Page 12 of Ruler

I really fucking wish I could remind her she doesn’t need to stand alone like it’s her fucking last stand. But the look in her eyes is fierce, and her shoulders are rigid, so none of us bother arguing with her. Instead, we quietly take our seats.

After taking a sip of the glass Liam swiped for her, she takes the time to look at each of us as we sit at the table. “As you’ve rightfully pointed out, the invitation said not to dress in your Society clothes, and that none of us…” She pauses to gesture at me, Liam, and Gus. “Are wearing our family colors. Tonight we’re not Hatts, Russos, and Drákons. We’re simply, us. On top of that, it was an invitation that allowed for you to accept or decline tonight’s event. I trust you noted the checkboxes at the bottom of the card?”

“So I can stay?” Gwenda asks, still looking on edge.

Nereid must have realized she never outright answered the question because she nods. “Of course, Gwenda.” Licking her lips, my wife quickly looks at me, and I nod for her to continue. This is her show, after all. “I want to get a few things out in the open. When we were in England to witness the Tournament thrown to find the new Hatt Heirs, I…wewere both appreciative and grateful for Arthur’s display of openness and honesty. Tonight, we want to repay that. The first thing to mention is that I’m married to Kai—”

“We already know,” Remus brusquely interrupts her. “But we were under the impression that Kai filed the annulment papers.”

I’m just about to say something when I notice the amused gleam in my wife’s eyes. “I’m aware,” she easily says, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth. “Since you hadn’t heard it from me, I wanted to start the evening by making sure we’re all on the same page. So here goes, Kai never filed the annulment papers, and we’re still married. And with that being said, tonight, I’m not your Female Ruler, I’m your hostess. Tonight we’ve chosen to invite the people we consider friends into our home rather than hosting a lavish party for the entire Society.”

“This is unheard of,” Remus mumbles. “So naturally I’m all for it.”

At the same time, Arthur says, “I’m happy to witness my intention paying off.” Then he lifts his glass. “To our hostess, Acacia.”

We all raise our glasses and repeat her name, and I can’t hide my smirk when she looks uncomfortable with the praise.

“But why is Lupa here?” Remus asks again.

His question makes Nereid straighten her spine. “One last thing, and then I’m sure that will be explained.” Pausing, she looks over all of us with so much regalness in her stance and eyes it’s hard to not be swept up in it.

If only she knew how fucking amazing she looks as she stands there, commanding the room with her words alone.

“I want to make it clear that this is a friendly gathering, and not a formal one. That means the only rules applicable tonight are mine, as the hostess. And if there’s one thing I won’t tolerate, it’s rudeness.”

Her eyes sweep over us again, like she’s looking for anyone to argue or disagree.

“And I will take any potential act of such personally. While it’ll never affect your standing in the Society, it will affect your standing in my home.” Her voice doesn’t waver once, and the fire in her eyes has my cock straining in my slacks.

As I look at Gus and Liam, I notice them discreetly rearranging themselves. Fuck me, if only she knew the effect her words and demeanor have on us. As sexy and insatiable as her body is, that wouldn’t be enough to hold my interest, let alone remarry.

My dad used to say that beauty without love is the worst investment in the world. Unlike other investments, it can only depreciate as time goes by, and the years inevitably take their toll. If you want to avoid age showing, you’ll have to reinvest over and over—forever chasing what has been, instead of accepting what is.

I don’t know why that memory resurfaces right now, but as I look at my wife, I feel like I really understand the words. My love for Nereid will make her forever beautiful in my eyes, and I have no doubt I’ll feel the same way when she has smile lines, wrinkles, and gray hair. It might have been her beauty that made me take notice the first time I saw her, but it was her courage and personality that made me remember her.

Arthur’s clear words slice through my thoughts. “Your home, your rules. As your guest, I promise to obey,” he says with a shrug.

Gwenda gasps, “Of course, Cia.”

When I notice Liam and Gus narrowing their eyes at Remus, I realize he’s the only one who hasn’t answered yet. The Russo Leader’s gaze is locked on Nereid’s. Neither of them speak, but both smile wryly. It’s like a battle of wills, except I don’t feel like Remus is challenging her rules.

Finally, giving in when Nereid huffs, Remus chuckles, “Consider me warned.” Then he smirks like he thinks he’s clever for not agreeing. To be fair, I suppose he is.

Nereid opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by Morgana. “Lupa is my plus one,” she says confidently. Then she scoots her chair closer to her girlfriend’s, takes her hand, and lifts it to her lips.

“That’s me,” Lupa chirps, waving awkwardly at us with the hand that doesn’t have her girlfriend’s nails digging into the skin.

Where Lupa seems to relax at the lack of a reaction, it’s the opposite for Morgana. “You all knew, didn’t you?” Her tone is accusatory, and her eyes narrow like she’s put out.

Liam, Gus, and I chuckle as we look between Arthur, Gwenda, and Remus—all three of them look at the other with a look that dares them to speak.

“So I just went through all of this for nothing,” the acting Drákon Leader scoffs.

I can’t hide my laughter when Arthur volleys, “To be fair, you put yourself through it, dear sister.”

“How so?” Morgana asks coldly, still holding on to Lupa.

“You never told me,” he says softly. “You hid it from me, so what was I supposed to do? Confront you and demand the truth?”