Page 22 of Rambo

A throat clearing brings me out of my haze.

We both turn toward the doorway where Judge and Elvira are standing, wrapped around each other. Cowboy walks up right behind them.

“She’s gone.” Cowboy starts,“I honestly think she was more scared of mom than anything. But then again,” he looks at his mother,“I’m terrified of you, so I get it.”

Elvira smacks him against his chest, and they all laugh. I look at Nate again, and I can see the worry in his eyes. I touch his arm, and when he looks at me, I nod, indicating that I want him to follow me.

Once we’re in the sunroom, I turn and look him in the eyes.“I don’t know what happened at the station, but I am not going to let this stop us from you getting your kids. I’m going to fight for you, Nate. I know you didn’t do it, but more than that, you deserve to be those babies’father. I won’t stop until this goes how it’s supposed to.”

Nate doesn’t say anything. He only nods in agreement.


When he still doesn’t say anything and turns his head so he can no longer see me, I step up to him, grabbing his head in my hands.

“Nate, look at me. You believe me, right?”

He takes a deep breath before allowing his eyes to connect with mine.“Of course I do.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

My hands are still on his face. My thumbs start to move of their own volition as I press closer to him.

“Please,” he breathes out,“please don’t.”

But his body doesn’t match his words as he moves closer to me. Our chests touch, and my soul lights on fire. I get up on my tiptoes, and my lips connect with his. He lets out a gasp that sounds full of pain. Of course, it would. He doesn’t want me.

“Audrina, amour, please stop.”

I want to cry. I want to show him the pain those words cause me, but I can’t. I have to be strong. I should have known that he would do this. Clint told me. He told me repeatedly. No one, except him, would want me.

“You’re right,” I clear my throat,“you’re right. I shouldn’t have done that. That was inappropriate. I’m sorry. I know you don’t want it.”

He scoffs, and his hands grip my face, bringing my nose in line with his.“Don’t want it? You think I don’t want you? I want you so fucking much, Audrina. I want you more than my next breath. I want to kiss you. I want to take my tongue and tasteevery single inchof your body. I want to slide myself so deep into you that you beg me to stop because it hurts, but tell me to keep going because you’re right there. I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you. None of that has changed. Just like it hasn’t changed that you’re still with Clint.”

As soon as Clint’s name is out of his mouth, he pulls back and looks at me, his face falling.

“Until you tell him goodbye, you’re his.”

A choked sob escapes me as he tells me the same line from before—cementing everything I’ve ever been told.No one else wants me.

When his thumb caresses my cheek, I realize I’m crying.

There isn’t a point. I shouldn’t try. No one will want me.

“What was that?”

I shake my head,“What?”

“You said something about no one wanting you. Audrina, do you really think that?”

Clint told me so.

“He what?”


Shit. I didn’t mean to say any of that out loud. But from the confused look on his face, I mumbled enough that he didn’t understand anything I said. I hope.