Page 29 of Ruler

As soon as I process Morgana’s words, I burst out laughing, and before long, everyone at the table has joined in. Remus pushes his chair back while clutching his stomach, like he needs the space. Arthur has tears swimming in his eyes. No one is quite as dramatic as the woman telling the story, though. Her forehead is literally resting on the table, her face hidden behind her long, black hair.

“Th-they hung a f-fucking monkey,” Remus hiccups.

Arthur swipes a finger beneath his eyes. “They did,” he confirms. Then he clears his throat and looks at Morgana, who’s sitting upright again. “Point taken,” he says, trying to sound serious, which pretty much falls flat when another bout of laughter takes him over.

“Well, praise the Lord for that,” Morgana quips, back to her snide self. “Arthur, you know I would never keep anything from you if I didn’t think it was necessary. This isn’t about Acacia, it’s about me. And I’m sorry for bringing it up here, but it seems like we all need to clear the air.”

Instead of interrupting, I quietly sit down, allowing them to say what they have to say to each other.

“Maybe,” Arthur reluctantly agrees. “But if that’s the case, why did you allow her to take the fall? Why hide behind her?”

Now, there’s a question I’d like answered myself.

Chapter 10


Morganadoesn’tanswerstraightaway. She takes the time to smooth her hair and the skirt of her dress. Then she looks straight at the Hatt Leader. “You didn’t really give me a chance, Arthur. As soon as you made up your opinion, that was it. Yes, I should have been straight with you, and yes, you’ve given me space to come to terms with things. But we’ve both been dancing around each other, or can you honestly say there aren’t things you haven’t told me?”

Morgana’s words soothe the myriad of thoughts swirling through my brain. Now that she’s finally speaking up, it might be easier to get things back on track. To the place where the Leaders acknowledged my wife, and didn’t hold her solely responsible.

“That’s fair,” Arthur says. Then he adds, “So how come you acted so weird at the party? Did Acacia force you in any way?”

I have to bite down on my lip not to snap at him for asking.

“All Acacia did was give me and Lupa a safe place to… come out.” Morgana scrunches up her nose in distaste at the word. “Unlike me, Lupa had to fight a lot to be accepted, so I guess I felt like I should endure the same fight.” The earnestness of her words wraps around my heart, and not for the first time, I feel fucking bad for the situation she’s in.

“So what abo—”

“Shut up for a second,” Remus says, interrupting Arthur. “I’ve kept quiet so far, and allowed you to get whatever off your chest. But now it’s my turn. Does anyone disagree?”

As Remus looks between all of us, we each shake our heads no.

“I won’t go into details, but yes, it’s been hard for Lupa. I’ve seen her fight more than anyone should ever have to just for the option to be themselves.” Remus’ love for his cousin is palpable in his heated words that also show exactly how the Russo Leader feels about what she’s been through. “With that being said, Morgana.” Turning his head, he scowls at the acting Drákon Leader. “You had no right to act the way you did, and you should have known better.”

Where it’s easy to see that Arthur wants to throttle Remus, he holds himself back. “I know,” Morgana says, looking like she wishes the ground would swallow her up. “I was taken aback by the immediate acceptance, but I know that’s no excuse.”

“Damn right it’s not,” Remus shoots back. “You embarrassed Lupa. You made her look weak.”

Unable to contain himself, Arthur shouts, “You have no right to berate my sister.” His fists are clenched tightly, and his nostrils vibrate with each inhale.

“Don’t I?” Remus snarls. “She’s the reason you’re angry with Acacia, and she’s the reason Lupa is barely fucking eating. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed they haven’t even looked at each other the few times their paths have crossed.”

“He’s right,” Morgana says, her voice low but steady. “But there’s more to it.”

Well shit, I’m pretty sure I know exactly what Morgana’s next words are going to be, and while it needs to be said, I’m not sure now’s the time.

I watch as Morgana straightens her back and rolls her shoulders back. “Uther Hatt was not my biological dad. Alexander Drákon is. That’s why he gave me the seat as the acting Drákon Leader. At least I suspect that’s why, though I can’t be sure.” Her voice doesn’t waver once, and she keeps looking at Arthur who couldn’t look less surprised if he tried. “You knew,” she says, almost accusingly.

He shakes his head. “I suspected when Acacia told me there was another Drákon, and that there seemed to be an interest in you and me. Ever since the Tournament where I became the Hatt Heir, I’ve known you weren’t my biological sister.”

I shouldn’t be surprised that none of us appear to be shocked by Morgana’s revelation, yet I am. Mostly because Remus wasn’t privy to the conversation in England when Acacia told Arthur. Either Lupa has told her Leader, or the Hatt and Russo Leaders have been talking. I hope it’s the latter, because we can’t afford to have any more discord amongst the ranks.

“Well,” I say, waiting for everyone to look my way. “I think we can all agree that mistakes were made at that party. What I need to know is, are we ready to move on? Or do you still believe Acacia should be held accountable? To make it easy, I’ll put it to a vote. Council, yay or nay.”

Remus is the first to speak. “Nay.”

“Nay,” Morgana says vehemently.