Page 15 of Rambo

Whitley: Do what you have to do. We’ll talk later. I love you so much

I pull my phone to my chest and inhale. He doesn’t know what was going on, but he knew exactly what I needed to hear.

“Prez, I gotta get home.”


“If you don’t want this shit coming back to you, Rambo, or anyone else, I gotta do what I do best.”

Prez nods, and I get on my bike. Whitley may not know a thing, but he made it clear. I’m deleting everything. I hope that I’m not too late.


called in Copper.” I hear Cowboy state as he walks into the office.

“Good. If anyone is going to be able to help with this gigantic clusterfuck, it’s him. Where’s Knuckles?”

I look at Judge. He isn’t even facing us. He’s leaning against the desk. His head hangs between his shoulder blades while it’s clear as day, his shoulders are loaded with tension. I don’t want to see the judgment in his eyes when he turns around. There’s no reason for anyone to suspect anyone other than Cowboy and myself. We’re the only ones with motive. The only ones that benefit from her death. Except I don’t. Not really.

“Heading home, making sure he has nothing on him that will allow cops access to the files. Securing everything. He went the back way. He’s gonna handle it all remotely.”

“Prez, we have to figure out what we’re going to do. How are we going to protect this club? Our families?” Storm asks.

Cowboy places his hands on top of his head before he grabs his white Stetson and throws it.“I don’t know! I don’t fucking know. The bitch was a total fucking cunt, but did you see her? Who the fuck did that?” He plops himself down into a chair in the room,“We have to get rid of her. We can’t let the cops or anyone find her.”

“And where the fuck are we going to put her, son? How the hell do you expect us to hide her?”

“Family plot?”

“Are you kidding, Storm? Please tell me you’re joking.”

“Look, I don’t want the bitch there with the others that mean something to us, but it’s the easiest way to hide her.”

“No. Not happening.”

“Get Butcher to feed her to his piggies. That’d be the easiest way to go. No evidence.”

They continue to go back and forth, and I end up tuning them out. I can’t think of ways to hide her body. I wanted her gone and out of the picture, but I wanted it done legally. I didn’t want her to be brutally murdered and dropped at our gate. And top it all off, what am I going to do about my kids?

This will come back to bite me in the ass if something were to go wrong. One missed tape. One tooth that wasn’t digested. Anything, and I lose my kids forever. I also now have to try and keep my daughter with her brother. I have zero claim to Dillon. Now that his mother is dead, I’m even more fucked when it comes to getting him.

“Look, I don’t want to call them either, but you have to.”

I look up, and when the hell did Copper get here? Shit. I was so damn out of it. So focused on what this means for me I didn’t even notice a new body coming into this room.

“Fuck that. Connard will use that to his advantage to bring us down.” Cowboy points out.

“Yes, he will. He won’t get anywhere with it, though. You guys were here when she was dumped. She was dumped outside the gates. There isn’t enough here to pin this on you.”

“You’re telling me that both Cowboy and Rambo, Rambo especially, have nothing to gain with her being dead?”

“The only thing I gain is the bitch not coming here and bothering my wife and me. At the end of the day, she was a piece of shit that was trying to trap me into a patch. When that didn’t work, she became a giant fucking thorn of annoying.”

“Yes, son, and you also broke her finger. You can’t sit there and tell me that doesn’t cause some suspicion toward you.”

“She wouldn’t have reported that it was because of him. Not with her trying to get his patch. If she even went to get it fixed, she would have claimed she fell.”

“Prez, you might be right, but if you’re not, you breaking her finger does put a good amount of suspicion in your favor.” Copper tells him before he turns to me.“And Rambo, you have the most to gain by her death than anyone.”