Page 13 of Game, Set, Match

‘Same,’ said Aaron. ‘I did La Manga last year.’

Olly nodded slowly. ‘Nice. You?’ He looked at Rob, who shook his head.

‘Just in the UK.’

‘Excellent, a proper Colina virgin. How old are you?’

‘I’m twenty-eight,’ said Rob with a steely glare, ‘so perhaps you could stop talking to me like it’s my first day at prep school.’

‘Ooh, a fellow private schoolboy,’ said Olly. ‘I won’t ask where – doubt it’s anywhere interesting. What about you two?’ He nodded at Aaron and Nick.

‘Nope,’ said Aaron. ‘Local comp, mopped floors at David Lloyd on the weekends to pay for lessons.’

Nick shrugged. ‘Yeah, Eton. My father is a Nigerian prince.’

‘Really?’ said Chris, his eyes boggling.

‘No,’ said Nick. ‘I’m from Croydon. Fuck off.’

Rob laughed as he took his beer from the barman’s tray and decided that Nick was his kind of guy. Aaron was naive but harmless and Chris seemed pretty cool; Jonno hadn’t said a word yet, so the jury was still out on him. Olly was an arrogant dick, but he’d dealt with his type plenty of times before.

‘So, who knows about Club Colina Bingo?’ said Olly, rubbing his hands together as the tray of beers arrived.

‘I fucking love this time of year,’ said Chris, lighting a cigarette and turning his face into the sun. ‘Beats the shit out of Manchester.’

‘Anyone?’ asked Olly. Rob, Nick and Aaron all shrugged and shook their heads.

‘It’s a game we play every year,’ said Olly.

‘A stupid game, if I may voice my opinion,’ Jonno interrupted, revealing a very strong Welsh accent. ‘Just so you’re all clear on where I stand on this matter.’

‘Fuck off, you tedious wanker,’ said Olly. ‘Jonno has no sense of humour, and he’s very bad at this game.’

‘What are the rules?’ asked Aaron. He looked like the youngest of the group, maybe twenty-three or twenty-four. He was clearly desperate to fit in, and Rob wondered how many devious ways Olly would find to exploit that.

‘We each put one hundred euros in the pot,’ said Olly. ‘So that’s six hundred in total.’

‘Hark at Carol Vorderman,’ muttered Chris.

‘There are six types of women on the bingo card that you have to hook up with,’ continued Olly, his full lips curled into a sneer. ‘Whoever ticks all six off first wins the pot.’

‘But how would anyone know?’ asked Aaron, his brow furrowed in confusion. ‘Where’s the proof?’

‘It has to be done in public,’ said Olly. ‘You don’t have to shag them, although obviously you can if you like. Just pull them, you know. A kiss with tongues and a cheeky arse fondle, that kind of thing. It just has to be witnessed by at least two of us.’

‘Jesus,’ said Rob. ‘What are you? Fourteen?’

Olly shrugged. ‘It’s just a bit of fun, my friend. A way to pass the long summer evenings.’

‘What are the categories?’ Aaron asked eagerly.

Olly folded his arms and smiled. ‘First up, a woman older than your mum.’

‘I hate this one,’ said Chris. ‘I’m thirty and the youngest of four. My mum is, like, nearly seventy.’

Olly laughed. ‘Tough luck, my friend. Second category is an easy one. Fake boobs.’

‘This is usually the only one I ever score,’ said Jonno mournfully.