Page 53 of Rambo

“Where did you go?” Ashlynn asks us. It’s clear that she’s accusing us of fucking, and, yeah, we did, but she should maybe not.

“You should probably brush out your sex hair before you question me,” Audrina snaps at her.

Ashlynn’s hands go up to her head,“Damnit, Willie. You said it was fine!”

Maniacal laughter is all we hear in response, and I shake my head.“You two deal with that. I’m heading to the kitchen.”

“You’re not really mad at me, are you?”

I hear Audrina tell her she isn’t before I am too far away to hear anymore. Once in the kitchen, I open the fridge, looking for something for lunch. The backdoor opens, and in runs my son.“Hey buddy, where’s your sister? Also, are you hungry?”

“Yes, and sissy is with Mama El up in the blanket room.”

Ah, the blanket room. The one room none of my brothers dare to go to. The one time Cowboy had to go up there, he almost pissed his pants in fear.“Well, we’ll let them be. You want a sandwich?”

His enthusiastic nod gives me the all-clear to fix us all plates. As we sit at the table eating, everyone else marched in. It isn’t long before the table is surrounded, and we are all shooting the shit, allowing ourselves a few moments of happiness—pretending all this shit wasn’t happening.

“Someone is at the front door.”

“Fuck! I always forget about that thing.” Willie says as he tosses chips in the air from his mini-scare.

“Fucking Google,” I murmur.

Butcher gets up and opens the door, ushering in Aletta, who has an arm full of baked goods. Once the guys caught sight of the tins, she was mobbed, as they all took the food off her hands.

“Well, hello to you all, too,” she mutters.

“Auntie!” Dillon yells out and shoves back from the table to get a hug from her. He started calling her auntie shortly after she came home.

He said it was because all the brothers were his uncles, except for Judge and Storm, who are his forever grandpas. All the women are his aunties except for Mama El. She is Mama El. Aletta didn’t seem to mind, and those two have bonded very well. He is filling her in on his day at the ranch, his love for the new baby cows, and the horse about to have a foal. I watch them out of the corner of my eye as the prospect from the gate makes his way into the kitchen for something sweet. He must think he found it as his eyes trail up and down Aletta. I am not sure he is smart enough to realize that hitting on her means death. He wets his lips, cocks his head, and starts to approach.

“Do you know how much a polar bear weighs?” He asks her, and I cannot help the audible groan from my mouth. He isn’t bothered, given he is laser-focused on her.

“Not enough to break this frigid bitch. Try again.” Aletta fired back, not even sparing him a glance.

“Aunty, you said a bad word,” Dillon holds out his hand, expecting a dollar.

“Sorry, mini man, I am tapped. Do you take an IOU?”

“I can spot you,” the prospect said.“Here, I will even give you a twenty, so you have wiggle room to be as naughty as you like.” he winks. Is this kid for real?

“Dillon, why don’t you go play? We can catch up later. I need to teach another little boy a lesson.” Dillon looks from his aunt to the prospect, sticking his tongue out at him, and then heads up the steps to the kid’s room.

“You going to spank me? I mean, I am a bad whittle boy.” The prospect looks her up and down again, licking his bottom lip. I look around to all my other brothers, and some of us are watching Aletta; others are watching Butcher, who, while looking pissed, is letting his daughter hold her own.

“No, but I am sure my dad would like to give you a beat down.” she crosses her arms over her chest, which draws this little fuck boy’s eye to them again.

“Well, your daddy isn’t here. I can be your daddy in the meantime.” He takes a step toward her. Aletta holds her hand out, stopping him in his tracks.

“Where did you find this little shit?” she asks us,“Okay, since you are clueless, I am going to point to one man, and you are going to tell me if you can see the family resemblance.” Her outstretched hand points over his shoulder. The prospect slowly turns, scanning all who were watching; the realization hits him when his eyes land on Butcher.

“Get him, Daddy,” Sever whispers and pats his best friend on the back. The prospect shrieks and bolts from the kitchen, Butcher hot on his tail.

“Seriously, where did you find him?” Aletta asks again, taking her father’s vacated seat.

“Where we find some of them, in a back alley looking for scraps. He followed Storm home but has started picking up his former bad habits of hitting on anything that walks,” Judge piped up.“Don’t be too hard on him. He’s learning.”

“Oh, he’s gonna learn something today.”