Page 27 of Ruler

“I’m sorry, Liam. But there isn’t room for you in this class. Instead of staying here, you’re to go see Kai in his office.” My head snaps up at Ana’s words, and I’m just about to argue that as my consort he should be with me. “This is a direct order from Kai, so you best hurry.” Even though it’s clear, the words are meant for Liam, it’s me she looks at while speaking.

Tilting my head I return her questioning gaze, but she doesn’t say anything directly to me until she’s given our individual groups our assignments.

“Acacia, can you come up here for a minute?” she asks sweetly.

Out of my peripheral vision I notice Gus immediately straightening, following me as I make my way to her desk.

“What’s up?” I ask, wondering why she’s called me up here.

“Oh nothing,” she laughs. “I just have some paperwork to fill out on every student, and I wanted to make sure you’re Acacia Drákon.”

That’s very possibly the oddest question I’ve ever been asked, but instead of telling her that I reply, “That’s me.”

She nods thoughtfully while biting down on her bottom lip. Her eyes are wide with surprise and I have a feeling she’s hoping I won’t notice.

Chapter 9


Theknockonmyoffice door slices through my thoughts, and I’m glad for the distraction. “Come in,” I call, already knowing it’s Liam.

He briskly walks into my office, damn near slamming the door behind him. Judging by his stiff posture, he’s not glad to be away from Nereid, and I can’t say I blame him. None of us like being away from her, but he loathes it more than most.

“Why am I here?” he barks, crossing his arms over his chest as he pins me with his gaze. “Why am I no longer part of her mythology classes?”

I rake a hand through my hair and move the papers I was pretending to read through into the top desk drawer. “You’re part of all her classes except this one,” I sigh, suddenly feeling beyond drained. When he opens his mouth, undoubtedly to chew me out, I hold my hand up to stop him. “After the Valentine’s Day party fiasco, things need to change. My council can’t coexist if they’re succumbing to infighting, and that especially doesn’t work if the person they want to fight is my fucking wife.”

Liam sighs and pulls out the chair opposite me. “Your wife.” He says it like it’s a filthy word, and I arch a brow at him. “Aren’t the two of you meant to stand together?”

I nod. “We are.”

He sighs again, this time it’s becoming clear he’s losing patience. “Don’t give me that fucking bullshit, Kai. Why are we barely seeing you at the house? Why aren’t you teaching mythology class? And why the fuck do you allow those pricks to have an opinion aboutyourwife?”

It’s a fair question, one I’ve asked myself multiple times already.

“Because,” I say, licking my dry lips. “There must always be a Ruler. If it’s not me, it’s someone else. And before you ask, it’s not the power I crave. But do you really think things will be the same if I’m not here to at least ease the tension? What do you think would happen to Acacia if Arthur and Remus made a complaint? You might not know all the ins and outs, Liam. But they’re Leaders. If she’s not the Female Ruler, she’s an Heir. And that’s the best-case scenario.”

While I talk, his face morphs from righteous indignation to insecurity. “And what’s the worst-case scenario?”

I try not to flinch as I speak the ugly truth. “A blood traitor who abandoned her family.” Yep, there really is no way to fucking sugarcoat it. “That’s why they need this class together. We both know I can’t give you specifics, but I can tell you that right now, Arthur refuses to acknowledge her position. He’s of the opinion she has forced Morgana into the role as acting Leader for the Drákon family because she wouldn’t fight Gus for the seat—”

Liam shoots out of the chair, and I feel like covering my ears as the wood scrapes along the floor. “That’s bullshit and you know it,” he snarls.

“Is it?” I ask, trying not to sound like the dick I feel I have to be. “Can you honestly say that no part of Morgana did it for Acacia?”


Instead of letting him finish, I carry on. “And even if you believe it, can you prove it? Because right now, Arthur has proof that backs his version of events. The fact the women got ready together showed a friendship that went beyond their duties. Then there’s the fact that Nereid gave a speech about honesty, while not disclosing any of her own secrets. That job fell on Morgana and Lupa, which could make it look like they had no choice.”

I see the exact moment the severity of the situation dawns on Liam. “But can’t… can’t Lupa and Morgana set the record straight?”

“Maybe,” I allow. “Never say never. But it would be a lot better if it doesn’t come to that. Because then it can again be argued she’s using her influence.”

When Liam bends to pick the chair back up, I feel like I can finally breathe again. As the only one without a blood-tie to the Society, he’s the only outsider. Besides, he’s also the best chance at making my nereid see sense.

Over the past few days, she’s started to look crestfallen, and I don’t like that look on her one bit. I don’t want her to change who she is at the core, all I’m hoping for is that she becomes less volatile and able to properly assess a situation before going all in.

While her stunt at the party might not seem as much, it’s done more damage than I thought possible. Arthur is… well, let’s just say that if it was up to him, Acacia would be out of here. Luckily, Remus isn’t as pissed off as his Hatt counterpart, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy.