“It will be better next time,” she told him, searching his face as though she was looking for something, something she rather obviously didn’t find. Her expression fell. “You did think it was beautiful, didn’t you?”
“Unlike anything I could have imagined,” he agreed between breaths.
Nicasia sighed, happy again. They swam toward the beach, wading onto it and gathering up their clothes.
On their way back toward their homes, Cardan tried to tell himself that he could grow used to the Undersea, that he would learn how to survive there, to make himself consequential, to find some pleasure. And if, as he had floated in the cold darkness, his thoughts turned to the curve of an ear, the weight of a step, a blow that was checked before it could land, that didn’t matter. It meant nothing, and he should forget it.
As Cardan was no longer in disgrace from the palace, Eldred expected him to come to dinners of state, although he was placed at the far end of the table and forced to endure the glare of Val Moren. The seneschal still believed Cardan was responsible for the murder of a man he loved, and now that Cardan had committed himself to villainy, he took a perverse delight in the misunderstanding. Everything he could do to get under the skin of his family, every vicious drawling comment, every lazy sneer made him feel as though he had a little more power.
Playing the villain was the only thing he’d ever really excelled at.
After the dinner, there was some speechifying, and Cardan wandered off, heading into one of the parlors, on the hunt for more wine. With guests present, Eldred had no way to reprimand him, and, unless he got completely out of hand, it would only amuse Balekin.
To his surprise, however, his sister Rhyia was already there, candles flickering beside her, a book in her lap. She looked up at him and yawned. “Have you read many human books?” she asked.
He liked Rhyia best of his sisters. She was seldom at Court, preferring the wild places on the isles. But she had never paid him any special attention, and he wasn’t sure how to behave toward her now that she was.
“Humans are disgusting,” he said primly.
Rhyia looked amused. “Are they?”
There was absolutely no reason to think of Jude in that moment. She was utterly insignificant.
Rhyia waved the book at him. “Vivienne gave me this. Do you know her? It’s nonsense, but amusing.”
Vivienne was Jude and Taryn’s older sister and Madoc’s legitimate daughter. Hearing her name made him feel uncomfortable, as though his sister could read his thoughts.
“What is it?” he managed.
She put it in his hand.
He looked down at a red book, embossed in gold. The title wasAlice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. He frowned at it in confusion. It wasn’t what he’d thought a mortal book would be like; he thought they would be dull things, odes to their cars or skyscrapers. But then he recalled how humans were frequently brought to Faerie for their skill in the arts. Flipping the book open, he read the first sentence his gaze fell on.
“I always thought they were fabulous monsters!” said the Unicorn.
Cardan had to flip a few pages back to see whom the Unicorn was discussing. A child. A human girl who had fallen into a place that was apparently called Wonderland.
“This is really a mortal book?” he asked.
He leafed through more pages, frowning.
“Tut, tut, child!” said the Duchess. “Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it.”
Rhyia leaned over and pushed a fallen strand of his hair back over one of his ears. “Take it.”
“You wantmeto have it?” he asked, just to be sure.
He wondered what he’d done that was worthy of being commemorated with a present.
“I thought you could use a little nonsense,” she told him, which worried him a little.
He took it home with him, and the next day he took it to the edge of the water. He sat, opened the book, and began to read. Time slipped away, and he didn’t notice someone coming up behind him.
“Sulking by the sea, princeling?”
Cardan looked up to see the troll woman. He startled.
“You recall Aslog, don’t you?” she asked with something acid in her voice, an accusation.