I scoffed. “Of course he would. You gave him permission.” I was seething. Steveknewhe’d never get another chance.
“Liam,” she whispered. “Please.God. This bite is no joke.”
“It’s notmybite.” Pressing Jayne against her motel door, I grabbed the key card off the floor where I’d dropped it in my rush to get to Steve and Pete. “You’ll do without, like every woman we bite. But unlike them, you won’t get the illusion I fucked you. You’ll suffer.”
“I’m not those random women you bite.” She hooked her arms around my neck as I opened the door.
My skin heated as I met her glassy brown eyes.Fuck, she’s so beautiful.And that pissed me off more. I pinned her with a scowl. “No, you’re not. You’remygirl. Just seconds after we were making promises, you offer yourself to someone else.”
Her lips trembled. “I have so much to say.” She exhaled. “But I can’t think through this feeling.”
I watched her throat move as she swallowed, and my gaze wandered to the blood on her wrist. I smelled her sweet, strawberry scent—a mingle of blood and lust.Intoxicating.If this had been a different scenario, Jayne would have me on my knees worshipping her, however, she allowed me to. But it wasn’t. I wanted to erase him from her body. But first, I’d deny her relief. She would know why when it wore off in a couple of hours. I denied her because her arousal was brought on by someone else’s bite.
“Please. Let’s touch at least.” Her hand splayed against my back.
My cock bulged in my jeans. I was livid. But it didn’t change my desire for Jayne at all. I still adored her, but I wouldn’t give in, no matter how much she tempted me. Her reasoning for why she did it had been good. She was scared for Steve and did the only thing she could have. But she wasn’t near me for that reason. I never expected her to help us. And I never saw her as a blood bank. I wanted her near because her presence was like the sun peeking through the clouds after a rainy day. Jayne was the color in my black and white existence. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—lose her to anyone.
I tossed her onto the bed. “Don’t even think about leaving the room.” She wouldn’t, but I warned her, anyway. A bite relaxed a human as well as increased their libido. She would have no desire to walk around in the mood she was in. She’d whine and beg for a release instead. The real Jayne—the one not high on Steve’s bite—I would never refuse her. I had a feeling she would chase me down if I denied her anything at all. Some of my anger ebbed at the idea. I couldn’t wait to find out what exactly Jayne would be like when aroused by me.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Liam. Liam. Liam.
My body and mind begged for him, but Liam wouldn’t relieve me. Every inch of me burned like a furnace. Wave after wave of endless pent-up torture. The drenched, needy channel between my legs throbbed. I covered my eyes and sniffled.Why did he abandon me?I needed his touch…his body. And if I dared to take care of it myself, he’d be upset…
Through the madness, I remembered why Liam denied me and the reason I was in such a bad condition. The sadness wrapped around my heart and squeezed tight. I didn’t know how long I rolled around on the bed, panting and crying for him. Some part of me should have been embarrassed, but I didn’t care. I caused this, and I’d whine all I wanted.
Lacking energy, I dragged myself to the bathroom. I turned on the shower. With my clothes still on, I flopped down inside the tub.
Holy fuck!
The cold hurt, but it cleared my mind. Cradling my knees, I shivered beneath the frigid water. My body felt stiff as I shut off the faucet and stood. I peeled off the dress and dropped it into the tub before grabbing a towel.
Standing in front of the mirror, I watched the mascara run down my cheeks. Mortification set in, and I gripped the sink.What have I done?Steve would have been okay without my blood. I rubbed my chest. The bite turned my insides to liquid fire, but it didn’t turn me into putty for Steve. No, it had played on what I already felt for Liam.
God.Someone. Save me.
Without a doubt, the odd attraction I had for Liam made me frightened around him.
But I’m ready.I wanted him. For goodness’ sake, how much I wanted Liam. There was no running or playing ignorant anymore. I’d been caught. Not only that, I’d made him angry. But could a relationship really work with a vampire? He wasexhilarating,dangerous, and so close to being mine. It didn’t matter because I would make it work. When he said he would try anything to have me, I believed him.
No wonder the band chose such secluded and empty hotels. Getting attacked by vampires wasn’t something they wanted paparazzi to uncover. By the time I’d dressed, dried my hair, and ventured back to their room, the cops were leaving. Steve wasn’t there. When Pete saw me, he told me it wasn’t necessary for me to do anything. The band had everything under control. With that nifty mind trick, they handled everything. Which meant I was useless.
I shivered. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw Liam. Even though it wasn’t directed at me, his scowl chilled my skin as he peered over the balcony. I joined him on the terrace and looked down at the reporters. Word must have gotten out about the broken window. I cringed at what those people would write online that night. It was a good thing vampires didn’t leave behind dead bodies when they died. Justpoof, and they were ash and smoke, or the band would drag a lot of corpses around. My stomach churned. If something happened to one of my vampires, and I wasn’t around to witness it,I’d never know. That harrowing thought made my chest ache and my mind spin.
The Oppressors always welcomed me long before I accepted them. Every time I got flustered or angered around them, they were still nice to me. I didn’t make it easy. Over the last two weeks, these three vampires had become my friends.
“We should probably check out and find another motel,” I said to Liam. He hadn’t looked my way once since I came down from my room.
“No need,” he said without facing me. “We’ll head out to the next city first thing in the morning. You’ll do without your privacy tonight.”
“That’s fine.” Testing the waters, I asked, “Where’s Steve?”
“Why?” He almost faced me but caught himself. Instead, he gripped the rails tightly until something cracked.