Page 57 of Rambo

It takes a moment before everyone settles down.

“Normally, Mama El is the one to make some sort of speech and all that yada-yada before telling us to get drunk but not too drunk because we aren’t sleeping in her house.”

I look toward Elvira, and she smiles as everyone in their version of Elvira says,“If you can’t walk home, go home now. I’m not dealing with your ass.”

All of us start to laugh, Elvira included. She never once turned any of us away if we weren’t coherent. It didn’t stop her from making her threats in an attempt to keep our asses in line.

“Yeah, that. Anyway, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all. Without you, today would look very,verydifferent. My son,” I turned to Dillon,“when I couldn’t find you, that was the most scared I’ve ever been in my life.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” he tells me timidly.

“I know, buddy. I’m not mad at you. I need you to know that you’re never allowed to play hide and seek again because you are the ultimate master.” I tell him, and he smiles, telling me he won’t. Until we know for sure that he doesn’t remember, I don’t want to tell him that he was kidnapped. I want to keep what’s left of innocence intact. Why forcefully take it away if I don’t need to? It might not be the right thing to do, but until I speak with the doctor, I will do what I feel is suitable for my son. The agreements from my brothers let me know that I might not be doing a lousy job at this parenting thing.

“Because of all of you, the master is home, and my little family will always be complete. These kids, I don’t know what or who I would be without them. You guys have made sure that I never have to find out. Bigfoot,” I look at one of my oldest brothers,“especially you. I will owe you a lifelong debt.”

A tear falls from his eye and travels down his weathered face,“You don’t owe me anything, brother. You’re my family, and I would do anything for you. For all of you.”

Giving him a nod, I continue,“Now. There is something else that I want to do with all of you here.”

“Oh, my fuck! He’s gonna propose.”

The quiet that overcame the table was deafening. I looked down at Audrina, and she smiled. Her smile spoke volumes, letting me know that she knew I wasn’t. It isn’t because I don’t want to, I do, but this is about my kids right now. When I ask her to marry me, as much as I love my family, they will not be there.

“Uh, no. Sorry Ash, but not today.”

“Damnit,” she pouts as she wiggles around and then produces a folded-up bill, handing it to Willie.

“Told you, Sunflower. Family dinner doesn’t mean that.”

“I was so sure someone was going to be proposed to.”

Her chin drops to her palm, and when I look at Willie, he gives me a wink. Audrina isn’t the one being asked, but something tells me Ashlynn wasn’t wrong about that action happening at some point.

“Anyways. No more interruptions, okay? This is…. This is hard, and I need to get this out.”

Audrina’s hand is in mine, and when I feel her squeeze, I feel the last little bit of strength I need to get this out.

“When my daughter was born, I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t think the baby would be mine, and when I found out she was, I was terrified. That fear didn’t stop me from doing everything I needed to be in her life. When her birth mother announced her name, I felt useless—”


“No, please, Prez. Let me say this. I did. I felt useless. I couldn’t stop her from doing something so hurtful. I should have been able to, but I was powerless. Then, I was furious to find out that her last name was Kelley. It’s nothing against the Kelleys. Anyone with your last name is lucky. The amount of love this family gives is phenomenal. It’s something that other families should strive for. But I wanted my daughter to have my name. She’s mine. This has been a battle that I didn’t want to fight, but I did because she’s worth it. I would do it all again if it meant I get my kids at the end of the day.

For the longest time, my daughter was known as Baby Girl. I couldn’t call her the name she was given at birth. It didn’t feel right. Had she been named to honor her sister because that’s what these kids are, siblings for life—regardless of who their parents are—I would have had no issue calling her Marley. Life isn’t fair, though. She was named maliciously, and it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to her, me, you, and Bri, Prez. I couldn’t be part of the problem. So, I fixed it.”

“What? What do you mean?” Cowboy asks me. I take a good look at him. His neck is red, and his eyes are full of water. Bri, however, has let all her tears fall. I give him a brief smile and turn around.

“Princess, can you come here?”

My daughter, who had been sitting on the other side of Audrina, climbs over her mother, and I pick her up. Turning back to Cowboy, I take a moment to look at my family. The women, it’s like they know what’s coming, and not one of them has dry eyes. All of my brothers are doing what people do when they are trying hard not to cry.

“When I discovered she was mine, I knew I had to step it up, and I had no issue with that. I was on my way to talk to her birth mother about her name when I was stopped from going in. That conversation never got to happen. Because of the circumstances, I could now do what needed to be done.

This little girl is my world, along with her brother. He’s my little king, and she is my queen. Thinking about who she is and who her family is, I wanted her name to reflect that. Everyone, I would like you to officially meet Malika Marley Roscoe. Her name means queen. While she may have been named maliciously before, now she’s named for honor. She will always know that her big sister is looking after her and is who she is named for.”

Tears are streaming down my face, but Malika doesn’t notice. She’s wiggling to get down, and when I put her on her mother’s lap and turn around, I’m hit by a brick wall. My Prez’s arms are wrapped around me. One arm is around my waist, and the other holds my head. I can’t do anything other than hold him back as tightly. I can hear the soft sobs that he’s letting out.

“She was my queen, too, Nate. She was mine.”