Page 86 of Ruler

I pull back just enough so I can watch her face while she absorbs my words.

“When you’re gone, you’ll really be gone,” I say, needing to get the last poison out of my system. “No one is going to remember Marian the coward. The last time your name will be mentioned is me singing it while I dance on the spot where you’ll bleed out. There’ll be no grave or headstone to commemorate you.”

There’s no hesitation as I forcefully bring the knife down, slicing her throat so deeply I’m surprised her head is still attached to her body. I slowly stand, not looking away until she’s taken her last breath. Then I kick her lifeless body, angry that I didn’t even get a modicum of satisfaction from killing her.

Now that Marian is finally dead, it feels as though a cork has been removed from my ears. Sound rushes back in, and it’s so loud it makes my temples pound with an oncoming headache. I look up and raise my chin, daring anyone to say anything against me or what I just did.

Everyone is looking straight at me. Some with fear, others with anger—but there are some that give me awed looks. Those are the ones who kneel while muttering, “All hail the new Drákon Leader.”

My bottom lip trembles, I’m moved by the show of support and acceptance. It doesn’t matter that I’m not going to claim the role, it’s still nice to know I’ve earned it rather than been given it.

“This is not how we do things,” Andreas thunders. “You do not get to be the Leader without us saying so.”

Ana sighs like his words are a terrible inconvenience. “Why don’t we vote then?”

“You can’t be serious—”

Ignoring Andreas’ outburst, she continues. “Joachim, yay or nay?”

“Yay,” he answers immediately.

Nodding, she goes on. “I’m assuming you’re a nay, Andreas. However, I’m a yay, and majority rules.”

Joachim stands and gestures for me to come closer, but I shake my head. I might be high on bloodlust after finally killing the woman who’s put us all through hell, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid. There’s no way I’m walking close to those three vipers.

“Do you accept the role as the Drákon Leader?” he asks solemnly. “Do you swear to uphold and obey the family traditions? To always consult with the Tribunal, and bow to their wisdom?”

My lips twitch at the self-importance woven into the vow they want me to take.

“No.” I speak the word loudly and proudly. “I’ll never agree to those terms, and—”

“You dare make a mockery out of this institution?” Andreas spits.

Clutching the knife in my hand, I remind myself I don’t have a good enough position to throw it and know I’ll give him a fatal wound. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from Marian, it’s that if you take someone on in our world, you better make godsdamn sure you kill them.

“She’s not the one mocking anything,” Gus speaks up. “You three are a fucking joke. Sitting there and thinking you’re untouchable, that you can do whatever you want to. Like there’ll never be any consequences for you. Well, I got fucking news for you. Your day of reckoning is here, and it’s going to be ugly.”

Clearly not a fan of Gus’ speech, Andreas shoots out of his chair while shouting at the guards to attack us. I watch as Remus, Lupa, Morgana, Arthur, Mordred, Liam, Gus, and Kai all close ranks, moving closer to each other. I want to shout at Morgana, Lupa, and Liam to get out of here. The three of them can barely stand on their own, they’re definitely not in fighting shape.

“Think it through carefully before you do something stupid,” Kai urges while looking at the watch on his left wrist like he’s waiting for something.

Come to think of it, he probably is. His guards and Flavio are still nowhere to be seen, and I refuse to believe they’ve been killed. Because if they have, our chances of getting out are slim to none.

“There’s nothing to consider,” Ana says smoothly.

She spins and faces me. When she opens her mouth, I expect her to say something profound, or maybe make her allegiance known. What I don’t expect is the scream she lets out as she lunges herself at me. I’m so shocked, I just stand there and watch as she sails through the air towards me, succeeding in taking me to the ground with her.

As my back hits the ground, I let out an ‘oomph’. Ana takes that opportunity to pin my arms below her knees. She bends down and whispers, “This entire island is rigged with Greek fire. Kai knows, that’s why his guards aren’t here. You need to stall or Andreas will activate it and kill us all.”

My blood runs cold as she mentions what used to be one of the most feared weapons. Greek fire, or liquid fire as some call it, is not to be trifled with. It’s damn near impossible to extinguish.

“Fight me,” she whispers urgently.

Not needing the encouragement twice, I buck my hips. As weird as it might seem, when Ana falls to the side, I know she’s being honest, and that she really has our backs. If she truly wanted to fight me, I wouldn’t have been able to unseat her that easily. I immediately roll to the side, jumping to my feet.

“Get the cunt.”

I turn my head towards Andreas, baring my teeth before mouthing, “You’re next.”