Page 82 of Sinner's Obsession

“Molly,” my dad says gently, and she turns to look at him.

“What, you think we should be paying for her college education when she’s sleeping with some would-be convict who’s going to do nothing but destroy her reputation?”

Dad frowns, seeming stumped by the inability to argue with her assessment. “No, I only think we shouldn’t be fighting at all.” Turning to me, he grips my shoulders firmly as he peers deep into my eyes.

I can see the exhaustion in them, the fight he’s been waging for so long; I’m not sure he even realizes he’s still in it. And I wonder if my dad ever feels as trapped by his position as I do.

“Honey, you have to think about your future,” he says softly, the anger he showed just moments ago vanishing like smoke in the wind. “This man… he’s not right for you. And you know it, or you wouldn’t be acting the way you have been lately.”

His soft tone could almost lull me into a false sense of security, offering me comfort the way he has countless times in the past. He makes it sound like we’re on a team, like his decision is what’s best formeand that he only has my back.

But not this time. Because my parents don’t even know Efrem. They’ve never asked to meet him. They’ve judged him without even shaking his hand.

“No, Dad,” I state firmly, pulling away from him. “I would be acting this way no matter what because it’s this lifestyle that’s causing the problem. I love Efrem. Heisthe one for me, and if you want to put your campaign above my happiness, then that’s your decision, not mine.”

His face hardens, his lips drawing into a thin line. “Fine then. Your mother’s right. If you want to learn the hard way that he’s a bad person—and not right for you—then be my guest. But you won’t be doing it on our dime.”

“Good. Fine,” I snap, “Your money isn’t what matters to me. My feelings for Efrem do. I would have liked it if you could see what I do—that Efrem makes me happy, that this is actually the happiest I’ve ever been. You know what? Maybe you do see it but don’t care. That’s fine. I don’t need you, and I definitely don’t need the money you’re only willing to give me if I pretend to be your little porcelain doll. I’m tired of being the perfect child you expect me to be. You’re strangling the life out of me!”

Stunned, my parents stand speechless as I breathe heavily. I’ve never spoken to them like that before. But I can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep pretending I’m okay. If they want to cut me off for seeing Efrem, that’s their choice, but I want to live my life for me. No one else.

Whirling on my heel, I storm from the kitchen, intent on staying true to my word.



This war is slowly grinding down our resilience as a Bratva, and I can see the toll it’s taking on mypakhan. Though Pyotr is trying to avoid a bloody showdown, at this point, I don’t see it ending any other way. Mikhail crossed the line by coming after Pyotr’s wife, and there are some things you can’t go back from.

Still, I know Pyotr is trying to find a less violent resolution for Silvia’s sake. Funny that we could be known as one of the most brutal Bratvas in New York, but Silvia’s gentle soul and light touch could have such a profound effect.

It feels wrong to be leaving early after what happened last night. But Silvia insisted she wouldn’t be going anywhere after what happened, so I should take my scheduled time off.

As I make my way into the city and my Manhattan apartment, I think about Silvia and Isla. I saw little of them today, and when I did, they were visibly shaken. Though I might not have been able to stop the initial attack, it bothers me deeply that I failed them. I should have been available.

So consumed by my thoughts and the guilt gnawing at my gut, I find that the train ride and my short walk to my apartment are done in no time. But as I round the corner of my building, my attention immediately snaps to the petite figure occupying the front steps.

Dani sits there, a suitcase by her side, her face buried in her hands. My heart skips a beat as I wonder what it could possibly mean. Picking up the pace, I make it to her in a few long strides and kneel before her.

“Dani?” I murmur, stroking her silky hair, and my chest aches as she lifts her head to reveal her tear-stained face. “What happened?” I ask, my voice gruff with concern as I settle next to her on the steps.

As I wrap my arm around her shoulders, she leans heavily into my side and buries her face in my chest. I pull her close, holding her securely as I try to comfort her.

“I got in a fight with my parents,” she sniffles. “I… might have underestimated how mad they would be about our art show date. They told me I had to stop seeing you… s-so I left.” Her voice cracks, and Dani shivers.

“You moved out?” I ask, understanding dawning on me as I take in her suitcase once again.

She nods. “I… may have broken ties with them,” she adds, her voice hollow.

Heart aching to hear her so sad, I cradle her cheek with one hand and tip her chin so she’ll look at me. As I wipe the tears away with my thumb, her blue eyes shift from sad to worried.

“I know it’s unexpected, but… can I stay with you?”

“Of course,” I murmur without a moment’s hesitation. Pressing my lips to her forehead, I tighten my arms around her, willing her broken pieces to stay together. “Come. Let’s get you inside.”

Guiding her up off the stairs, I scoop up her bags with one hand, and I hold her close with my other arm. It breaks my heart to see Dani so torn up, her cheeks tear-stained, her eyes red from crying. The weight of her sadness makes her brows pucker and her shoulders droop uncharacteristically.

Her determination to be with me, even if it requires cutting ties with her parents, means more to me than I can put words to, but I feel terrible.