Page 88 of Ruler

“And that was a mistake on their part,” he drawls nonchalantly. “You made a mistake, brother.” With those words he turns his gun on Joachim, shooting him in the head before he can even react.

“He broke the code,” Ana screams in outrage. “He attacked one of his own.”

Andreas’ answering smile is so chilling I feel cold as his gaze lingers on me for what feels like forever. I know it’s coming a split second before he pulls the trigger. Gus immediately throws me to the side like I weigh nothing, and I can see on his face that he’s fully prepared to take the bullet for me. He doesn’t have to, though. At the same time as he tosses me out of harm’s way, Ana leaps in front of him.

They’re both standing as close as two people not touching can. My lips part in a wordless scream as I watch the bullet enter her chest and… fuck, I can barely breathe. The metal travels from her to Gus, causing them both to stagger at the same time.

I try to ignore the pain in my arm, desperate to crawl to Gus’ side. But every time I add weight on my injured limb, black dots dance in front of my eyes. With a low growl, I use my good arm to pull myself over to him.

Reaching Ana, who’s closest, I turn my head to look at her. She’s gasping for air while clutching her throat. “A-Acacia,” she gasps when her eyes land on me.

“Shh, you’ll be fine.”

Even though I badly want to get to Gus, I try to sound reassuring rather than hiss at her for demanding my attention. I know it’s not nice, I guess I’m just all out of niceties.

“T-tell K-Kai…” Her eyes roll to the back of her head before her eyelids flutter closed. I’m just about to move again when they shoot back open. “I-I’m sorry. I-I tried.” Her wheezing stutters make it hard to hear the words through the garbled sounds she makes.

I don’t give her any final absolution like saying it’s okay, or even thanking her. All I do is give her a sharp nod, then I continue my trek towards Gus who’s laying in a pool of blood. With how close he and Ana are, it’s impossible to tell which is his and which is hers. It’s all mingling together. Irrationally, that bothers me. Just because she finally grew a conscience or a backbone or whatever the hell I should call it, doesn’t mean she’s a good person worthy of lying next to my man.

Turning my head, I look around, desperate for someone to come help me. It quickly becomes clear why I’m on my own. I’ve been so focused on getting to Gus I’ve blocked out all sounds, completely missed the fight going on around me.

Everyone is locked in battle with one or two opponents. Liam and Morgana are fighting side-by-side. Lupa, Flavio, and Arthur are fighting five Drákon guards near the entrance to the maze, all while Remus and Mordred attack anyone who even thinks to take a step in my direction. Kai and his guards are circling Andreas, who laughs maniacally.

“You think you can win this?” Insanity coats his tone. “I will kill us all before I abandon my post.”

When he pulls a small silver device that looks like a detonator, Kai throws his head back and laughs so loud several people stop moving at once.

“Go ahead,” he says, amused. “Push the button and see what happens.”

Reaching Gus, I push myself up to a sitting position and pull his head into my lap.

“Cia,” he croaks, sounding too weak for my liking.

I stroke his hair gently.

“I miss Abel right now,” he jokes half-heartedly.

His words cause the dam I’ve worked so hard to keep sealed to break. Grief, rage, desperation, and uncertainty pour out of me in the form of sobs, cries, tears, and snot. I want to stay strong for him, but I can’t. Everything hits me at once.

“Don’t be so dramatic,” he wheezes. “It’s just a flesh wound.”

A sound that’s half laugh and half sob is ripped from my throat as I look down at his chest. He’s losing too much blood for my liking, and I don’t feel reassured with the way his voice grows weaker.

“You better hope so, Augustus,” I sob. “Because I’m not done with you yet.”

His eyes close, and I can’t help but admire the way his long lashes caress his cheek. He’s such a beautiful man, inside and out. Like most couples we’ve had our ups and downs, not that it matters now. He picked me—us—a long time ago, and I did the same. When we get back home, I’ll spend the rest of my life reminding him how loved he is.

“Hey,” I call softly, sighing with relief as his eyes flutter open again. “You’re about to miss the best part.”

I let go of his hair and point towards where Kai and his guards have Andreas surrounded. The Drákon is still clutching the detonator. No, wait. He’s clicking it, I think. I quickly wipe tears away from my eyes so I can see clearly. Yes, he’s desperately driving his thumb down on the button like completing the action with more force is what he needs to do.

“You’re done,” Kai shouts with so much anger gooseflesh erupts across my arms. “The Tribunal has fallen.”

Andreas doesn’t stand a chance as Kai pounces on him, driving his clenched fist into his head until the man staggers and falls to the side. My husband is as lithe and deadly as a jungle cat. He follows the man to the ground, giving him no corner.

“Are you watching?” I ask Gus. “He reminds me of you when he moves.” I continue to ramble, desperate to keep him conscious while I watch my husband literally beat the other man into a bloody pulp.

With a roar, Kai stands up and stomps on Andreas’ face. The sickening sound that follows is stomach churning. He doesn’t pause or take a well-deserved break. As soon as he’s done, he turns to face the rest of us. His green eyes sweep across the masses until they land on mine. My breath hitches at the intensity, it feels like he’s looking into my soul.