Page 28 of Rambo

“Nate. I….”

“What, amour? You, what?”

“There’s no stopping him.”

I probably shouldn’t. In fact, I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop myself. I place my hands on either side of her head, and in a feather-light touch, my lips touch hers. When I pull back, I look deep into her eyes and say,“Watch me.”

I don’t do anything else or wait to see if she has anything more to say. I stand up and walk out of the room. When I shut the door, I could hear her start to cry. It kills me to walk away, but I need to do this. I will not allow this piece of shit to think he got away with this.

Walking into the kitchen, I see them all. The women have been crying, and the men have been plotting murder.

“Who are we killing?” Sever asks, spinning his knife in his hand.

Typically, we wouldn’t discuss this outside of church and in front of the ladies, but there’s no hiding this. However, before I can say anything, Bri and El chime in at the same time.


“Let’s go.”

Sever, Butcher, and Turd follow me out without another word.


I’m waiting in the back of the SUV right outside of the hospital for Clint’s slimy ass to find his way to his overpriced chick mobile. I need to be smart about this. I must take him out quickly and efficiently but with the most damage possible. My job is keeping my kids and my woman safe. In order to do the latter, this mother fucker has to go.

She isn’t yours.


Butcher starts growling from the front seat, and Sever starts flipping his switchblade open and closed. I look back to see Clint walking out of the hospital. His arm is slung over some nurse. He leans over, and from where we are, it looks like he is nibbling on her neck or whispering in her ear. They part ways after sharing a passionate embrace. Turd starts gagging about hetero PDA. I normally laugh at his antics, but after seeing Audrina and the way she cowered away from me, I can’t currently find the humor—only rage. He doesn’t seem to care about the state that he left her in. To top it all off, he’s cheating on her.

I will take great pride in what is to follow.

Sever put the car in gear and got ready to follow him. We tailed him for a while. Sever drove Butcher Turd and I a few laps around Wyman while he gathered things. Finally, when he is on a long stretch of dark country road, we knew it was our time to strike. Sever turned off our lights and became a ghost following behind him. Where we are, there is no one around. To play it safe, we drop our location to Storm so he knows where to send for clean up.

Sever starts picking up speed, and we all brace as he rams the back of Clit’s tiny sports car, which is no match to the armored tank we are driving. He spins out and hits a farmer’s fence. We pull up, lights still out, and make our way to the car. There in the front seat is Clit, knocked out.

I try to open the door, but it’s jammed shut. Butcher grunts, and I know he is going borderline feral at this point. He grabs the partially open window and pulls, shattering the glass all over Clit and the ditch. This wakes the cowardly cunt from his nap, and he starts yelling as Sever reaches in and cuts the belt. Turd and Butcher then pull him from the car. Making sure to drag his ass over the glass sticking out of the door. They spin him around to face me, and I punch him as hard as I can. Knocking his ass back out.

We quickly load him in the back of the SUV, gag him and tie his broken and bloody body up. I wrap a sack over his head, making sure to seal the bottom with duct tape. It took all of my self-control to make sure the tape didn’t cut off his air. I wanted him awake and aware of all the suffering he is going to get. No one hurts my woman and gets away with it, even if she isn’t mine just yet.

We make it to the root cellar. Turd and Sever get him dragged down and set up on the hook. I am above ground waiting to hear from Storm that they are at the location and getting the car towed and cleaned up. Once that is done, Knuckles is going to put in part two of this plan.

Badass VP:Found a dog at the side of the road. Seems too damaged and needs to be put down.

Me: That’s so sad, too bad people don’t watch what they are doing.

I head down the steps and see that Butcher is setting up all his tools. The only thing left in its spot is the knife framed on the wall. That’s thefinishing knife. We are going to play a bit first. Butcher is grunting, and I can see the blood lust in his eyes. Mine probably matches. Clit is still knocked out on the ground, his hands tied and the hook engaged. I give Turd the signal. He turns it on, and as Clint is lifted from the ground, he starts to scream. It makes sense. We are lifting him by his hands that are still behind his back. This pulls and tugs at the tendons and muscles, having them move in ways that are not natural. I get Turd to stop the pulley when Clint is on his tiptoes, his body is bent, and his arms are pulled up almost higher than his head.

I get down on one knee in front of him and hold my hand out for the knife. Butcher hands me a small paring knife. I am slightly disappointed, but this is to get him to look into my eyes. I cut the bag right up the middle, leaving the tape around his neck. His eyes blink as he gets them in focus. When they meet mine, healmostlooks surprised.

“I knew you were a bad influence on her!” Clint yells at me.Oh, this is the game he wants to play?

“Actually, I had no influence on her. She is the best influence on me. She is one of us.” I say calmly, tapping my leg as a signal for Turd to turn the pulley on again.

Clint yells for us to stop and for help as his arms pull and twist. His body weight is too much for the tendons, and they snap loudly. He screams in pain, and his body lowers as his shoulders are dislocated. He is dangling there. His hands are turning purple. When he is at full height, Turd turns off the pulley and walks out of the room—leaving just Sever, Butcher, and me alone with Clint.

“Just shut him up already, Rambo! My head can’t take this.” Sever complains, cleaning his nails with his switchblade. I backhand Clint, and that seems to stun him enough into silence.