Page 14 of Sinner's Obsession

Val and I turn to follow as he exits into the hallway, and we all clamber into the back of his black Escalade a moment later.

* * *

“I have done a sweep of the premise,gospodin,” I state as Pyotr exits his daughter’s room.

Catching the briefest glimpse of her tucked safely in bed, I find it hard not to smile. I can still recall her bubbling laughter during the photo shoot earlier today, the way Dani so easily disarmed the shy toddler.

“Thank you, Efrem.”

“Val is making the transition with your night guards.”

“Well then, have a good rest of your evening,” mypakhansays, dismissing me from my duties.

With a respectful incline of the head, I turn and head toward the entrance. As I step out into the dark night, I realize it was a long day. It must be well on its way toward 10 p.m. The day felt like several strung together, what with the countless mundane business meetings I don’t know how Pyotr manages to attend without complaint.

I’m thankful I got a break in the middle to serve as Silvia’s guard around Central Park.

And just like that, my mind turns to the events that happened with Dani. The paparazzi, our conversation on the walk to her house. The kiss.

I can still feel the lingering brush of Dani’s lips against my cheek.

My feet carry me automatically toward the subway stop that will take me to my Manhattan apartment. My mind lingers on what I’ve been fighting to ignore all afternoon. But despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Dani.

It took nothing for that obnoxious reporter to stir up my protective instincts. I didn’t like the way he spoke to Dani—taunting her practically. And the way he looked at her… It had taken all my self-discipline and years of training to practice restraint with him. He’s lucky I didn’t break his fucking hands.

I despise men who target women, and even if his were just words, I felt an intense need to shield Dani.

Movement to my right brings my surroundings back into sharp focus, and I realize I’ve taken a rather roundabout way to the subway. One that brings me right past Dani’s house. While not necessarily out of my way, it isn’t my typical path home.

I’m across the street, far enough away not to attract the attention of her family’s security detail. It’s a different man now but wearing the same black-suited uniform, a surveillance earpiece tucked close to his neck before vanishing into his collar.

When he scans the night, his eyes shift past me without recognition. Still, I instinctually step into the shadows. A light shining from a second-story window draws my eye, and my pulse quickens as I spot Dani through the open curtains.

Tilting her head to one side and then the other, she removes her earrings one at a time, exposing her long, delicate neck. The thin fabric of her nightshirt slips down over one shoulder, exposing her golden skin and collarbone.

Suddenly, my pants are tighter than they were moments before, and I drop my gaze, knowing I shouldn’t be watching—even if her open window invites me to look in. Conflict wars within me for several painful seconds.

Then I give in.

Bracing against the rough bark of the tree next to me, I peer up at the striking girl going about her bedtime ritual without a care in the world. She moves around the room, her blonde hair like a beacon, as I follow her with my eyes.

And then, as if seeming to realize for the first time that her life is on full display, Dani walks to the window and grasps the edges of her lace sheers. Shame mingles with disappointment in my chest as she pauses to look out into the night.

Tonight, I’m the reason she needs to close them.

My stomach drops as her ocean-blue gaze shifts down, and suddenly, Dani looks at me. I know she sees me. Though I’m hidden in shadow, her eyes lock on mine with undeniable recognition.

“Blyat,” I cuss under my breath. I’ve been caught watching her. Like some fucking stalker.

And yet, she doesn’t look mad. In fact, a brilliant smile breaks across her face, one that highlights her enticing cheek dimples, and she releases her curtains. She starts to turn away.

Before I can feel too disappointed, she turns back to the window once more and holds a finger up, silently telling me to wait a moment.

Then she’s gone.

My heart rate cranks up a notch, a combination of anticipation and guilt.

The front door opens, and Dani steps out wearing a pair of pajama shorts and a loose T-shirt. Pulling an oversized cardigan closed across her chest, she says something to the security guard as she skips down the front steps.