Page 107 of Heartbeat Girl

He ran out quickly.

After some of the madness died down, I heard the soft, beautiful sound that shouldn’t be there. The noise Liam likely heard from the very beginning, even over the screams. The chaotic rhythm of Jayne’s heart matched the nervous tick in her breathing. Her steps collided with the pavement, getting closer.

Instantly, I smiled. Even if I suspected our girl lived, the relief in sensing her energized me. But that happiness vanished in the same second.

Why the fuck did she come here?

Chapter Thirty-Seven



That explained how I felt the last few hours. Coming back to life every time Randy or another one of Marilyn’s goons snapped my neck. Reliving Marilyn’s words every time I tried to attack.

Jayne’s dead.

She’s dead.




Pete killed her.

Cold. Broken. Livid. My body moved on its own. I couldn’t hold in my fury. My weakness didn’t matter. Killing Marilyn so I could find my Jayne did.


I didn’t have to go looking.

A hundred or a thousand years could slither by, and I’d never forget the sound that led me to Jayne. Her heart. And those quick thumps approached the house. Restless and erratic. It was like her heart sang to me.I’m alive. I’m well. Her breath came out in sharp, uneven pants. Every sound she made was loud and clear, even over the commotion outside. The grunts and cracking of bones were dull in comparison.

Happiness and relief spread through me. Even my bones were lighter. Everything was.She’s alive.That warmth that consumed my chest spilled out into a single tear.

Marilyn barked out orders for Randy to go look outside. As soon as he opened the door and left, I slammed my palm against her face and squeezed until her bones splintered.

“Liam!” Castle roared behind me.

Marilyn’s body hit the floor.

I lifted my arms, readying for Castle’s attack. He attempted a punch, but I caught his fist with my palm. I swung my other fist, and my knuckles connected. He howled as I tackled him to the ground.

Steve lunged for Yuki.

Then someone yanked me off Castle. As soon as I was standing, Randy snarled and punched me in the mouth. My head snapped to the right. Pain shot up my jaw, but I ignored it. Rage took over as I pummeled Randy. I struck him so many times my knuckles throbbed and he gurgled blood. He received a blow for each time Marilyn said Jayne was dead.

“Liam!” Steve shouted.

A knife pierced me from the back. With a groan, I stumbled forward. Blood bubbled in my throat, spilling over my tongue.Fuck.I was deathly still as I looked at Randy’s battered face. I didn’t know how close the blade was to my heart, but if I moved too much, I feared I might find out.

“Did you have vampires come to kill me?” Marilyn whispered near my ear.

The blade wedged deeper as she wiggled it. I gritted my teeth to keep from shouting out.

Marilyn stepped in front of me. “You’ll die before I let you go, Liam.”