Page 29 of Sinner's Obsession

“Yeah. I’m sure Pyotr would love it if you came.” Silvia’s inviting smile is warm. “It’s just for a few days, and that might give you and your family enough time to cool down. I’m sure it’ll all look different after you’ve had some space.”

“Wow, really? I mean, if you’re serious, I would love to go.” Normally, I would ask my parents for permission. Even if I’m an adult, I do still live in their house, and they prefer to have a say if I plan on leaving for extended periods of time. But not today.

Time away from the city sounds like just what I need right about now. And honestly, I’m ready to do something for me. Even if I know my parents won’t like it.

“Great! Isn’t that exciting, Isla? Auntie Dani’s coming with us on the plane,” Silvia says, bouncing her daughter playfully.

Isla releases a delighted giggle as Silvia tickles her belly.

“We were planning on leaving in about an hour. Think you can be ready by then?” she asks, turning her attention back to me.

“Oh, um.” I glance toward the front door, thinking about going home to pack my things.

My expression must show my reluctance because Silvia immediately pipes up, “Or you can just borrow a few of my things. We’re just about the same size, and I don’t mind.”

I release a breath as my lips stretch into a smile. “Thanks. If you really don’t mind, that would be great.”

“No problem. Come on up. Pyotr should be just about finished packing, so we can find a few outfits you like.”

Silvia leads the way, and giddy excitement fills me at the prospect of a weekend away from my stifling life and overbearing parents. Only after I reach the top of the stairs and spot Efrem standing near the doorway of the master bedroom do I wonder if he’ll be joining us.

My pulse quickens at the possibility.A weekend on the beautiful Veles estate with the sexiest bodyguard on earth?Yes, please.



Rifle in hand, I follow the eastern perimeter of Veles estate, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Not that I expect to find anything. No one knew we were coming beforehand. So I doubt anyone would have planned an ambush. But security is my job, and that means never making assumptions when it comes to safety.

The thought calls to mind how I got caught unprepared by those Zhivoder men on the night I took Dani out to dinner. Flashes of her terrified face, the fearful quaver in her voice, fill my mind. And fresh anger constricts my chest as I recall with vivid clarity the man who grabbed her so roughly and dragged her out of my reach.

I wince at how vulnerable she was because I let my guard down. I won’t let something like that happen again. The mere thought of Dani threatens to distract me from my mission, though.

Holding my rifle close against my chest, I keep it pointed toward the ground but ready to aim and shoot at a moment’s notice. Forcing myself to focus on the task at hand, I tread gently over the dried leaves that cover the forest floor. A twig snaps beneath my foot, making me pause.

Challenging myself to move quickly and quietly, practicing my stealth, helps keep my mind off the striking young blonde who seems to have captured my every waking thought. And many of my unconscious ones, too, lately.

Reaching the northernmost tip of the eastern property line, I catch sight of Val, who’s doing his own perimeter check. Signaling the all-clear, we acknowledge each other before turning back to make our way toward the house in separate directions. The property is secure, so long as we don’t find anyone lurking somewhere in the woods.

Keeping my head on a constant swivel, I track toward the center of the estate. With ten other men to maintain a continuous watch, I’m sure we’ll be able to protect mypakhanin any event. However, I always insist on doing the initial search just to be certain.

Stepping lightly, I leave the woods undisturbed by my presence and am gifted with the cheery sound of a bird calling from high in the trees. Another responds with a similar tune, holding a musical conversation far above me.

A flicker of something yellow captures my attention in my periphery, and I turn. Possibly a bird, but even though I’ve already cleared this part of the woods, I can never be too careful.

Scanning the trees before me, I creep in the direction of where I saw the movement.

When I spot the source of color again, I stop within ten feet of the bold, sunny dress. Dani, clad in the same brilliant fabric she appeared in this morning, stands perfectly motionless, her camera held to her eye.

So intent on whatever it is she’s photographing, she doesn’t seem to notice my approach. I pause, not wanting to disrupt whatever wildlife has caught her attention.

Instead, I take the opportunity to watch Dani.

I didn’t expect her to join us on the trip to Upstate New York, where Pyotr’s taken Silvia and Isla for the weekend to get the family out of town.

It’s purposeful timing he chose for multiple reasons. One, to keep his family safe during a major power move. And two, to avoid implicating him in the violence that will very likely take place. Because we know through intel that the Zhivoder clan plans to move a shipment of trafficked girls across our territory lines tonight. And we plan on intercepting them.

I’d almost been sad to miss it. Because after watching those men cross onto our territory without hesitation and touch Dani the way they did? All I want is an eye for an eye.