Page 7 of Sinner's Obsession

“I see it plenty. How else do you think I’m going to become a photographer?”

“I don’t meanseeit. I meanexperienceit. You’re always trying to be Daddy’s little girl, and someday, you’ll realize you regret not living life for yourself.”

Don’t I know it?I’m tired of the constant parade my father’s job has turned my life into. I think that’s part of why I enjoy photography so much. Even if I can’t live whatever life I want, I can at least capture it happening around me.

But still, I get defensive. It’s not like I only ever do things to please Dad. “I don’t try to be Daddy’s little girl.” I cross my arms over my chest in what I realize too late looks like a childish pout. “At least I didn’t stop hanging out with my best friend just because Dad thinks it’s bad for the family image.”

“That’s not why I stopped hanging out with Pyotr Veles,” Ben counters, seeming to bristle slightly.

“You should go see him. He just got back into town, and I know he would love it if you stopped by. We could go together, like old times.” I force an encouraging smile, though I know what’s coming.

Ben scoffs. “There you go, suggesting we should associate with bad people right after Dad’s lecture.”

“He’s not bad people, Ben. What happened with you two? You used to be so close.”

“That was before I grew up, Dani. Dad’s not wrong on this one, sis. You really should think about staying away from the Veles entirely. Everyone knows they’re dangerous.”

Immediately, my mind goes to Efrem. After bumping into Pyotr’s bodyguard—literally—I’d thought the same word. He could be dangerous, but not in the way Ben means. Sure, Efrem’s big and strong enough that he could snap me like a twig if that’s what he wanted to do. But I’m not scared of him.

Well, I am. But only because of how he affects me. It seems that in the years since I’ve seen him, my crush has grown into something I’m not quite sure how to manage. I feel clumsy, tongue-tied, and entirely distracted by his presence. And thatisdangerous.

Because if anything could be worse in my father’s eyes than befriending Pyotr and Silvia Veles, it would be falling for their distinctly older Russian bodyguard.

“Look, Dani,” Ben says, gripping my arms and pulling me out of my wandering thoughts. “I get that you grew up with Pyotr around, and maybe you’re just so trusting that you don’t think he’s capable of bad things. But believe me. He is.”

“And what makes you so sure?” I demand.

“Because I’ve met people who ended up on the wrong side of Pyotr’s power plays. Or maybe not his moves specifically. But definitely, Pyotr’s parents were Bratva. And I’m not just talking about loose ties. From what I’ve heard, Pyotr’s dad was the big man. Haven’t you ever wondered why Pyotr doesn’t like talking about how his dad died? That’s because someone offed him for getting too greedy and crossing lines he couldn’t uncross.”

“Even if I believed you,” I snap, frustrated because I hate hearing my brother—who I love and would do anything for—talking badly about someone I care so much about, “what does that have to do with Pyotr? He can’t change his parents and their goals in life any more than we can.”

Ben shrugs, releasing my arms. “Maybe not, but from what I’ve heard, his mother’s spent a lifetime grooming him to take over his father’s role. And now that he’s back in town, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s exactly what Pyotr will do.”

“Oh, and who is it you’re hearing all of this from that you trust more than Pyotr himself?” I press.

Ben sighs heavily. “Just friends, Dani. Look, I get that you like Pyotr and have become good friends with his wife. Just… promise me you’ll be careful. Would you?”

I release my arms, letting them fall to my sides once more. “Not that Ineedto, but if it will make you feel better, yes, I promise I’ll stay safe.”

“Good.” Ben rewards me with one of his bright smiles and pulls me into a warm hug.

“Love you, Bennie,” I murmur, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Love you too.”

But as he steps away, heading into the night, I can’t stop the heavy feeling in my chest that tells me everything’s about to change. And I’m not sure I’ll like what comes next.



“The Zhivoder are getting too bold,” the Matron states coldly, leveling her sharp gray eyes on Pyotr Veles with a calculating look. “We need to use the Marchetti guns we’ve been given to take them down now.”

“All-out war isn’t going to solve anything,” counters Yuri Pachenko.

The paunchy, middle-aged businessman serves as CFO of Veles Transportation Inc. and is a much-needed stabilizing force in my youngpakhan’s cabinet of advisors. However, he always looks nervous when opposing Pyotr’s mother. I can hardly blame him. The Matron is well-known for her cut-throat decisions and iron grip on the Veles Bratva’s tactical maneuvers. And from the severe look she turns on Yuri, I wouldn’t be surprised if she told him to leave.

“I’m only saying that the Zhivoder clan has a better reputation on their side if we bring this war into the public eye. No one suspects Mikhail Sidorov of being on the wrong side of the law. At least no one who isn’t buying from him directly. If we attack him openly, it will make him look like a victim and solidify our involvement in shady dealings, willing to commit crimes. It could hurt us as much as it hurts them.” Yuri looks like he’s on the verge of wetting himself for having spoken out so boldly. The bead of sweat that trickles down his temple definitely indicates he’s scared.