Page 49 of Game, Set, Match

‘Good point,’ said Hannah, happy to cling on to anything right now.

‘I’m kind of gutted you didn’t shag him, though.’ Jess smirked. ‘I bet he’s got some great coaching skills in the bedroom too.’

Hannah sighed and shook her head, grabbing the bottle and taking a long drink.

‘He looks like he’d go hard from the baseline,’ said Gaynor.

‘Bit of topspin forehand,’ added Jess, snorting with laughter. ‘Stroke those balls down the line.’

‘Bet he has a lovely grip,’ added Trish, smiling gamely even though Hannah could see how much it pained her.

‘Who wants a go on the slide?’ Gaynor suggested.

‘What, the kiddie one?’ Jess looked over at the blue plastic slide on the side of the pool. ‘I’m in.’

‘Oh God, this is going to go badly,’ said Trish as the two of them swam to the steps and clambered out, their naked skin glowing in the pool lights.

‘You’ll need to wet it,’ called Hannah, but they were too giggly to hear. Gaynor climbed up the steps, her boobs bouncing merrily.

‘I’m going down on my front,’ she announced, clambering forward so her chest rested on the slide and her feet were flailing in the air.

‘WET THE SLIDE!’ shouted Hannah, but it was too late. Gaynor wiggled her way down, screeching in pain as her damp body failed to provide enough lubrication to facilitate a slide, causing her nipples to drag across the plastic like sandpaper. Hannah winced.

‘Owww, that hurt,’ yelled Gaynor at nobody in particular. ‘I should have wet the slide.’

‘Jesus,’ muttered Trish, watching Gaynor splash water onto the slide so Jess could have a go. ‘I love being naked in the water. It makes my tits look really perky.’

‘Aren’t they always perky?’

‘I’ve fed two kids,’ Trish said glumly. ‘They’re like deflated balloons. Good underwear is my saviour.’

‘Couldn’t you have a boob job?’

‘Yeah, one day. Don’t have the money right now, and I’m only thirty-six. I figure if I have them done now they’ll need doing again in ten years, but if I wait until I’m forty-five they’ll be fine until I’m fifty-five and I won’t give a crap about anything below the neck by then.’

‘I can tell you’ve thought this through,’ said Hannah, swigging some more Cava. They should have brought a second bottle.

‘Haven’t you?’ asked Trish.

‘I can honestly say I’ve never given it a passing thought.’

‘How old are you again?’

‘I’m thirty-two.’

‘Right, that’s why,’ said Trish. ‘Three or four more years and suddenly you’re staring down the barrel of forty. Bits of you start heading south for winter.’

‘OK, that’s depressing.’

‘I’ve already had my vadge shored up.’

‘You’ve done what?’

‘I’ve had my pelvic floor reconstructed – it was ruined by two nine-pound babies. Lola’s sixth birthday party at the trampoline park was the final straw; that place is a river of mum piss.’

‘Wow,’ said Hannah. ‘I had no idea.’

‘You wait,’ Trish said ominously. ‘It’s nice to be able to sneeze freely again, that used to be a bit of a minefield. I had to send my fanny a memo, let it know it was coming.’