Page 52 of Ruler

For the first time, Abel looks straight at Liam. “I know I’ve never treated you with the respect you’ve more than earned, and for that I’m sorry.”

“Really?” Liam drawls. “You never seemed like it bothered you.”

Abel straightens. “You’ve proven your worth to Acacia multiple times, and she made you irrevocably hers. I should have respected that.”

“So why didn’t you?” my consort shoots back, making it obvious this is a sore spot for him.

Moving my hand to his thigh, I stroke him soothingly.

A sense of trepidation fills me as Abel closes the distance between himself and Liam, and I mentally regret not bringing my knife, Mizéria. Just as I protectively lean closer to Liam, Abel kneels and takes my consort’s hand. “I’m truly sorry, William Drákon. Will you forgive an old man for the prejudice he grew up with?”

There’s panic in Liam’s eyes as he turns towards me, but I squeeze his thigh reassuringly. Even if he doesn’t understand it, this is big. Abel is literally kneeling to a man I have no doubt he was raised to think less of. Not Liam specifically, of course. But anyone who isn’t Drákon. That’s how elitist they all are. Power and glory isn’t worshiped in this world, oh no. It’s blood and glory or you’re nothing.

“Umm… yeah… I mean… we’re fine,” Liam stammers.

I try my hardest not to laugh at how awkward he is, but there’s no stopping the smile spreading across my face.

Abel slowly gets back up, and it’s heartwarming to watch Liam help him. I’m under no illusions that anyone else trusts the older man, but one less hating him is still a victory.

“So this is touching and all,” Morgana says scathingly. “But you still haven’t answered any questions.”

Rather than look annoyed, Abel looks chastised, and it rubs me wrong to see him look like that when he’s pouring out his heart.

“Morgana,” I hiss. “You’re a guest in this house, so show some fucking respect. Abel is family.”

I ignore the weight of Liam’s, Gus’, and Kai’s eyes burrowing into me. I’m all too aware they’ll have a lot to say on this subject if I let them, so I don’t give them the chance to argue with me.

“With that being said, we should move on I guess. Do you mind?” I smile warmly at the Drákon doctor, wanting him to know I have his back.

I move around on the chair, trying to get more comfortable. But my pain medication must be wearing off, because every way I try feels downright uncomfortable. The hard chairs really aren’t great for sitting, especially not when your womb feels like it’s being sliced open.

Kai wraps an arm around my shoulder and leans so close his lips graze the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Are you okay, Nereid?”

I turn towards him and nod, but I can see on his face that he isn’t buying it. Godsdamn every one of my men. They’re too perceptive, and entirely too convincing. If it wasn’t for their reassurance, love, and… well harsh words I would still be refusing the pain relief. They were right though, this is no time to wallow. But what really got to me, was when Liam pointed out that it wasn’t fair for me to basically force them to see me writhe in pain.

My husband stands, pulling me with him. “We either need to cut this short or move it elsewhere. Cia isn’t comfortable, and she needs some food before she takes more pain meds.”

It never fails to amaze me how perceptive my guys are, and it warms my heart every time. So while the others discuss where we can go, I snake my arm around Kai’s middle and lean against him. Gods, he really is an amazing man—something I need to keep in mind every time he works my last nerve.

“What about the cinema room?” Gus suggests.

Both Liam and I say “no” at the same time, and when our eyes meet, I’m pretty sure he’s thinking the same thing. That room belongs to us and no one else.

When Kai mentions the living room, I’m reminded I still haven’t completely explored the house. There are at least seven rooms off the top of my head that I’ve never been in. One of these days, I’m going to let my curiosity do the walking and explore it all.

Before we leave the library, Morgana says, “I’m sorry to ask, but is there any way Lupa can join us?”

Once again I feel the weight of people looking to me to answer, which is rather annoying. I get it, though. And as much as I would like to say yes, I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Morgana.”

I can’t help smiling when she plants her hands on her hips and hisses, “Why not? Is it because she’s only an Heir?” She makes air quotation marks as she says Heir. “She’s my partner and you have Liam here.”

“That’s true,” I agree with a sigh. “Since you’re not even technically a part of the Kronos Society right now, status means nothing. Even if you were, it means nothing in my home. But she’s a Russo, and this is a Drákon matter. Liam is my consort and a Drákon in name, Morgana. So it’s not the same.”

I feel bad for her, truly I do. She’s alone and outnumbered, hell, she probably doesn’t even feel welcome. And while I get all that, there’s nothing I’m willing to do about it right now. Maybe that makes me a bad friend and sister, but so be it. I’ve learned my lesson from my dinner fiasco.

At the same time, I’m losing my patience quickly here. Not just with her, with myself as well. I want to get everything out in the open so I can digest it. I don’t want to move into another room, and waste time on food. Don’t get me wrong, I love food, and Kai’s—our—chef makes a mean lasagna. But if we don’t get to the point of it all soon, there’s a good chance I’m going to explode.

Rather than letting my frustration out, I bottle it up as we make our way to the living room. Kai walks with me in the front while Gus and Liam have my back. I want to tell them it’s not needed, but I know better than to argue with them about this.