Page 21 of Rambo

Sonya sputters, attempting to gather her thoughts. She looks at me briefly, but when it’s clear I’m not helping her with shit, she scowls at me.

“Is there a reason that you’re even here, Audrina? You have no reason to be here.”

“Considering I am the caseworker for the Kelley family, not you, I think I am the only one with a reason to be here.”

This is where I shine. I know I am good at my job and I will protect any parent who deserves it. I’m not here to keep good parents away. Nate is a fantastic father. He’s a father to a kid that he doesn’t have to love. Nate loves Dillon anyway. If Sonya thinks I am going to allow her to come in here and remove these kids, she has another thing coming.

“Fact is, Elvira,” Sonya attempts to be menacing, and yeah, it’s not working.“You can’t keep the kids because you want to. If I say that they aren’t safe here, I have every right to remove them. They were near a murder! They—”

“—Everyone is near a murder every day. Statistics show everyone meets at least seven serial killers in their lifetime. That at any given point, they’re driving next to a car with a dead body in the trunk. Claiming that they aren’t safe because someone’s dead ass was dropped off down the road is like saying you can’t drive because someone got in an accident around the block. Also, I have two other foster children here that you have failed to mention; why are you fixated on two out of four? You’re grasping at straws here.Try. Again.”

Sonya takes in a deep breath. I don’t know what is going on in her head, but I am determined to derail her plan. I’m about to say something when I see movement from the corner of my eye. I turn slightly and see Nate and Cowboy standing in the doorway. Nate is fuming. It’s clear that he wants to jump in and do something, but Cowboy holds him back. He whispers something in Nate’s ear, and Nate nods in agreement.

“If you think you’re keeping these kids, I have news for you.”

“No,” Elvira slams her hands on the table and stands. She puts her weight on her arms and leans toward Sonya. This is the bad bitch that all of the men in the Nameless Order are afraid of. This woman isn’t just Elvira anymore. She is the Queen that stole the crown from the King and turned him into a servant.“I have news for you. Do you think you can come in here and threaten me? You think that you can tell me that my house isn’t safe when it’s been a safe haven for children for over fifteen years—closer to twenty. You are attempting to take kids from a loving home all because their mother was murdered. Need I remind you she wasn’t murdered here? She was dropped outside of a motorcycle club.”

“One you have ties with.” Sonya cuts in.

Elvira scoffs,“It’s cute that you think that matters. I have ties to an MC, so what? A lot of people in this town do, including you. The MC does charity runs for the hospital you work with every year to earn donations for the children’s center. What makes you the less safe option than me? Because it’s your job? I’ve been running this home longer than you’ve been in this job. I can promise you that. You’re not taking them.”

Mic. Fucking. Drop.

Sonya is starting to turn red, and when I glance at Nate and Cowboy, I can see why Cowboy held Nate back. He knew his momma would handle everything.

“You don’t have a choice, Elvira.”

“No, she doesn’t, but I do. You have no jurisdiction here, Sonya. You aren’t sanctioned to work any case outside of the hospital. You were only called in for the home visit because they wanted an impartial opinion on living arrangements outside of a well-known certified foster home. You are not the legal caseworker for the Kelleys. I am. I will not let you take children from a home where they are safe and taken care of. I don’t know what your issue is, but you have zero authority here. In fact, should you keep attempting to push it, I can call you in for attempted kidnapping.”

“You-you can’t do that.”

“Oh, but I can. Law states that any user operating outside of their jurisdiction cannot legally obtain children. Should they remove them from a premise without the proper authority, it is kidnapping, and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I am going to tell you one more time. You have zero authority here. Leave. Now.”

Sonya looks at me in shock. When her eyes bounce to Elvira, she opens her mouth again, but El beats her to it.

“Don’t fucking try me, Sonya. You won’t like the outcome if you do.”

“Are…. Are you threatening me?”

“It’s a promise.”

Sonya’s scream is hilarious. She turns around and sees Cowboy standing right behind her. The man is menacing. He’s over six feet tall and built like a brick house. Add in his million and two tattoos, and he isn’t one you want to be on the wrong side of. Sonya sees that in his eyes.

“Get the fuck off my mother’s property. You have thirty seconds before I have you arrested for trespassing.”

Sonya gathers her things and walks out. Before she’s out of the kitchen, she turns back and looks at me,“Don’t think Scott won’t hear about this.”

“Go ahead, Sonya. The only one that did something wrong was you.”

Her lip curls, and she turns and leaves. Cowboy is right behind her, making sure she leaves the house. When I turn, I see Nate still standing in the doorway. I give him a small smile, and he walks right up to me, tugging me into his arms.

“Thank you,” he whispers into my ear.

“I would do anything for you,” I whisper right back.

He pulls away from me, and I take a look into his eyes. It’s almost like I am looking into his soul. His eyes are a beautiful chocolate color. They consume me. Unconsciously, I bring my hand up to his face and cup his cheek. His head leans into the touch, but his hand comes up and grips my wrist.

“Don’t,” he lets out. It’s so quiet I barely hear him.