Page 46 of Rambo

“I need an excellent reason not to cut you up and feed you while you’re still alive to my piggies.”

“Pl-please. I’ve told you everything. I’m just a cog in a bigger system. My computer in my home office has the information you need.”

Butcher smiles, and Sonya shrinks back. He taps her face,“Good girl.”

When he turns around, we all follow him and gather toward the back. There’s no point in leaving the room. She’s never going to see the light of day again.

“I’ve already texted Bigfoot. He and Zombie are ready to raid her house. Copper meet up with them. I want fucking everything. Take the prospects with you. Grab it all. Whatever Knuckles needs, make sure to leave with. The rest, stash it where we have all of Artem’s shit. The extra eyes from his men will make sure that we don’t lose anything we take.” Cowboy states.

“Got it, Prez.”

Once Copper’s out of the cellar, we look at each other. We have to do something, but it’s becoming increasingly apparent that killing her is something that each of us is going to have trouble doing.

“What are we going to do with her?” I start, looking at my Prez and then my brothers,“I’ll do what you need me to, Prez.”

Before he can say anything, Butcher pulls out his cell and brings it to his ear.“Hey. I need you to come to the cellar,” he says and hangs up.

“Who the fuck was that?” Cowboy asks.

“The solution.”

When Butcher says nothing else, we all stand there looking like jackasses, I turn back to Sonya, attempting to get more information. Something that I need to know before I don’t have another chance.

“Who did Steffie reach out to?”


“Steffie. Who did she reach out to? You were trying to get my kids taken from me. They got on The Company’s radar. Who did she reach out to?”

“Oh. Her. What a fucking cunt that woman was. From my understanding, she reached out. She wanted a payday. I got the call on my burner—before you ask, they use a voice disguise machine—saying I needed to get them. And well, you know how that worked out.”

“You’re telling me Steffie reached out to The Company to sell you my kidswillingly?”

“I told you she was a cunt.”

“Bitch, how is she any different from you?” Sever asks.

Sonya doesn’t say anything. She shrugs and turns away from us as much as she can. I’m fuming. If Steffie weren’t dead, I would have zero problems killing her. She was willingly going to sell my kids. For what? My hands start to shake, and I clench my fists, attempting to calm myself.

The door at the top of the stairs draws all of our attention. We all turn around and trotting down the steps, without a care in the world, is Abilene.

“Yes, dear?” she asks, looking at Butcher. None of us say anything. I think everyone, except her husband, is too shocked that she is standing in our murder room. Butcher points to Sonya, and Abilene’s eyes follow.

“She steals kids and gives them to pedophiles for fifty-k each.”

It was like the room became a vacuum. I swear the air became colder, and the already darkened room dimmed. But in Abliene’s eyes, a monster took over. Looking at her, she was no longer the sweet woman married to Butcher, who helped care for us all. She was possessed, and her target was strapped to a chair with nowhere to go.

“Oh, I see,” even her voice was mutated. I glance at Sonya, and the fear I thought I saw when Butcher walked toward her is nothing like what it is now. She’s terrified. Fully and completely terrified.

“Pl-please. Help me.”

“You know, my husband and these men don’t kill women. I can honestly say that I was shocked to see you strapped to this chair. I immediately thought abouthowI could help you.”

“Please. I promise I won’t talk. I’ll leave town. I won’t come back. Please. Help me.”

Sonya was either an outstanding actress or her tears and fear were real. I’m not the one Abilene points this possessed version of herself toward, and I’m scared. I can only imagine how Sonya feels. Abilene is finally right in front of Sonya, and in the blink of an eye, she grips her hair and pulls Sonya’s head back, elongating her neck.

“Unfortunately for you,I dokill women.”