Page 29 of Rambo

“You aren’t getting out of this, no matter how much you yell and scream. So, why don’t you just shut up and take what is coming to you.” I tower over him, trying to look as menacing as I can.

He looks from me to Butcher and Sever. Then an acrid smell hits my nose as Clint starts crying and shaking.

“It’s always the ones that think they are this badass who isn’t scared of anyone that piss their pants first. Don’t worry, Rambo. I got this one.” Sever gets up and proceeds to cut off all of Clint’s clothes.

“Look at the little pecker.” Butcher laughs and points his big butcher knife at it.“It will make a great snack for my piggies!”

“You will have a lot to feed your piggies soon enough, buddy. For right now, he is Rambo’s.” Sever pats his shoulder, walking past him. Butcher pouts and sticks his leg out, tripping him. Sever looks back like he is going to start something, but I catch his eye, and he thinks better of it.

“Clit, can I call you Clit? You have done something that is unforgivable in the eyes of this MC. You hurt a woman. Not just any woman, a woman who is held in high regard in this club. A woman who is valued and a part of this family. For that, your penalty is death in the most excruciating manner. Sever, should I tell him what is coming or just let him be surprised?” I flick the small paring knife in front of Clint’s face.

“Oh, I always like surprises. Let’s surprise him,” Sever says. Butcher giggles and claps his hands like that is the best present ever. Have you ever seen a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound man with a goatee giggle and jump up and down while clapping? It makes murder fun. I’m just saying.

Clint proceeds to piss himself again, letting it run down his leg and pool at his feet before running down the drain. I walk past him, trading the small knife in for a full filet knife. I know these are sharper than sharp.

“I have spent the last few weeks living above and helping out in the Butcher Shop. I’ve discovered I have great skills. One that will not help me in my day-to-day life, but here, in this room, it’s an asset.” I press the knife into a cut in his arm that is still oozing blood.

I start to run it down his arm, extending the flesh wound. Clint only grunts, watching me from the corner of his eye. Once I have it big enough, I slide the knife between the muscle and the skin and start to slowly cut them apart. I then peel the skin from his flesh and hold it up to Clint’s face, and he pales, looking at it.

“You can’t feel it now because your shoulders are pinching the nerves. But once I start skinning you on your legs and torso, oh, that’s when all the fun is going to start,” I can’t help the laugh that escapes me.

I continue to cut strips of flesh from his arms and his hands. I toss the pieces in a bucket for Butcher to feed to the pigs later. I shoot Clint a smile as I walk behind him. He starts to panic and asks what I am doing. He tries to spin himself so he can watch me. I kick him in the knee with my boot, and he yells out. It turns into a high-pitched shriek as I shove the knife I am using, blade first, right up his ass. I pull it out and shove it up there again.

“Oh, he likes that, Rambo. He is starting to get stiff! Awe, he’s not a grower or a shower. Must be hischarming personalitythat gets him all the action he gets.” Sever says, walking up to him and grabbing his small cock. Sever twists it hard until we hear it pop.

He starts crying, asking us why we are doing this to him. Trying to barter with all the money he has, his connections, and whatever he thought he could use, thinking we were actually going to let him go at this point.

“No, you aren’t getting out of here alive. You broke someone who means the world to me. You may have taken something from her, but she will get everything from me.” I tell him as I start to cut and filet the rest of his skin from him.

Clint starts to pass out. There is so much blood on the ground and on me as I get all the skin off his torso. Sever gives me a look, telling me to wrap this up, so we can let Butcher do what is needed. I slap the side of Clint’s face. I make him look me in the eyes, which is challenging as he can barely hold his head up. I cut the duct tape off his neck and hold his chin in my hand. I then bring the bloody filet knife up to his throat and push and pull across it. As I sever both arteries, he starts to gurgle and try and talk while his throat and mouth fill with blood. I watch the life and light fade out of his eyes. When the blood finally stops oozing, I let his head drop down.

I start to hyperventilate. I don’t know how to feel about this. I have watched Butcher do this. I have shot people and killed people who deserved this just as much as Clint, but I can feel the bile start to creep up my throat. I spin and start puking in the bucket that is in the corner. Sever grabs my shoulders and starts to lead me up the steps out into the cool night air. He hands me a water bottle that I gulp down before I start taking deep breaths, attempting to calm myself.

“It’s different watching the life fade from them. Especially when it’s so close to home like this is, I get it. It doesn’t get easier unless you start losing parts of your humanity like Butcher. Go, get cleaned up, and see your kids and your woman. It is for the greater good that he is put down.” Sever pats me on the shoulder and points me in the direction of the bunkhouse to shower.

Before I got there, I sent a text to Knuckles that simply saidThe dog is dead. So he can put in motion the final part of the plan, making sure no one misses or looks for Clint.

As I shower, all I can think about is Audrina. What is going to happen if she finds out the truth? If she learns that I killed Clint for her, will she be consumed with guilt? Will she blame herself? Should I convince her that he left? Not a single question is answered by the time I’m done getting all of Clint’s blood off me. I’m nowhere near closer to the answer I need. The only thing I am closer to is making Audrina mine.

Unless I completely fucked any chance I had.

As I walk back to the house, I pause when I hear the pigs squealing. It gets so fucking loud when they eat—even worse when it’s people. Damn, demented pigs. When I hear the maniacal laughter of Butcher, followed bysuch good piggies for daddy, eating all the evidence,I shake my head and head inside. I’m not going to figure anything out until I speak to Audrina. But that’s a tomorrow problem. Tonight, I’m simply going to hold all three of them tighter.

Waking up, I don’t know where I am or how I got here. When I try to move, all I feel is pain in my back and sides. I attempt to sit up, but I’m hit with a wave of nausea. I lay my head back down, hoping to get the need to vomit to subside. Once I close my eyes, the dizziness hits hard, and I can feel myself losing the battle not to throw up.

“Hey, sweetie, how are you feeling?”

Elvira’s soft, soothing voice carries into whatever room I’m in. I’m trying to remember everything that happened after the fight with Clint, but it’s making my head hurt worse.

Attempting to respond is futile. The second I do, I lose the battle. Thankfully, Elvira holds up a trash can just in time. It doesn’t last long, which isn’t surprising as I didn’t have anything to eat before the fight, before I was ra—I didn’t have anything.

I cough when nothing more comes out, succeeding in making my head and body hurt more. I give up and stop trying to open my eyes. My whole body is screaming from everything that happened last night with Clint.

I don’t want to think about what he did me.

He treated me like I was nothing, which wasn’t the worst thing. The worst thing was him doing the one thing he did and then spitting on me as if I was trash littering the floor.

Aren’t you, though?