Page 79 of Venom and Velvet

Great, that definitely didn’t make me feel any better.

I snapped my fingers and turned to him. “Can you get a backpack?”

“For what?” He raised his eyebrows. “We shouldn’t bring anything extra, Nova.”

“For Dracula.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “We can’t just leave him here.”

“Nova, we can’t take a damn cat out on the ocean. He’ll freak out.” Valik chuckled and shook his head. “We’ll come back for him.”

He was lying, but I didn’t want to argue with him. Glenda would take care of Dracula, at least that was what I had to make myself believe. We walked up the steps, and Valik gripped my hand. “Go rest for a few hours. You’re going to need it. I’ll come by in a bit with your tea and medicine.”

“Wait, you have your gun, right?” I looked down the hall to make sure nobody was coming.

He nodded and lifted his jacket to show me. Relief washed through me, and I let out a shaky breath. “Good. I hope we don’t need it, but…” I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t have to say anything else. We both knew the implication.

I hope we don’t need it, but we might if something goes wrong.

I wouldn’t put that burden on Valik though. I was the one Ryzen wanted. And he was in for a big surprise if he decided to come for me tonight.

Ryzen was locked away in his office like usual, and I hauled ass up to my bedroom. I kept myself busy for the next few hours, mostly squeezing Dracula and promising that I would be back for him. Agent Dobbs’ allergic ass would lose his mind if he could see me right now. I chuckled to myself as Dracula cuddled in my arms. Valik came at his usual time with my tea and pills, and I dumped them into the plant.

“OK, all is normal downstairs.” He checked his watch. “I’ll be back in three hours and we’ll go.” His voice wasn’t as confident as it had been earlier in the day, and I gripped his hand.

“We can do this, Valik. By this time tomorrow, we will be safe and off of this island.”

He smiled softly and gripped my hand back. “I’ll make sure of it. Don’t turn the light back on. I’ll be here right at midnight. Not a minute past, got it?”

I nodded, my pulse quickening.

I’m getting out of here.

Thank fucking God.

Chapter Twenty

I paced around the room, checking the clock on the wall for the hundredth time. Eleven fifty-eight. Valik would be here any minute now. Dracula lay sprawled out on my bed, and my shoulders sagged. Was it normal to get this attached to an animal? I hovered over him and kissed his little head, promising to come back for him as soon as I could.

My stomach was in knots, the anticipation of waiting for Valik eating me up inside. I was ready, more prepared than I had been hours ago. I had wrapped my cell phone in a plastic baggie and shoved it in my back pocket. The screen was still alternating between white and black, but I hoped—no, I begged to the universe that it would start working again. Maybe it just needed a charge.

I had to call Cian. He would come for me, for us, and bring the FBI. Earlier I had found a sequined dress in the back of the armoire and ripped it until I had several long strips of fabric. If something happened, God forbid, and Valik and I got separated on the water, it might help us find each other if the light reflected off of it. I stuffed the strips into my pocket and checked the clock again.

Three minutes past midnight.

Where the hell was Valik? He’d promised he would be here right at midnight.

My stomach made an obnoxious growling sound, and I exhaled sharply.Don’t freak out. He’s coming, just a little late. No need to panic.

At seven minutes past midnight, the knot in my stomach turned into the size of a boulder. Had he fallen asleep or gone to the boats without me? Had I misunderstood? I raked my fingers through my hair, pacing in front of the bedroom door. No. That was not what we’d agreed to. He wouldn’t be out there, and he definitely wouldn’t have fallen asleep.

I checked my cast and made sure my knife was tucked in there nice and snug. Something wasn’t right about this, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I peeked out the curtains into the backyard, but there was nothing, no sign of anyone moving, no lights… just darkness.

Dammit, Valik! Where are you?I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but knew I couldn’t. I had never been the praying type, but I clasped my hands together and squeezed my eyes shut.

Please, God, if you’re listening, please send Valik to my room so we can get off this fucking island.

I opened one eye and glanced around the room.

My nostrils flared. The only sound in the room was the tick, tick, tick of the clock. If he wasn’t here, that could mean only one of two things. Ryzen had somehow gotten to him and was waiting for me downstairs. Or Valik had gotten scared and bailed on the plan. I didn’t like either of those options. I squeezed my eyes shut, clasping my hands in front of me.