Page 23 of Doctor Black

“Hello, Aunty Olivia,” they chorused.

“Aw. Aren’t you girls just adorable?”

Sue walked up to us with her signature kind smile. “Hello, I see you have company today,” She gestured toward the girls. “So, the usual for you, and what can I get for the beautiful angels?”

“Two mugs of hot chocolate, please.”

“Two delicious cups of hot chocolate coming up soon,” she said and made to leave.

“Sue, do you have any gluten-free options?”

“We’ve got a wide range of gluten-free options, but the cinnamon rolls and cream puffs are to die for.”

“No. No cinnamon. We’ll have two gluten-free cream puffs and two normal ones. No cinnamons, please.”

She took down the orders in the little notepad she always had and left with a promise to be back with our orders soon. The girls were lost in their own world, giggling at something outside the window.

“You’re punishing me,” Liv groaned. “Out with it. Why’d she call you mom?”

“Because I’m getting married to Adrian Black, and I want you to be my bride’s maid,” I blurted. It felt strange rolling over my tongue like that since I agreed to marry him, I’d avoided dwelling on the topic any more than it was necessary.

“What?! Are you kidding?” she asked a little too loudly, attracting a few angry looks to our side. Realizing the death glares, she lowered her tone. “Are you for real?”

“Yup. It would appear so. Wait! Is that a good ‘Are you for real?’ or a bad one?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. You tell me. Have you told him about Jay?”

“Hush. I haven’t,” I muttered.

Her face turned grim, and she ran her hand through her dirty blonde hair. “You’ve got to be kidding me. First, you keep his son a secret from him, then you infiltrate his home, and now you are getting married. Why do you even want to marry him?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Because we’re in love.”

She scoffed and gave a dry chuckle. “Right. You forget that I know you. And I can tell that that bullshit narrative is a lie.” She grabbed her cup of coffee that had most likely turned cold. “Luv, I just hope you know what you’re doing. You have to be very careful. This man isn’t the man you had a one-night stand with years ago. He is influential, wealthy, and powerful. You don’t want to get on the wrong side of a man like that.” She gave a soft sigh. “Whatever you decide, just know that I’ll be here to support you.”

“I am so confused. I don’t know what to do, Liv.”

“I cannot decide for you, dear. But you really should tell him about Jason. It will be good for everyone, especially Jason. He deserves to know his father; he shouldn’t have to pay for your mistake.”

Sue brought our orders, and that interrupted our conversation briefly. The girls seemed to love their treats as they devoured them in no time. “Mommy, can we get some to go?” Aurora asked quietly.

“Of course. We can order a box to go. And we can come around anytime you want,” I assured.

“I must admit, you’re good with the girls, and they seem to love you too," she said as her eyes glossed over.

“I know, right? They just make me happy, and Jason absolutely adores them too.”

“What about their father, your fiancé? Did he propose without a proper ring?” she cocked her head. I could tell she knew something was amiss, and she was baiting me.

“It was too small. He had to return it to get a bigger one.”

“Yeah, right. He had better replace it soon. I won’t be a bride’s maid to a woman without a large gem on her finger,” she joked. “Congratulations, luv. We have a fucking wedding to plan! My friend is getting married,” she squealed delightedly, earning a few dismissive grunts. We both burst into laughter as we chatted heartily over coffee.

Darkness had descendedover the estate when Adrian Black pulled in with his sleek black Lexus. My heart threatened to jump out of my chest when he turned the handle to the front door and strode into the living room. I had put the kids to bed after a filling dinner, and by then, they were all sound asleep.

“Hey, fiancée of mine,” he drawled jokingly as he strode purposively toward me. “Where are the kids?”

“In bed.”