Page 67 of Sinner's Obsession

Only after I’ve prepared my morning protein shake—and chugged it impatiently over the sink—do I allow myself to see what the article says.

Sparks fly at the Celebrate Generosity silent auction dinner last night as up-and-coming political hopeful Adam Page and Attorney General Richelieu’s daughter, Danielle Richelieu, reunite. The adorable on-again-off-again couple that has melted fans’ hearts over the years seems to be picking up steam once again as the pair spent the entire charity event together, practically glued at the hip. But will they last for the long haul this time? Only time will tell.

Fury rips through me, white-hot, and I see red. Curses leave me in a continuous stream of Russian as I shred the paper in a matter of seconds. I’ve had enough. Dani’s clearly jerking me around, using me to spice up her life, but I’m not interested in being her tool for rebellion. I’m no one’s toy.

I don’t know what’s true and what’s a lie anymore. Is she dating this young politician now? After everything she’s said about the challenges of having a father in politics? Hell, was she actually getting cozy with Mikhail Sidorov even though she told me she wasn’t?

Maybe I read the situation entirely wrong to begin with. I was worried I might be taking advantage of her, using her innocence for my own benefit. But has she been playing me all along?

Violent rage pounds through my veins, and though I’m not due to start my shift for several more hours, I can’t stay here in my apartment. I need to go somewhere and do something before I start breaking shit.

Snatching my keys, wallet, and phone off the counter, I notice an unread message as I’m heading out the door.

It’s from Dani; the time indicates it came in about a half hour ago. I must have been in the shower. I consider ignoring it. But I can’t bring myself to put it off for later. Swiping my screen, I unlock it and read the full message.

Hey, I miss you. Any chance I can see you today?

I’m busy,I punch out and send. I’m so mad right now. I think it’s best I wait to see her until I have my temper under better control.

Oh. Okay.

See you soon, though?

I can’t think of anything to say to that. I don’t know that I’ll ever be ready to see her again. Because the deep anger consuming my body tells me just how much I like her, how hard I’ve fallen for the girl I thought she was.

Shoving my phone in my pocket, I leave my place and make my way toward Satine. That’s where Pyotr’s supposed to be today, and it’s only a few miles from my Manhattan apartment. So I make the walk, hoping it will help me blow off some steam.

But by the time I see the neon sign, the silhouette of a stripper sliding down a pole just to the side, I’m still wound just as tight.

“You’re busy watching strippers?”

The familiar voice cuts through the air just as my hand lands on the strip club’s door handle.

My muscles tighten at Dani’s unexpected presence, and I clench my jaw as I debate ignoring her completely. But we’re right outside Satine. Judging by the tone of her voice, if she follows me in, this could turn into a scene.

So instead, I slowly release the handle and turn to face her. “What are you doing here?” I growl, my voice coarse with resentment.

“What areyoudoing here?” she demands. “You said you were busy. I didn’t realize watching naked girls humping poles qualified in that regard.”

Her voice snaps like a whip, and she dares to look hurt as she glares me down—like finding me at a strip club has somehow offended her.

“Go home, Dani,” I state flatly, a deadly warning in my tone. Then I yank the door open and go inside.

Loud music greets me, and the club’s flashing lights brighten the black club in bursts that spotlight one of the girls on stage.

“You can’t just tell me what to do,” Dani hisses, catching up to me and getting in my face. “What the hell is your problem?”

Several pairs of eyes glance in our direction. Now she really is starting to make a scene. Grabbing her upper arm firmly, I haul her away from the stage and down the hall to the bathrooms.

“Let go of me!” Dani growls, yanking against my hold.

But she’s nothing compared to my strength.

Jerking open the bathroom door, I scan quickly to ensure it’s empty before tossing her inside. Dani stumbles several steps before regaining her balance, and I take the opportunity to lock the door behind us.

Not the best place for a confrontation, but at least here, we won’t be disrupting mypakhan’s club.

“Why are you being such an absolute jerk?” Dani demands, unshed tears shimmering in her eyes. “And why would you rather come to a strip club than spend time with me?”