Page 94 of Sinner's Obsession

Silvia chuckles. “That good, huh?”

“Thanks for the words of wisdom, as always,” I say.

Straightening, Silvia laughs and takes Isla’s hand. “Those were hardly words of wisdom. Just the truth as I see it. You want to come to the park with us?”

“You’re going out?” I blurt, then bite my tongue because I shouldn’t be bringing up bad memories if they’re ready to go out again after what happened.

“Pyotr’s coming, too, and a contingent of guards, and we’re going to Prospect. I think I’ll avoid the city for a bit. But it’ll be good for everyone to get out.” Silvia strokes Isla’s hair as she says it, and I know what she means.

“Well, I’d love to come.” I beam.

“Great, I’ll find you a coat. It’s supposed to be chilly today.”

A few minutes later, we’re piling into two Escalades, me with the Veles family along with Val and Efrem and a handful of intimidating Veles men who discreetly carry guns in the other. Coming from a family that’s hard on gun violence, it’s a bit unnerving to know I’m spending a lot of time with people carrying guns—most of which I would doubt is legal. But after hearing Silvia’s story, I can hardly blame them.

The trees are fully changing color now. The brilliant golds and reds, oranges and purples take my breath away. And I long for my camera that I left at Efrem’s house. But without it, I find myself immersed in the moments going on around me.

The way Pyotr takes Silvia’s hand and presses a kiss to her knuckles as they walk. I don’t often take the time to watch my brother’s childhood friend and my best friend in their relationship. But as they watch Isla with protective care, I can feel the love radiating between them.

Isla skips ahead of them, twirling in her excitement to be outside, enjoying nature and the fresh air of fall. Her bright laughter when Pyotr stoops to scoop her onto his hip melts my heart. Out here, they look like a typical, happy family without a care in the world.

Pyotr’s men keep a wide perimeter around us, remaining almost invisible as they guard us like silent ghosts. All except Efrem and Val, who walk several paces behind Pyotr and Silvia but are easily within reach. Everyone works in such disciplined order. It makes me feel safe, even though I know why the men are necessary.

Glancing over my shoulder as we stroll, I meet Efrem’s gaze. And his eyes warm as I smile at him, heating my flesh inside Silvia’s leather jacket. Turning to look where I’m walking, I try to focus on the conversation Pyotr and Silvia strike up about the park and how they ought to come here more often.

And the moment that seals the deal is when Isla sees the zoo.

“Want to go see some animals, Isla?” Silvia suggests. “I think they have sea lions here.”

“Yeah!” Isla squeals with excitement.

A flash of something crosses Pyotr’s face—worry, regret? And I find myself wondering what weight he might bear from the conflict Silvia talked about. He casts a glance at Efrem, and they exchange a quick conversation in Russian that makes Silvia bite her lip.

Val and Efrem step away a moment later, moving silently toward the guards around our perimeter.

“No?” is all Silvia says as she looks up into Pyotr’s eyes, her expression full of trust and apology.

Cradling the back of Silvia’s head, Pyotr presses a kiss to her forehead, and it makes my heart melt.

“Yes, let’s go see some sea lions,” he says as Val and Efrem return a moment later.

Isla bounces excitedly on his hip, and we head to the ticket booth. As Pyotr buys us all tickets, I step close to Efrem. His fingers lace with mine as if on instinct, and my heart races at the subtle touch.

“Is it not safe?” I murmur, wondering about the conversation that took place between Efrem and hispakhan.

“The men cannot come in,” he admits, tilting his head in the direction of the metal detectors that guard the zoo’s entrance. “But I think it is a small enough zoo with good enough security measures. And the idea was spontaneous, so I’m sure no one is waiting for us inside. They would have to get past the men out here. We will be fine.”

Relief floods me, and Efrem gives my hand a reassuring squeeze before releasing me to take up his duty as guard once more. When he and Val follow us inside, I’m confident they left their weapons with others in the guard, so we wouldn’t be completely without their protection.

In the end, it’s worth the trouble because Isla’s utterly delighted at the sea lion show. It takes us around an hour to explore the rest of the zoo, and I can’t stop stealing glances at Efrem as we walk. This, here, is a special moment, a look inside a perfect day with a loving family. And I’m warmed by the fact that Pyotr and Silvia would let me be a part of it.

The wonder on Isla’s face as she grips the railings of the red panda enclosure fills my heart, and a trickle of excitement pools in my belly at the thought that Efrem and I might have a child together someday. Though we have miles to go between now and then, the idea of it, of having this kind of happiness with him gives me hope.

It’s a seamless transition from our quiet solitude in the zoo back out into the park. The men surround us once again, like a pervasive shadow, and we head to a sweet little Vietnamese sandwich shop called Henry’s for some street food.

The simple little mom-and-pop eateries have always been a favorite of Pyotr’s. I love that fact when I know he grew up eating only the best food cooked by a famous chef or dining out at some of the finest restaurants New York has to offer. But street food is his jam, and I don’t know how he does it, but he always knows the best spots.

We don’t return to the Veleses’ brownstone until early evening, and I find that the day of fresh air and laughter is something I needed desperately, just as desperately as Isla and Silvia.