Page 16 of There Are No Saints

He’ll pay for this.

The fact that he left a woman behind incenses me all the more. I know exactly what he’s doing.

I draw closer, expecting to find her already dead.

Instead, as she hears my footsteps approaching, she turns her head.

I see the silvery band of the tape over her mouth, above which a pair of wide eyes search frantically before fixing on my face.

I recognize her.

It’s the girl from the showcase. The one Alastor thought had sparked my interest.

She’s not wearing a dress now. Alastor has her wrapped up in some ludicrous S&M outfit, all leather straps and steel grommets. He’s forced her feet into too-small nine-inch heels. The leather harness encircles her breasts without covering them. A glint on her bare breasts tells me that he’s even pierced her nipples—unless she had those rings already.

The girl squirms against the brutal hog-tie, her back painfully arched, the bonds cutting into her swollen flesh. She’s not fighting very hard anymore. The reason is plain: Alastor has cut her wrists, leaving her to bleed out on the cold ground.

It’s working. The earth is soaked and dark. I bet the soil would be warm to the touch if I were to lay my palm down upon it.

Her struggles cast splashes of purplish blood across her blanched skin. The patterns are not unlike the ones she made on her dress with wine—pretty in the moonlight.

Her body, skinnier than what I like, looks far more sensually curved with her bare breasts thrust forward and her arms pulled back. Her vulnerability overwhelms me—a gift, wrapped in ribbon and set before me. Tender and delicate. In so much pain . . .

The girl makes weak pleading sounds from behind the tape.

She’s begging for help . . . from the one person who won’t give it to her.

I see the confusion in her eyes.

Then, as I stand there watching, hands tucked in my pockets . . . deep disappointment.

I know what Alastor is trying to do.

I cut him too deep when I insulted him, when I called him undisciplined. He’s trying to humiliate me in return. Trying to prove that I’m no better.

He knows that his lust weakens him. He thinks this girl will tempt me in the same way.

I don’t kill on impulse. I prepare my location. And I never lose control.

He hopes I’ll break all three rules.

I’ll admit, this girl is a hundred times more appealing to me in this moment than she was at the show. She looks delicate and luminous, her flesh so tender that it would bruise at the slightest touch. The clean lines of her naked limbs, twisted and bound, call out for rearrangement . . .

I’ve never killed a woman. I assumed I would at some point, but not some skinny girl, and not in some frenzy of fucking and stabbing like that ghoul Shaw.

I don’t even torture my subjects like this. Meticulous preparation has always been the foreplay for me.

Now an endless flow of possibilities pass through my mind, like a new door just opened inside my brain.

What I could do to her . . .

What I could make her feel . . .

Blood rushes through my veins, every nerve sparking to life.

For a moment Alastor’s plan succeeds. I am tempted . . .

Then I slam that door shut.