Page 105 of Game, Set, Match

‘Yes,’ said Gaynor. ‘And I’m the umpire, so pipe the fuck down.’ She turned to Hannah and sloshed more wine in her glass. ‘You’ve quit your job, so go and see him, have the big conversation, agree if this thing between you is or isn’t happening. Then you can stop wallowing and get on with your life either way.’

‘Or alternatively,’ added Sam. ‘Tell him you love him, then let me style your huge white Hemsworth wedding.’

‘So what are you saying?’ asked Hannah. ‘That I should just fly out there and see him?’

‘I’m already on the EasyJet website,’ said Jess, tapping frantically at her phone. ‘Shit, nothing from Gatwick to Malaga until four p.m. tomorrow. The flights in the morning are all full.’

‘Saturday’s his day off,’ said Hannah. ‘He could have gone off somewhere by then. This isn’t going to work, guys.’

‘You could message him?’ said Trish. ‘Tell him you’re coming?’

Hannah sighed. ‘I deleted his number. I was staring at it feeling sad all the time, so I got rid of it.’

‘Christ, you’ve got it bad,’ muttered Trish. ‘Maybe you could call Club Colina? Ask reception to get a message to him?’

‘Yeah,’ said Hannah. ‘I guess I could leave a message and tell him to ring me?’

‘No,’ said Jess. ‘You need to go over there. This is too big a conversation to have on the phone.’

Hannah thought for a minute, weighing up all the options, then nodded. ‘OK.’

‘Wait, are you really going to do this?’ asked Sam incredulously.

‘Yes,’ said Hannah, nodding emphatically. ‘I’ve spent my entire life overthinking everything, so I’m going to be spontaneous.’

‘Okaaay,’ said Sam, looking doubtful.

‘No, it’s fine,’ said Hannah, feeling the blood start to flow in her veins for the first time in weeks. ‘I’ve done it four times in my life so far – kicking Graham out, agreeing to go on a tennis holiday, asking Rob on my road trip, and quitting my job. I don’t regret any of those decisions, so I’m going for a fifth.’

‘Got one,’ said Jess triumphantly. ‘EasyJet from Bristol. Leaves at nine thirty tomorrow morning, so you’ll be there by lunchtime.’

‘Nothing earlier?’ said Hannah. ‘No six a.m. flights?’ Having embraced this idea, she was now itching to go and draw a line under this thing one way or the other.

‘Not in this half of the country,’ said Jess. ‘I can check Ryanair from Stansted?’

‘Christ, she’s not that desperate,’ muttered Gaynor. ‘No man is worth Ryanair from Stansted.’

‘OK,’ said Hannah. ‘At least we’ll get the afternoon and evening together, then I can come back on Sunday, or maybe go and see Dad for a bit. Depending on how things go.’

‘You sure you want to do this?’ said Jess, her finger hovering over her phone.

‘I don’t know,’ said Hannah, suddenly unsure. ‘Do I?’

‘It comes to a hundred and seventy quid, one way. Another fifty quid if you want a cabin bag.’

‘That much, for one way?’

‘Yeah,’ shrugged Jess. ‘But it’s tomorrow, and there’s only one seat left.’

Hannah swallowed and took a deep breath. ‘OK,’ she said, looking round at the others. ‘Should I do this?’

‘Hell yeah,’ said Sam. ‘You could be banging a fake Hemsworth in less than eighteen hours.’

Hannah looked at Trish, who nodded and smiled, despite looking a little sick. ‘Go for it,’ she said firmly. ‘This match definitely isn’t over.’


‘Absolutely,’ said Gaynor, topping up everyone’s glass. ‘Second serve, mate. Gotta be done.’