Page 27 of Sinner's Obsession

“I should break every camera thatmudakowns,” I growl.

“That kiss is not going to look good if we make it into the papers,” Dani worries, her body tense and her voice strained.

I shouldn’t let it get to me, but the comment strikes right at the heart of my own doubts. “Perhaps you shouldn’t have invited me to spend time with you if you are ashamed to be seen with me,” I state flatly.

Dani’s gaze jerks to mine, and her thumbnail falls from her lips. “No, Efrem—I don’t mean it like that. I’m not ashamed to be with you,” she insists, stepping close to clasp my forearm. “It’s only my dad is worried about the family image, what with the upcoming election and all.”

“I don’t see how I could cause any more damage than your brother,” I counter. “Ben’s crowd is just as bad—far worse, even—than I could ever be. If you want to worry about mixing with the wrong people, your family should be more concerned about associating with the Zhivoder Bratva.”

Dani pales visibly, her expression turning troubled by my quiet outburst. Clearly, she was oblivious to the reality of the world her brother has gotten involved in. My chest aches as it reminds me of how innocent Dani truly is. Her family has sheltered her from the violence and crime running rampant in New York.

Sighing, I relax my shoulders and collect her hands in mine. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to frighten you.”

Dani shakes her head. “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you told me. I… I worried it might be something like that, and I would rather know than be left in the dark.”

I nod slowly, still heavy with the knowledge that my initial hesitation was legitimate, that I let my feelings cloud my judgment. I’m not right for Dani if she’s worried about being seen with me. Giving her hands a gentle squeeze, I release them. “Goodbye, Dani.”

And I turn to leave.

“No, wait!” Dani calls, racing after me.

She grabs my arm with surprising strength, urging me to turn and face her again.

And when I do, she rises onto her toes, flinging her arms around my shoulders to pull me down for a kiss. My heart skips a beat, and I only hesitate a moment before giving in.

Wrapping my arms around her trim waist, I pull her close and kiss her deeply once more.



In a haze of contentment, I make my way downstairs for breakfast, my camera swinging heavily around my neck. I can’t get Efrem out of my head, his sexy laugh, which I’ve heard more in the past few days than in all of the years I’ve known him, put together. The way he makes me feel every time he looks at me. The way he touches me.

I shiver, reliving those moments alone in the woods with him yesterday. His hands exploring me, teasing me, drawing pleasure from me like a musician with his instrument. I admit I haven’t gone very far with a guy before. The risk of hurting my father’s image has never seemed worth the reward. But with Efrem, all those worries melt away. Because he brings my body to life in a way I didn’t even know was possible.

“Morning,” I state brightly as I enter the kitchen and head straight to the fridge.

Dad’s hiding behind his newspaper, as usual, a steaming mug of coffee within arm’s reach.

Usually, all I get is a grunt of acknowledgment because he’s too deep in his reading to speak. But today, his paper crackles as he folds it to look at me, and his face looks far from pleased.

My eyes flit to my mom, who sits unusually quietly beside him. Her lips are pressed into a thin line, her gaze accusatory.

I stop dead in my tracks, my stomach knotting. “What?”

“Do you havenoregard for all your father’s hard work over the years?” she demands, leaning forward in her chair to engage.

“I’m sorry?” I ask, so blindsided by their anger that I don’t quite know what to say.

“You were seen.” Dad folds his paper open to the celebrity news section and slaps it down on the table facing me.

My stomach drops, and I look down at the prominent image of me with Efrem standing in front of my house. His arms are wrapped around my waist as we kiss. The picture says it all.

Swallowing hard, I look back up at my dad. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see the paparazzi,” I admit weakly. I’m sure that paparazzi guy is targeting me because of how Efrem handled him at the park the other day. He published exactly what he threatened to print after Efrem broke his camera.

I can’t defend my actions, either, when the image clearly shows Efrem and me kissing. This looks very bad.

“I told you how important this election is to me,” Dad growls, his face thunderous. “I told you how we can’t do anything to hurt our family image.” He jabs a finger onto the condemning picture. “I want you to stay away from the Veles family—and all their employees.”