the Drákon jet and tracking down the elusive Tribunal and Marian. She might be Gus’ mom, but nothing is going to save her now. Even though she didn’t directly order the home invasion, she’s done enough to make it clear that at the root of it all she’s the evil plaguing my life.

Hours pass before the doctor comes out. He hasn’t even bothered to remove his bloodied plastic gloves, which I’m oddly pleased about. It proves he’s following my order of coming to find me as soon as he’s done. Would I have held the few seconds it takes to remove said gloves against him if he’d done it? Absolutely.

“Rulers,” he says, inclining his head first at Kai and then me. “The surgery went well. Luckily, the knife missed his major organs, so he’s sustained limited injuries.”

All I hear is the word injury.

Liam was injured.

Someone stuck a knife into his gut, and that same someone will fucking pay. Palming the offensive knife harder, I vow to kill them all, if it’s the last thing I do on this earth.

“Down, Nereid.” I startle as Kai whispers the words directly into my ear. I hadn’t even noticed him moving, let alone come up behind me. “You’ll get your revenge, I promise.”

I will. There are no ifs ands or buts about it. Vengeance will be mine. I’ll dance in their blood and laugh at their pain. The assholes touched what’s mine, and that simply won’t do.

“Mrs. Kronos.” My gaze snaps to the doctor, who eyes me patiently.

With a nod, I silently urge him to go on.

“As I was saying, Liam’s surgery went well. We were able to establish the extent of the damage, and the knife only nicked the liver. We’ve stopped the internal and external bleeding, and—”

“Will he be okay?” I snap, needing my questions answered more than anything else.

“As long as he takes it easy for four to six weeks, he should be able to make a full recovery.” The doctor smiles warmly at me, but I’m too worked up to be able to return it.

“I want to see him.” I know I’m not being grateful or gracious, which I’ll apologize for another time. Right now, I just need to see Liam.

“You’ll be able to see him shortly,” the doctor assures me. “We’re waiting for him to wake up again. So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll get back in there.” He gestures to the door behind him.

Looking down at myself, I’m reminded I’m covered in Liam’s blood. Luckily, the black dress isn’t showing it, but as I tentatively walk up to the door the doctor disappeared behind, I can feel the wet fabric clinging to me.

“Cia.” I ignore Gus’ hoarse whisper. His voice is barely existent since a nameless guy tried to strangle him. “Let them do their thing. You need a shower before going in there.”

I open my mouth to tell him there’s no chance I’m waiting, but all that comes out is a cry. My entire body shakes with violent sobs, knowing that Liam is okay—that he’ll live—has opened the floodgates.

Despite my husband and cousin closing in on me, my back feels cold. Liam—I need my consort. I swallow down the part of me that wants to rebel and march in there right now, and instead, I let them lead me back to our bathroom. I know it’s not fair to snap at them, yet I can’t seem to make myself act rationally right now. There is too much hurt and anger pumping through me to think clearly.

Since we all three need a shower, it’s only natural that Gus suggests we do it together. And under normal circumstances, I’d probably say yes. Well, if I wasn’t in the middle of a pain-crippling miscarriage. This definitely isn’t normal circumstances by any stretch of the imagination, so I can’t allow myself to get distracted. Besides, it feels weird to even think about doing anything as a group when Liam isn’t here.

After gathering some clean underwear and one of Liam’s shirts, I look at my husband and cousin. I don’t know the words to express how much I love them, or how fucking pissed I am that someone put their hands on them.

“I’ll go use one of the other bathrooms,” I say robotically.

“Cia,” Gus says my name as he swiftly moves in front of the door. “What makes you think we’re going to let you walk away from us?”