Page 8 of Cold as Ice

“Pleased to meet you, Garrison,” Garth said through gritted teeth. His beady little eyes followed me as I got closer to her.

Ginny glanced up at me, then back down at her desk, trying to avoid eye contact with the pipsqueak beside me. “Garth was just leaving.”

“Consider my offer, Virginia,” he said while backing toward the door. I could’ve knocked his teeth out right then and there, but my wife was a professional and, out of respect for her, I’d refrain.

“My decision stands, Garth, end of discussion.” Ginny was smiling at this weasel, but she was tense. Her shoulders had raised up to her ears and the smile which had already been forced was fading.

His pale grey face had turned almost a shocking shade of red. If I wasn’t mistaken, there was a hint of anger behind it and the hair on the back of my neck instantly stood on end. Waiting for his next move, I wasn’t afraid of going over her desk to protect her.

“Oh, we will absolutely be talking about this later.” He turned and walked out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

Ginny closed her eyes and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry about Doctor Birch. He’s good at what he does, but his personality is a little questionable.” She turned to her computer and began typing.

“Do you always apologize for his behaviors or is it just because it’s me?” Sitting down in the chair the doctor just vacated, I looked at Ginny closer.

“Boone, he’s a member of this team, nothing more. He was being an ass, and that’s why I was apologizing. What he does rarely concerns me unless it reflects poorly on the facility.” She smiled as she turned to me. Even as a girl, Ginny was always a diplomat and defused situations better than I had seen most adults do it. It wasn’t any surprise that she’d become the face of this facility. She had the knowledge, the grace, and the beauty to make this place a success. “Okay, so why are you here?”

“Well, so I want to take over your hockey program.” Watching her closely, she didn’t give me any signs that she was opposed to the idea, so I continued. “I was looking at your website and you’re doing skiing and hockey, and I want to help. Now, no doubt, I trained you well to run a hockey program.” I couldn’t help but smile. Of course, I would take credit for all her hockey knowledge, but in reality, she was a quick study. She pored over more game tape than I did, trying to make me the best player I could be. My success was greatly attributed to her. “So I want to see everything you have and I will do what I need to revamp anything and provide the funding.”

She nodded, and I could see thoughts formulating in her head. “I’ll have to run this by the board. We can’t arbitrarily make these decisions.”

“Gin, the board is my dad, brother-in-law, aunt, and a few people from the town who all love me. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Leaning back in the chair, I waited.

“Nevertheless, I’ll send out an email calling for a vote. Just because they’re family, or like family, it all has to be done properly. Now on to the funding. We hold an annual banquet and an auction for a dinner date with a member of the town and that brings in enough funding for the year. You’re more than welcome to attend.” Her smile was gorgeous. The top button on her blouse was undone and I could just see a hint of her cleavage, but this discussion about business was turning me on, and I wanted to lock the door and take her on her desk.



I hadn’t ever been happierto turn the light off in my office and close the door behind me. The office was quiet, and it reminded me of when things were first starting here. Nobody was giving me a chance, and I walked around this place alone, crying over the job, being back home with no family and heartbreak. How quickly things changed.

Changing into my practice clothes, I went to get things ready. I didn’t like to rush preparing for the kids and I liked to warm up before they got here. Skating leisurely around the ice was good for my mind today. The exchange with Garth has been front and centre all day. It was odd. Not just odd, but slightly unhinged. Boone showing up unannounced there the rest of my day. What he was saying wasn’t wrong and I would appreciate more help with hockey, but I couldn’t just let him walk in and take over. He was going to have to work for it.

I attempted a few jumps and landed each one perfectly. Clapping came from the boards and I turned to see Boone, in skates, leaning on his stick. Damn it, why did he have to look so good? It was getting harder and harder to stay away from him. I had woken up too many mornings in his arms. It would be a matter of time until I did something I wasn’t sure I would regret.

“What do you need me to do?” He asked, leaning his stick against the bench and skating toward me. I stopped on the ice and watched him get closer. He still looked like the boy I fell in love with, and my heart did a flip. Now was not the time for it to betray me.

“I suppose we can get the pads up to split the ice. I have to run both practices at the same time, so hockey gets half ice and so does skating.” I skated to where we kept the rink divider and tossed out the foam barrier.

“On the days I’m home, would you like to run separate practices?” He asked as he moved the pads into place. “Dad called me and said the vote had been unanimous that I take hockey off your plate. Unanimous Gin, that means you voted for me too.” He moved toward me and I skated backwards until I bumped into the boards. Boone placed his hands on either side of me and boxed me in.

“I don’t vote, so shows you what you know.” I smiled at him and he started laughing.

“Lying now are you Mrs. Boone? Dad told me who voted. Nice try.”Damn it Paul, you don’t have to tell him everything,I thought to myself as he stared at me with a goofy grin on his face.

“Gin talk to me.” The sound of children excited as they exited the dressing rooms filled the ice surface.

“Sorry, I have to go. The kids are here and I need to get them organized.” Looking up in the seats, I saw parents slowly finding seats, so I skated to the door all the kids were running through, followed closely by Boone.

Every parent was different. Some stared at their shoes the entire practice, some had books, one even brought her knitting. A few always watched and took in what their child was doing. I couldn’t be worried about who paid attention or not. These kids were my responsibility for the next hour and a half. Chatter filled the ice as the kids surrounded me and waited for their instructions. “Miss Ginny, is that Garrison Boone?” One of the little hockey players pointed over to where Boone was standing behind me.

“Yes, it is.” I smiled at the kids as they all turned. Boone waved, and the kids waved back.

“Hey, Miss Ginny, want to tell the hockey players the exciting news?” He said as he moved closer to me.

“Are you sure Boone? You don’t have to do this.” I searched his face for any sign of regret for offering or looking for a way out, but it hadn’t changed.

He moved to my side and took my hand. “I will oversee the hockey program from here on out. Ms Ginny will still be around, but I will be here as much as I can to help you learn the game. Trust me, what does a figure skater know about hockey?” He stared at me, and I knew it was a challenge. Boone might not be pushing our relationship to be physical, but he had positioned himself for us to be together much of the time he was home.