Page 6 of Ruler

“Every time,” Gus grinds out.

“Holy shit… I’m—” Cia cuts herself off with a scream. Her entire body tenses and convulses as her orgasm tears through her.

Kai thrusts into her one more time. Then he groans her name, emptying himself in her ass. At the same time, Gus gasps and thrusts up so hard Cia is rocked forward and has to use her arms to steady herself.

My dick swells in my hand, and I grunt her name as ropes of cum shoot from the end and onto the makeshift bed in Kai’s cinema room where we fell asleep after watching the stupid cuckoo movie again.

“I think it’s an excellent idea,” Gus says, taking agápi’s side. “The New Year’s party sucked anyway, so why not have a do-over? Call it a new beginnings party if you need a reason.”

Unable to contain my amusement, I snigger as I’m reminded of the over the top gala agápi and Kai threw, almost two months ago, for the Kronos Society to celebrate the beginning of a new year. Where our woman wanted a small, intimate affair, her husband overruled her by pointing out that it’s tradition to throw a big party. And since there wasn’t one last year, at least not one we attended, there was no choice this time.

Each family attended with their Leader, Heirs, and Protégés. Except this time, Morgana arrived as the Drákon Leader. Then again, she was just another masked person.

The party wasn’t bad, the food was great. Those lobster puffs… they should make an appearance on my plate more often, that’s for sure. But aside from that, it was a party like any other. The best part was when I got to cut the evening short because Cia was feeling dizzy. Not that I ever like when she feels bad, but at least we got out of there early and I had a few hours alone with her.

“Or make it a Valentine’s party,” I interject. “There’s no reason to link it to a party that’s already been done when there’s another season right around the corner.”

“Why do you want a party here?” Kai asks, clearly not liking Cia’s suggestion. “Why can’t we do it somewhere else?”

“Because I want it to be an intimate affair for our friends, and not an elaborate Kronos gala,” agápi sighs. “A new era is upon us whether we like it or not. There is no one left from the old council… well, almost no one left. My dad is the only survivor, and he’s been forced to put someone else in his place. Right now, it’s us, Morgana, Arthur, and Remus. It’s a new generation, so I think it’s important we take this opportunity to make our intentions clear.”

Smirking, I ask, “And what are those intentions, mistress?”

Agápi’s eyes flash with heat and she licks her lips. “I think we should shake things up.” Looking away from me, she turns her attention to her husband. “Do you want to rule your council as your dad did?” There’s no accusation in her tone, only curiosity.

“No,” Kai replies immediately. “I agree with you, Nereid. I think we should embrace the new era. As far as I’m aware, the Female Ruler has never before had her own harem, so we’ve already put a dent in past traditions, for the better.”

“Hear, hear,” I say.

Gus sighs loudly and pinches the bridge of his nose. “And what about her dream?” he gestures to agápi like we don’t know who‘she’is. “What if that’s a warning? What if the party sparks some kind of feud?”

“She’s not a fucking seer,” I laugh. “It was a dream and nothing more.”

Shooting me a glare, Gus says, “A dream she’s had almost every night for the last month.”

Cia nods thoughtfully. “My dreams have been weird for the past few months,” she says. “No matter how much I sleep, I still wake up exhausted.”

“For what it’s worth,” I continue. “I do believe there’s more to her dream. But I think it’s her subconscious that’s been piecing things together that her consciousness hasn’t caught onto yet. And yes, we should probably talk more about it. However, isn’t that all the more reason to first decide how she and Kai intend to rule?”

The pregnant silence that descends isn’t shattered until Kai gets up and his chair scrapes across the floor. “Us,” he says with a finality that’s impossible to ignore. “It’s not just me and Nereid ruling, it’s all of us. I want the paperwork changed to make us all equal. This will never work if we’re not as equal in the eyes of everyone else as we are in privacy. I have no wish to push you and Gus around, or make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

A strangled sound from agápi has us all looking at her. “I love that,” she whispers as tears fall from her eyes.

“Of course, there’ll be times we all have to do something we don’t want to, and I guess sometimes decisions have to be made to benefit the many instead of the few. But I want us to make those decisions together.”

I lift my coffee cup and bow my head to Kai. “All hail,” I say with a smirk.

Gus mirrors my movement. “To the Rulers.” He grins. “To us.”

Agápi stands as well and walks over to her husband’s side, clinking her cup to his. “To us,” she smiles.

Despite trying to school my features, it’s hard not to show how awestruck I feel right now. Being the Ruler is Kai’s birthright, just as being nothing is mine, and Cia or Gus’ was to take over as the Drákon Leader. Yet, here we are. All of us removed from the path destiny placed us on, and somehow we’ve come together and are now walking side-by-side on a path that’s ours and only ours.

With everything that’s been revealed over the last year and a half, I can’t help wondering how much of this is coincidence, and how much is caused by the puppet master that’s surely hiding behind the scenes.

I clear my throat and look at agápi. “So, about the party,” I say, wanting to get us back on track. “For whatever it’s worth, I think it needs to be here. And I think it needs to be a friendly affair. Something big won’t achieve what you want.”

Agápi smirks and arches an eyebrow. “And what do I want?”