Page 102 of Ruler

Luckily for me, Cia doesn’t try to move from my lap. Ahh fuck it, it’s lucky for her. There’s no way I’d allow her to move, so by staying she’s saving herself from me correcting her amongst the Leaders. Now that I think about it, maybe it’s a missed opportunity. I bet Gus would get a kick out of helping keep her in my lap. And Kai… well, he’d probably just do one of his half smiles to hide just how amused it would make him.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Cia whispers. “I need to get back to my own chair.”

I frown because I really don’t like that one fucking bit, but I still let go of her. As tempting as my previous thoughts were, one does not dictate what a Kronos does. Besides, this meeting is more important than my need to have my agápi in my lap.

Moving my head, I nip the shell of her ear. “Go, agápi.”

Cia gracefully moves out of my lap and takes her place next to Kai. The change in seat doesn’t go unnoticed, and the hushed murmurs from the three Leaders die out almost immediately.

Remus empties and refills his glass.

Arthur stretches lazily, looking more at ease than I think I’ve seen him apart from the time we were in his territory to witness the new Hatt Heirs being chosen.

Morgana straightens her spine while playing with the rings on her fingers. “I have something to discuss,” Morgana says. “Before Abel died, he gave Cia a list with all the Drákon babies who were placed into the different families.”

Remus clears his throat. “Why are you telling us all of this?”

“Because, Remus,” Cia says, smiling widely. “You’re not just our council, we’re each other’s, are we not?”

Arthur and Remus are quick to grunt their agreements.

“I invited you into my home once and promised you full honesty. That night I failed, but not today. You and Arthur have known me for many years, so I think you know I’m a fast learner. Especially when I learn from my mistakes.”

Agápi nods encouragingly at Morgana while gesturing for her to continue.

“I don’t know what to do with the list,” the new Drákon says, nervously wringing her hands on top of the round table.

Remus barks out a laugh. “No disrespect meant, but you’re shitting me right now, right?”

Cia tilts her head to the side like she’s looking for a hidden meaning in Remus’ words. But before she can reply, Gus says, “Yes, this is all an elaborate April’s Fool joke. Gotcha.”

To my surprise, Arthur and Remus both let out booming laughs.

“Keeping them where they are sounds like a backup to me,” Remus says, immediately flinching when Morgana turns her cold eyes on him. “I’m sorry, Morgana. But this isn’t a reflection of who you are.”

Everyone else, myself included, is quick to voice their agreement with this statement. It isn’t about Morgana, but fuck me... I’m glad I’m not her, having to sit here and discuss a potential Drákon fail-safe when it happens to be her life.

“The Drákon family has always been known for dealing in information, officially,” Remus says thoughtfully. “But from what my dad taught me, they’re also unofficially known to dabble in software, blackmail, and investments—all of which, leads back to information. With the technology developed by Drákon Enterprises, I don’t think I’m reaching by assuming there are a lot of Drákons placed in the Russo family line. The question is, does it matter?”

Gus snorts. “Of course it fucking matters.”

“I’m not sure it does,” Arthur says, not at all clarifying his position.

While the three of them argue amongst themselves, I think I’m the only one noticing how tense and angry Morgana looks. I admire her for bringing it up, but I also think she needs to make her own opinion known.

“What do you think, Morgana?” I ask.

“No!” Morgana shouts, slamming her fist on the table. “No, it doesn’t fucking matter. I’m sorry. I know I’m the one who opened this up to discussion, but I can’t support your views. I don’t care who we are, we have no right making kids or adults question their entire life, jeopardizing their families… their identities.”

Morgana’s passionate tirade resonates in my soul, and before I can second guess speaking up, I say, “I agree with Morgana. We’re talking about people who are living a life that was given to them. No one has a right to uproot their existence.”


“No,” I say, interrupting Kai. “I understand Morgana’s point, and I happen to think she’s fucking right. Besides, what will anyone gain from learning they’re biologically a Drákon? Are you going to force them into the fold?”

Clearly at her wit’s end, Morgana stands up so quickly her chair scrapes across the floor. “Of course not.” She breathes heavily while looking between us. “Right now I have a family with barely any members. Yet, judging by the documents it’s the biggest of all three families. I don’t know what the right answer is here, I truly don’t.”

Chapter 31