Page 21 of Ruler

“This isn’t a punishment. It was always the plan.”

The way he pronounces punishment shouldn’t distract me,but it does. A shiver runs down my spine and my nipples pebble.

“Then why?” Liam asks, sounding agitated by the revelation. “Why even bother teaching up until the winter break if you weren’t continuing?”

“I only ever intended to teach the first year, but then so much happened I didn’t have time to call in my successor before the second year started. She’s ready now, though.”

“She?” I ask, unable to hide the bite in my tone.

Kai’s chuckle causes puffs of air to dance in the space between us. “Her name is Ana Lov, and she’s my… never mind.”

I stare slack-jawed at my husband, not sure I’m fully comprehending his words, or the slip of his tongue that hinted at more. “Who’s Ana Lov?” I ask. Then I roll my eyes at myself, because that’s so not the important part, and I shouldn’t feel irrational jealousy just because he mentions another woman’s name.

Ana Lov… I silently ponder the name. There’s something familiar about it, yet I can’t recall ever hearing it before.

Chapter 7



Grinding my teeth, I turn. “Stop fucking fidgeting. You’re keeping us all awake,” I complain when Cia turns for the tenth time in just as many seconds.

After all the nights we’ve spent in the cinema room, mostly because Cia keeps falling asleep when we’re watching something, I’m happy to be back in the large bedroom where the bed, in my opinion, is a million times more comfortable. At least it was before she started moving around, causing sleep to elude me.

“I can’t fall asleep,” she whines, and I smile at her words.

Since Christmas she’s been almost chronically tired, so it’s nice to see her so awake for once. Even if the timing is terrible, which it is since we’re all trying to fall asleep.

“Of course not, ágapi,” Liam mumbles. Then he moves his hand from her hip and up to her naked tit, pinching the nipple until she moans.

As I look over at the clock on the bedside table, I almost groan. It’s after three in the morning. “Come here,” I roughly say before pulling her with me out of bed.

I don’t bother getting dressed since it’s just us and the staff in the house, and I’m pretty sure they’ve learned not to walk into any room unannounced by now.

“Hey, where are you going?” Kai calls out to our retreating backs.

I look over my shoulder. “To get her some fucking warm milk and maybe some whiskey to knock her the fuck out.” Cia giggles and I can’t help smiling at her.

She takes my hand and squeezes it as we make our way to the state-of-the-art kitchen that’s so fancy I’m disappointed the fridge can’t pour the milk and place it in the microwave by itself. I really should tell Kai that’s something he should make sure someone develops.

Unashamed of her nudity, Cia jumps up on the kitchen counter. “Is it weird I keep being surprised you remember the little things?” she softly asks.

I don’t answer until I’ve poured the milk and placed the cup in the microwave and set the timer. Then I turn and move over to her. I place my hands on her knees and pry them apart so I can step between her legs.

“Not at all,” I answer truthfully. “But just for the record, I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything that involves you. I remember how you used to love strawberry frosting more than chocolate, and that you swore never to eat white chocolate when you learned that it’s ‘fake chocolate.’” I make air quotes with my fingers as I mention that it’s fake chocolate, which are her words and not mine.

Cia’s breath hitches. “What else do you remember?”

I tilt my head and look down at her. Even though she’s sitting on the counter, I’m still towering over her. She’s fucking beautiful when she’s as naked emotionally as physically. Her gray eyes are unguarded, earnest even, and framed by her dark lashes.

“What don’t I remember?” I muse. “I could possibly keep us both awake for years, recounting the details that are as fresh in my mind now as they were when it happened. But I think the most important thing is that I remember how you always made me feel.”

She gives me an almost shy smile. “How did I make you feel, Gus?”

“Like Christmas morning,” I answer without hesitating. “Happy, excited…” Trailing off, I try to think of the perfect word. “Seen. You always make me feel seen and loved.”

Tears swim in her eyes, and a single tear streaks down her face as she blinks. “I’ve always seen you,” she whispers. “And loved you.”