Page 100 of Ruler

As one, everyone turns their heads to Morgana, who winces slightly at the sudden attention. “We already know I’ve accepted,” Morgana replies stoically. Then she turns her head towards Kai, smirking like she feels she needs to rub it in his face after he previously denied her the place.

Taking the bait, Kai grins. “Technically, you’re my wife’s council representative, not mine. She’s the one who claimed you.” When Morgana’s cocky expression drops, he hurries to add. “For the record, I support this decision fully, and there won’t be any objections from me or her other soon-to-be husbands.”

I shoot my future wife a wink, because fuck if that doesn’t sound good.

“Me too,” Gus says. “Not that it matters, but I think everyone should know it was a unanimous decision.”

Unlike Arthur, who looks like he can’t decide if this is good or bad news, Remus looks downright murderous. “Let’s not forget that the man responsible for the death of the old council is dead. Where the fuck do we get justice now?”

“From me. I won’t deny anyone their pound of flesh.” Cia’s voice is stern and unyielding as she meets the Russo Leader’s gaze head on.

We all watch as she removes her necklace, revealing the velvet bag attached to it. Opening it, she pours the contents into her hand. As the clanging of metal sounds, it becomes clear what she’s doing.

After handing a coin to Remus and Arthur, she says, “I trust you all know the meaning of the coin?” When no one answers, she continues. “The person who holds the drachma may demand one favor from the person who gifted it. In this case, that would be me, and I’ll fulfill my debt or die trying.”

Since Cia explained the coin system to me years ago, I haven’t given it much thought. I guess that’s why I was surprised when Kai gave us all a stack of golden drachma with a scythe on one side, and a clock on the other. The symbols of Kronos, the Titan of time. Apparently, the Hatt coin is also a drachma, but it has a lion on it. Naturally, the Russo’s has a she-wolf.

Before anyone can say anything, Morgana calls agápi’s name. “I still have the coin you gave to me. Lupa never wanted hers, so I promised to give it back.” Pausing, she uses her thumb to flick the coin into the air. When it lands in the middle of the table, she says, “This is Lupa’s. At the wish of the person you gifted it to, it goes unused.”

Repeating the motion, she flicks a second drachma onto the table.

“And this is mine. My favor is that you allow me to help repay the debt owed to Arthur and Remus. It wasourdad who killed the former Leaders. I want to be part of rebuilding this council for the better.”

Cia looks down at the coins with an almost wistful expression. “Here,” she says, handing them back to Morgana. “These have a dragon on them, they belong to you.”

Morgana shakes her head and smirks. “Actually, they’re now a favor from me and one from Lupa. We discussed it before the meeting, and we owe you so much, Cia. This is the best way we know to repay you.” Then she clears her throat. “But you changed the subject. I want to help repay our dad’s debt.”

Agápi looks pained as her gray eyes meet blue ones, and the half-sisters seem to go through a silent battle of will. “Fine,” Cia mutters. “I accept and you may assist. But for now, I’d like to table this discussion and move on with why we’re here today.”

The professional lilt to her tone is the only thing giving away how affected she is by Morgana’s gesture. Hell, even I am impressed, and judging by the looks on Kai’s and Gus’ faces, so are they.

Before Cia can say anything else, Kai scoots his chair back and stands. “Are there any objections to the arrangements?”

Arthur and Remus reply ‘no’ while hiding the coin they received in a pocket. Wise choice, that piece of gold can save their lives one day, and I bet they’re smart enough to know it.

Even though my agápi is eager to continue, I suggest a small break. Of course she isn’t happy about it, but I don’t fucking care. She’s still entirely too skinny, and I don’t care if I have to fucking carry her out of here in front of Remus and Arthur.

“We’ve been here for hours,” I point out. “Some food and time for everyone to digest everything they’ve learned so far might not actually be a bad idea.”

Gus chuckles. “I happen to second this.”

Kai doesn’t say anything, but it’s clear from the look on his face that he’s in complete agreement, so when everyone else seconds the suggestion, it’s settled.

I don’t even know if it’s possible to get food down here if it’s not scheduled, so I happily leave that to Kai when he says he’ll take care of it. I’m surprised when he asks Arthur, Remus, and Morgana to follow him—and from the look on their faces, they are too. I’m not going to complain since it means some time with my agápi.

“You know, I think I’ll go help,” Gus says, and I’m surprised he’s smiling.

As soon as Gus is gone, Cia comes over to me, squeaking with surprise as I place my hands on her hips and pull her into my lap.

“Fuck the rules,” I say.

She hums her agreement as I kiss my way up her neck. “Yeah, fuck them.” Tilting her head to the side, she gives me better access, something I’m quick to take advantage of. “I never got to thank you for being there for me,” agápi says softly.

“No thanks needed.”

Turning, she takes my face between her hands, gently stroking my scruff. “Maybe not needed,” she agrees. “But I’m still thankful. I know it hasn’t always been easy, but you’ve always been there for and with me.”

“You know I’ll always have your back.”