Page 45 of Rambo

Sonya laughs as Cowboy releases her chin,“That’s your problem. You’re so soft. Doing everything right under your nose this whole time has been so easy. You put all your stock into the men being the bad guys.”

“Are you saying there are more women just as sick as you here?”

Sonya shrugs her shoulders,“There are deviant women all over the world. That’s nothing new. But to claim that you won’t do anything to those who are, as you say, like me will be your downfall. What is it that you plan to achieve here?”

“I want to know who the fuck you’re working for,” Storm states.

Sonya turns toward his voice, and her face lights up,“Oh, hello. If I remember correctly, you’re the daddy of that teenage whore that had a baby a little while ago.”

Storm walks up toward Sonya, and before we can blink, he backhands her across the face. His chest is heaving. It’s a miracle that I can’t see steam coming from his body.

“This one gets it. I take it that nothing is off limits with you regarding the no hurting women comment?”

“You’re not a woman. You’re trash. There’s a difference.”

She continues to go back and forth with the guys. She’s taunting them, and I have to give it to her. She can hold her own. She hasn’t shown any sign of fear. She knows what she’s in for and doesn’t come across as worried.

“Why are you doing this?” I finally speak,“What are you gaining from giving these kids to pedophiles?”

Her calm demeanor changes instantly when she sees me. Her eyes narrow, and I can tell that out of everyone in this room, she hates me the most, as if I am the one who is a disgusting piece of shit. She doesn’t answer. She turns her head to the side and scoffs. Fuck this.

“Oh, you had no issue talking a big fucking game a moment ago. You had no shame in what you were doing. But now it’s a problem? When I want the fucking truth about why you’re such a piece of shit, now you can’t talk?”

“You want to know why I do what I do?”

“Did I not just fucking ask you?” I wasn’t going to sit here and play this game with her. If Storm can associate her with trash, I can do the same thing. The more she spoke, the easier it became.

“Each kid I pass to The Company, I get a fifty-k payout for. Every. Single. One. Why the fuck would I sit there, doing that shit fucking job, when I can make that kind of money under the table? Please. I’m taking the money.”

“These are children. Innocent fucking lives.”

“Am I supposed to care about that?”

“Who at The Company gives you the orders? Who do you report to?” Cowboy asks her.

“Why should I fucking tell you? You can say you won’t kill me, but I don’t believe you.”

“There are a lot of things I could do to you. If you were a man, you’d already be missing limbs. You want a chance of getting out of this room, fucking tell me. You don’t have a problem thinking about yourself and no one else. Tell me, do you want to live, or do you want to be dinner for the pigs?”

Sonya looks between us all before giving a slight nod,“I don’t know who is in charge. I don’t speak to anyone.”

“How do you know who to grab or where to send them?”

“Everything is submitted on the dark web. I send the file and give them the all-clear to go. It’s not complicated.”

“Who got in contact with you the very first time?”

“I couldn’t tell you.”

“For a bitch that wants to walk out of here alive, you’re not giving us a reason to save your ass,” Sever states.

“I’ve been doing this a long fucking time. I don’t know who the fuck reached out to me. Everything alternates; no real names are used. The Company is smarter than you seem to give them credit for.”

“If they, or you, were so smart, we never would have figured you out in the first place. I think that it’s you underestimating us.” Cowboy tells her.“Butcher.”

Butcher comes forward, which is the first time Sonya has looked at him. Right now, he isn’t my brother. He’s the madman that hides deep within. He’s the man that none of us want to see if we were ever in Sonya’s place.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Sonya’s voice cracks as he walks toward her, getting in her face.