Page 13 of Rambo

ou really think you are the only one I can come to for this? You approached me! You and your goons came to me with this offer! When I needed help to complete my end, you fucked off! So why are you up my ass? They are on your land!” she pouts like a child. I am very much over petulant children at this point in my life.

“It doesn’t work like that little girl, and you know it.Youpromised the goods.Youdeliver the goods!Youhad them taken away.Youget them back. It’s simple.” I shrug, rubbing a hand along my chin.

“It’s not that simple when CPS is watching you, and every move you make with your kids is documented.” she stomps her trashy hooker heel. How she didn’t twist her ankle, I will never know.

“This is ayouproblem. So, is that all you needed?” I kick my foot out, examining my shoe scuff and all that needed to be buffed out.

“I should sign my rights away. I mean, that way, they will fall deeper in the system, and then you can try and get them that way.” She threatens me. My eyes shoot to her, and my hand is out, wrapped around her throat, my nails digging into the sides.

“Listen here, you stupid twat. You promised us those kids. A baby girl who will fetch a pretty dollar, and a boy who is so desperate for love and affection, he will make a good pet for anyone. Those are top-dollar items. You dangle that and take it away, it won’t be just me you have to answer to.” I tighten my grip, and her red face turns a light tinge of purple.“You hear me? I will talk to my bosses, and you will wish you only had to deal with me.” I throw her scrawny ass down onto the ground.

“You don’t scare me! I can out you! And give up my kids. Seems like a win-win for me and a lose-lose for you! Do you think the Prez will take kindly to you being there? After I tell him what you have been dabbling in?” She is ballsy for a dead woman.

“You really think they are going to listen to you? After all the shit you have caused! They will see you giving up the kids as a win. Throwing me under the bus will be the nail in your coffin.” I shake my head, trying not to let her see how rattled I am by her statement.

While I am almost certain that my position within the MC and its counterparts is pretty solid, I cannot risk that they will believe this delusional cunt. Even if she is telling the truth. I pull out my phone and send a text—trying to see what I can do to calm the waters.

Boss: Clean up by any means necessary.

“You think they won’t believe me? Do you think I don’t see as much as I do? I saw you slinking around, and I noticed. I am sure they’ll notice too. You really want to play this game?” I light a smoke, looking her up and down, making it seem like I don’t know what I am going to do next.

“Get in the car.” I point to the shit box she drives.“Follow me. I’m taking you to the boss.” The stupid cow does what I say. She makes this way too easy.

She follows me to the far end of the ranch. It’s night. It’s so dark out here you couldn’t see a slap until it made contact. There is no moon tonight, giving me the cover I need. She gets out of her car, leaving her headlights on, looking around before looking at me.

“Turn those fucking lights off! You think I want the club to know we’re here?” I start digging around for my weapon of choice.

“I thought we were going to meet the big boss, and I was gonna plead my case? How are they going to see us?” She leans into the car, and that’s when I strike.

I grab the back of her head and smash her face into the steering wheel three quick times. Before she can even get a scream out, I pull her completely out of the car. I shove her face down into the side of the road. There was enough grass not to cause damage to her face. She struggles as I kneel on her back. I grab my rope and pull it tight around her throat. With her face in the grass, her screams are muffled.

Steffie is thin. She isn’t strong. Her only chance is to try and reach back and claw at my hands. Anything to get some evidence of who’s doing this to her. Was she really that smart? Probably not, but I needed to think that way to keep my cover. To keep my place in life. I pull the rope tighter, and her spiked heel comes up and stabs me in the ass. I tamp down the startled growl. All sounds carry where we are, and I didn’t need any attention until I was ready.

I stand up, still pulling on the rope. Her legs are still trying to catch mine. I pull one leg up and stomp as hard as I can on the offending ankle. I feel her bones crush under the weight of my stomp. I let go of the rope and shove her face back into the grass, muffling any noise she makes. She goes limp. I am sure her body is going into shock. I stand back and look down at her twitching body. I bring my foot up again, stomping as hard as I can on her back. I focus on her ribs—stomping on them over and over again. The squelching sound tells me that the bones have broken, and I was crushing the organs I wanted. I step back, dragging my shoes through the grass and cleaning them off as best I can. I can’t risk them showing any evidence. I kick her body over and make sure she’s dead, her face still recognizable. You can still tell that this is the cunt causing all the problems for NOMC. I pull out my cell.

“I need you and a car. Got a dump job.” I hang up. They know where I am. Within minutes, the car shows up. They load up her body into her own car. I toss my shoes to the other one that hadn’t put Steffie in the car. They knew to burn them and get rid of them separately. I give them a quick nod before putting on a new pair of boots.

I didn’t have to tell them the plan. They knew where to put her and what to do with her car. I made my way back to the clubhouse. Getting in and out without being noticed was easy. These guys thought that they were secure, but they had holes everywhere. Ones that I constantly took advantage of. I mingled for a bit before I textedgo time. When Knuckles’phone went off, I could only smile and watch as the chaos was about to ensue.



I miss Whitley so damn much. I know that what he’s doing is going to be what’s best for him, for us, in the long run, but I am so tired of not having him in my arms at night. I love him so fucking much.Phone sex is fun, but I want the real thing.It’s why I have plans for tonight. I’m just waiting on him to message me back to let me know when he’s home.

I open my phone, and there are no new messages.Although I do smile at the last one he sent to me. The one that I’ve read a hundred times because I’ll never get tired of reading it.The one that I’ve read a hundred times because I’ll never get tired of reading it.

Whitley: I love you

Putting my phone back into my pocket, I look up at Zombie, who is telling a story about plowing a woman and a dog licking his ass. He’s laughing so hard that his accent is thicker than normal. I can tell that the others don’t understand a word he’s saying, and I can’t help but laugh even harder because I’m the only one that seems to know what the fuck he’s saying.

I don’t know how long they’ve all been going back and forth when my phone finally vibrates. I rush to pull it out of my pocket, only to be depressed that it isn’t my man. Instead, it’s a notification that the cameras at the gate have gone out.

What the fuck?

I pull up the feed, and sure enough, they’re down. I attempted to get in and go back to before they went out, but there was nothing there. At first, they’re on, and then nothing. It’s a black screen.

“Fuck. Prez, I gotta head to the gate. The cameras are out.”