Page 112 of Ruler

It’s not until I look down at myself, that I notice the cum-streak on my upper thigh. Huh, I didn’t even notice Liam finishing with us. I roll my shoulders that are burning from being in the forced position for so long. If I hadn’t enjoyed being taken by them so much, I might have noticed earlier and asked to be let free. Then again, I’m not sure they would have complied.

I stagger over to the massage table and quickly sit down. I’m so exhausted that I’m pretty sure I could fall asleep here. Wincing, I move around until I can sit comfortably.

“Ugh, I think you’ve broken me,” I gripe playfully.

Kai laughs. “I think you have that backwards.”

Despite the playful wink he sends my way, I’m pretty sure he means it, and he’s not wrong—well, not entirely. We’ve all broken parts of each other at one point or another, but now I firmly believe we had to in order to make our puzzle pieces fit and make room for new and better parts.

“Take me to bed,” I giggle. “And feed me chocolate.”

Of course, they groan like it’s an inconvenience, but I know it isn’t. They love taking care of me and our baby, and I love being with them.

I’m Acacia motherfucking Kronos, and for once in my life, time is on my side.



“Areyousure?”Lupaasks anxiously. “It’s a big secret to keep.”

Leaning closer, I rest my forehead against hers. “Once everything is gone, it ceases to exist. I chose to look at it as erasing the mistakes of the past.”

Lupa pulls back and slaps my arm. “Fancy words don’t change a thing, Morgana. You’re still keeping a secret. I thought we were done with those.”

My wife’s eternal optimism and hope are only one of the many reasons I love her more than anything on this earth. Though, at times such as right now, I can’t help feeling like I’m letting her down. I wish I could tell her there’ll never be secrets again, but how can I when we’re literally part of a society the world doesn’t even know about.

Despite everything that went down, each family still has their own domain. The Russos will stay involved in politics. The Hatts will stick to their skin-trade. I won’t let go of the info I have or the agencies we control.

We’re not good people. We were all taught to be ruthless and power-hungry from a young age, and those traits are ingrained in us.

“I’m not asking you to change,” Lupa says softly. “I know what we are, and I’m okay with that.”

“Are you?” I snap, immediately regretting my tone. “I feel like I’m letting you down.”

Even after all this time together, it’s still hard for me to be vulnerable—even with her.

She holds up her hand, showing off her white-gold wedding band. “I know exactly who you are, Morgana. Even when you forget it, or don’t want me to see it. I’m not asking you to change, only to consider telling Cia that Remus is her brother.”

See, bloody secrets everywhere. Though, I suppose at least this explains why Alexander put a stop to Remus escorting Cia to the debutant shit when we were younger. And why he wouldn’t let her and Remus be together.

Jesus H Christ, I need a drink. A large glass of vodka. Or better yet, just a drip with it so I don’t have to go through the effort of finding the right glass to use—something that means a lot to Lupa.

Leaning in, I capture Lupa’s soft lips with mine. The feel of her breath mingling with mine calms the roar of emotions inside me, allowing me to think clearly.

“There’ll always be secrets, my love,” I sigh, reluctantly putting some distance between us. “But this one is better kept that way. What would it help to tell them?”

We’ve debated this twice a week since taking over the Drákon family, and I still don’t think it’s worth disclosing.

“Cia has a kid now. She doesn’t need to be tainted by the past,” I add.

Noticing the way Lupa worries her bottom lip, I reach out and free it from between her teeth. I hate that this is making her so anxious. This isn’t what I want, far from it. I want us to look ahead, not keep being weighed down by the past.

“What if… what if we ask her?” Lupa suggests. When I arch my brow, she continues. “We’re going over there tomorrow, so we could simply ask if she wants to know anything.”

I silently mull over her words.

Taking over the position as the Drákon Leader has been anything but easy, and I couldn’t have done it without Lupa at my side. A year of combing through everything from the people to the files at Drákon Enterprises. It finally feels like we’re making headway, though.