Page 17 of Rambo

“I want her so damn bad, and I can’t have her. My head is a mess because her man is a piece of shit, but I can’t be the one that makes her choose. So, that’s what I was doing. I was having a next-level pity party on the mountain. Convincing myself to be a caveman and then convincing myself why it’s a bad idea. I’m a mess.”

Butcher looks at me for a while, and I can tell that he’s contemplating everything I’ve said. When his eyebrow shoots up, I know he’s come to a plan that will work for me.

“I just got three huge cows that had to be prepped and completely dismembered today. The shipment was supposed to come in earlier in the week, but it was late. It had to be done today. You helped me get the order done. We got here to the clubhouse about an hour before she was dropped.”

“Won’t that still make us suspects?”

“What matters is where we were when she was killed. Not when she was dropped. We were at the Butcher Shop.”

“Okay. Okay. Yeah. I’ll go with that. I can help you too.”

This causes Butcher to laugh. Once he’s gotten himself together, he looks at me with a huge smile,“If you think I still need to finish, you don’t know me at all. Cutting up bodies is a specialty of mine.”

“Cows, you mean?”

“Yeah. We’ll go with that.”

I shake my head, and we both agree that it’s time to get out of here and go face the music. I slap my hands onto his shoulders in thanks. He scares the fuck out of me, but I love this man.


Sirens and lights break up the pitch-black that is this night. The prospect that was guarding Steffie’s body was retired when Copper decided that it would be best for him to be the first one that Connard and his pieces of shit see.

It’s a great plan, except that I feel like I’m standing here, awaiting my death. The claims, the accusations, the handcuffs, they’re all coming. It isn’t going to take long for them to put her and me together and take me down to the station. If I’m not suspect number one, I’ll be shocked.

“Are you ready for this?”

I look to my side and see Turd. His face is stoic, but there’s a fire in his eyes.

“Not at all, man.”

“Regardless of what the piece of shit claims, I know you didn’t do this.” he slaps my back as the cop cars come to a stop outside of the gate. We didn’t move her, and there’s no way for them to get their vehicles up near the club without destroying evidence—if there is any.

“Well, it was only a matter of time before you guys fucked up,” Connard commented, taking a slow walk toward Cowboy. The smug smile on his face boiled my blood.

“Now, now, cock sucker, innocent till proven guilty. So, here we are.” Cowboy holds his arms out, gesturing to us all.“We found a body on our land, and we did our duty—called the boys in blue. And here you are.” Cowboy crosses his arms and cocks his hip. I can tell he’s waiting to hear another smart-ass remark.

There wasn’t one. While still staring Prez down, Connard cocked his head to the side, and his gremlins started securing the scene. We were all pushed back into the clubhouse, split up, and questioned.

Sitting at a table with Butcher and Connard across from us, I started telling him the story Butcher had told me. It was simple and straightforward. I can’t fuck it up. I may not be the best actor, but I can be convincing enough on this. It’s for my kids.

“You expect me to believe that he was at your shop, cutting up cows?” Connard says, sneering at me.

“You want more confirmation? Let’s call my wife. Here.” Butcher pulls out his cell phone and dials his wife. It rings twice before she picks it up.

“Yes, dear?”

“Honeybuns, tell the great sheriff here what Rambo and I were doing.”

“I’m still cleaning up what you two were doing. Next time you have him help you butcher cows on a time crunch, teach him how to clean too. I swear, Butcher, this is—”

“—Thanks, Honeybuns. Talk soon.” he hangs up,“That help?”

I can’t help but internally applaud Abilene’s ability to lie on the spot. However, my joy from her response is short-lived when I swear I see Connard’s eye twitch before he gives a disgusting, predatory smile.

“That phone call means jack shit to me. Nate Roscoe, you’re under arrest for the murder of Steffie Putain. You have the right….”

His voice is drowned out by all the noise inside my head. I knew that this was coming, but nothing will ever prepare you for cuffs being slapped on and having your rights read. As he leads me to the car, I take a look at all my brothers standing around. All of them have a look of concern on their faces—unsure how they’re going to be able to help me get out of this. I know that I didn’t do it. That means jack all when I can’t prove it.