‘I know,’ said Hannah. ‘Despite you holding that racquet like it’s a golf club.’
‘It’s because you’re such a great player,’ said Rob with a hopeful grin. ‘Even though I’m pretending to be shit, we still won the semi.’
‘Don’t start piling on the flattery,’ said Hannah, poking him in the shoulder. ‘It’s just less painful if I get to the ball before you do.’
‘I appreciate it,’ Rob said. ‘Look, I come from a really competitive family. Like, everyone’s a high achiever. But I’ve only ever been good at tennis, so it’s hard not to want to win.’
‘I get that,’ said Hannah gently. ‘But this is a friendly competition in my dad’s village. And yes, Dominic is awful—’ There was a polite round of applause, and they both glanced over to the court. The couples were shaking hands over the net, the match apparently over. ‘—but we don’t need any more drama, and neither does my dad. Wecouldjust lose gracefully.’
‘Fine,’ said Rob. ‘Understood.’
‘Everything’s on track,’ shouted Dominic, strolling over to join them. He was wearing baggy white shorts and a pink Ralph Lauren polo shirt that still had creases from the packet. ‘Clara and I are joining you in the final,’ he continued, leering at Hannah.
‘Graham, can you help me with a tray of drinks?’ asked Clara sweetly.
‘I’ll help,’ said Hannah, not wanting to be left alone with Dominic or let Rob be annexed by Miss Superhot Denmark. She headed over to the drinks table and started to load glasses onto a tray. Clara reluctantly followed, but not before Hannah had spotted her throwing a lustful look in Rob’s direction.
‘Christ,’ muttered Dominic. ‘The things I could do to those two. Preferably both at once.’ Hannah glanced at Clara and raised her eyebrows. Apparently Dominic didn’t care that they could both still hear him.
‘Can I remind you that Hannah is my wife?’ said Rob through gritted teeth. Hannah smiled, enjoying how well Rob was continuing to play the role of protective husband.
‘You don’t need to remind me, it’s a source of constant pain,’ grumbled Dominic, licking his lips. ‘I’d argue that Clara’s more classically beautiful, but Hannah is WAY hotter. Not that I wouldn’t fuck them both, obviously.’
‘I’m sorry?’ said Hannah, appearing behind him with a jug of white sangria in each hand. ‘What did you just say?’ Clara joined her with the tray of glasses, giving Dominic a glare of such intensity that he actually recoiled.
‘Sorry,’ blustered Dominic. ‘Just a bit of banter, you know.’
Rob opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again when he saw Hannah’s expression, which she hoped communicated that she’d very much got this situation under control.
‘Right,’ she said. ‘Because from where I was standing it sounded really quite offensive.’
‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ muttered Clara, hurrying back to the table on the terrace to dump the tray, then gently taking the jugs out of Hannah’s hands before she threw them both in Dominic’s face.
‘It was just a passing observation,’ Dominic said smoothly. ‘I forgot that complimenting women isn’t allowed these days.’
Hannah glared at him through narrowed eyes, hoping he could feel the loathing seeping from every pore. ‘Graham mentioned that you might be interested in a wager,’ she said lightly. ‘On the final match.’
‘I was,’ said Dominic. ‘But your husband told me he wasn’t a gambling man.’
‘He’s not,’ said Hannah. ‘But I’m the one asking, not him.’ She glanced at Rob, who raised his eyebrows imperceptibly.
‘I don’t think this is a good idea,’ said Clara quickly, putting her hand on Dominic’s arm. ‘Hannah is a much better player than me.’
‘It’s fine, you’ve got ME on your team,’ said Dominic, patting Clara’s hand. ‘Whereas Hannah is stuck with this useless fuckwit.’ Rob clenched his fists, and Hannah gave her head a tiny shake.Leave it, she silently told him.I’ve got this.
Hannah tossed her hair and turned back to Dominic. ‘So what are you thinking? A hundred euros?’
Dominic roared with laughter. ‘That’s not a wager, that’s a barmaid tip. I was thinking more like a grand per couple, winner takes all.’
‘Wow,’ said Rob, glancing between the two of them. ‘That’s a bit punchy.’
‘Worried your lovely wife can’t carry you all the way to the end?’ asked Dominic. ‘Perhaps she needs a husband with a little more strength than you.’
‘Let’s make it two grand, shall we?’ said Hannah, folding her arms.
‘Well,’ said Dominic, giving her a lascivious smile. ‘I seem to have woken the tiger, and it turns out she’s quite hungry.’
‘Dominic, stop this,’ snapped Clara. ‘You’re embarrassing yourself.’