Page 50 of Ruler

Her long, dark hair is gathered in an elegant updo. She’s wearing jeans that are so tight they look like they’re painted onto her legs, and a pair of wedges that match her silver top.

“Drákon.” Her tear-filled eyes meet mine from across the room.

I swallow down the growing lump of guilt in my throat. I shouldn’t have hung up on her like that. It’s not like I was having a proud moment, or was capable of thinking. But still. I wave her closer while I take a few steps towards her so we meet in the middle of the room. As soon as I reach her, I pull her into a bone-crushing hug.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “What I did was…” Since I have no idea how to complete the sentence, I simply don’t.

Morgana relaxes in my embrace and finally hugs me back. “I really needed you,” she admits.

Her words cut me as deeply as they surprise me. We might be friends and half-sisters, but I never thought she’d need me.

“But I talked with Gus and he told me you needed sleep.”

It’s not hard to hear the disbelief in her voice, and I can’t say I blame her. If she thinks I hung up on her because I needed sleep, well, that’s pretty shitty isn’t it. Deciding that Morgana deserves more honesty from me, I pull back and meet her blue eyes.

“I couldn’t… yes I needed sleep but…” My hands automatically move to cradle my stomach. “Everything got to be too much.”

Morgana cocks her head to the side and studies me for so long I begin to fidget.

“Okay,” she simply says.

“Okay?” I parrot.

She shrugs. “This world isn’t easy to live in. Trust me, Cia. I know that it gets to be too much at times.” Her eyes trail down to my stomach and she arches an eyebrow. “Are there five of you now?” she asks curiously.

My shoulders sag as my hands fall to my side. “N-no,” I whisper. “But for a short time, there were.”

I really don’t want to talk about it, but I don’t want to lie either. Not just because I owe her my honesty, mostly it’s because I know she won’t ask any follow up questions.

Morgana proves to be worth confiding in when all she does is stroke my arm and say, “Aunt Morgana has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

Behind me I hear Liam chuckle. “It sure does.”

My consort isn’t wrong, it sounds really nice. Maybe one day that will come to pass, but it won’t if we don’t get our asses into gear and get to the bottom of everything that’s happening. It’s going to be a long night.

“We need coffee,” Gus says as though he can read my thoughts.

Kai is the only one who hasn’t said anything at all, and when I turn around I’m surprised to see him glaring daggers at Abel.

“What’s Morgana doing here?” he growls. His fists clench and unclench.

“I invited her here,” Abel explains.

My husband laughs darkly. “And what reason, pray tell, did you have to invite someone to a house that isn’t yours?”

As though the Titan of queries, Coeus himself, has taken over my mind, my curiosity is peaked. I assumed one of my men had invited Morgana, especially when no one said anything when we entered the library.

I fold my arms across my chest. “What’s going on, Abel?” I ask calmly.

“What we have to discuss involves her as much as you and Gus.” There’s a hint of steel in his tone, like the Drákon doctor is getting ready to defend himself.

“Why did you think you’d be welcome here?” Kai asks, his gaze firmly on Morgana. “The last time the two of us spoke, you renounced the Society completely. I believe your words were that you preferred to be ousted instead of taking the option I so generously offered you.”

With everything going on, I completely forgot about the texts Morgana sent me after the Kronos meeting between the Leaders and Kai. Shit. Shit. How could I forget that she left the Society? Yet another thing that’s slipped through the cracks.

“Whether she embraces the name or not, she carries the Drákon blood,” Abel clarifies.

Rage like I’ve never seen burns in Kai’s green eyes. “What did you say?” Though the words are spoken calmly, it’s easy to hear the threat behind them. “Who do you think you’re speaking to? I’m not some common Leader. The only reason you’re allowed into my home is because my wife trusts you, but don’t mistake my open door for a weakness you can exploit.”