Page 71 of Ruler

“Why would Morgana ever be on one of those islands?” Arthur seethes. “That makes no fucking sense.”

She was given to my mom, so of course the psycho bitch would want to test her. It’s what she did with me, after all. I was seven the first time she put me in the maze. While her maternal instincts stretched to disabling the traps, I still had to run the full length over and over. She wouldn’t let me stop until I did it in a time she was okay with. Yep, I fucking hate that place, and that’s probably why I’ve suppressed so many things.

“The whys don’t matter,” Kai cuts in, giving Arthur a dark look. “What matters is how we’re going to get her back.”

“No offense,” Flavio pipes up. “But why are we all risking our life for her? She isn’t part of this council.”

I open my mouth to tell him to shut the fuck up, but Remus beats me to it. Which is fucking annoying because I have some choice words I’d like an excuse to say to the pretty boy.

“Shut your mouth!” the Russo Leader thunders. “The Rulers are asking for our help, it’s our duty to provide it.”

“But I—”

“If that’s not enough reason for you,” Remus continues. “Then we’re here because Lupa is Morgana’s partner. And if you need even more reason, you’re shit out of luck. You’re here because I say so. Now, am I to take this as you questioning my authority? Is that why you’re making me look bad in front of the Rulers, Flavio?”

The Russo Heir looks severely chastised, as he fucking should.

“Not that those reasons aren’t good…” A sly smile splays across Cia’s lips as she turns her calculated gaze on the Russo Heir. “But Morgana is part ofmycouncil, Flavio. And I don’t take kindly to you coming in here and questioning anyone’s authority.”

My body shakes with the laughter I’m keeping bottled up. The Russo Heir has no idea how easy it would be to kill him, or how little fucks anyone would give. He’s like the guest with poor manners that no one wants around.

I’m distracted by a thudding noise, and I look in Liam’s direction to see what the hell he’s up to. “Really?” I snort, amused.

The psycho has his hand flat on the table, his fingers only spread a little while he quickly stabs his knife into the barely existent space between his digits.

“Got bored of listening to the poison that one was spewing.” Without stopping, he lifts his index finger so it’s pointing at Flavio.

Yeah, can’t say I blame him much for getting bored.

“I’m sorry,” Flavio says, inclining his head in Cia’s direction.

She shoots him a venomous smile. “It’s okay. I always forgive,” she reassures him. “Once.”

Remus lets out a booming laugh, slapping the back of his Heir’s head. “You better keep a low profile,” he stage whispers. “She’s more than a pretty face. In fact, she might be the deadliest of us all.”

Taking it as a compliment, Cia straightens in her chair before leaning closer to Liam and whispering something in his ear. I can’t hear what it is, but I don’t have to wonder for long when she’s suddenly throwing a knife towards Flavio with perfect precision. The blade imbeds into the high headrest, so close that if he even as much as twitched, it would have been stuck to his ear.

“Once!” she reiterates with a hiss.

Liam stops playing with his knife and twists to look at our woman. “I was sure you were going to pretend it was an accident.” His tone is pitched lower than normal volume, but not too low for everyone to hear.

Isolde earns my respect when she lets out a trilling laugh, wiping at her eyes. Mordred’s lips pull up at the corner in a begrudging smile. Even Remus looks entertained, unlike Lupa and Arthur who both look like they’re trying their best to remain patient. Can’t say I blame them.

Noticing their stoic expressions, Kai says, “Now, with that out of the way, we need to discuss tactics. There are two islands likely to hold Morgana, and we need you…” He points at Arthur and Remus. “… to go to one each. If they attack you, you get the fuck out of there. Do not—and I can’t stress this enough—do not fucking attack or injure anyone.”

Arthur narrows his eyes, and shifts in his chair. “What about my sister?”

“We have that covered,” Kai reassures him. “You’ll both check in with me constantly. Whoever loses signal first, that’s the island we’ll go to.”

“So we’re bait,” Isolde clarifies.

Cia shakes her head. “Not you. All Heirs are coming with us. Arthur and Remus have to go alone.”

If the two Leaders are upset by this news, they don’t show it. They incline their heads and murmur their agreements right away.

“Smart,” Mordred interjects with a wicked smirk.

“How so?” Lupa asks, finally finding her voice. “Won’t this just put Morgana in more danger?”