Page 31 of Unknown Protector

“Hey, Agent Roussel, you’re back. How are you, man?”

I take a deep breath. I really hope that when Sandy learns the truth, he’ll see that I was there as his unknown protector, but I stayed because I love him.

“Yeah, Agent Jameson. I’m fine.”


Thank you to the girls that support us day in and day out. You give us the motivation to push through and help ensure imposter syndrome doesn’t stick around.

Our readers who have been on this journey with us and keep us going. We did this for us, and you all have made it even more fun by being here and enjoying it.

To the authors that have allowed us to come into their groups and post about our own stories. We wouldn’t have some of the readers we now have without you.

Golden, thank you for taking such a fantastic picture of Kevin and Ryan. WWGD?

Kevin, thank you for being a supporter of us. Whenever you post about our story, it means the world to us.

Ryan, thank you for trusting Golden and Kevin and participating in this shoot.

Kevin and Ryan - You are Knuckles and Whitley. Your picture inspired us so much. Thank you both for doing this and being part of the Nameless Order.

Momma Judy, thank you for your continued support.

Our husbands. You put up with a lot from us, so we can make this happen. It’s appreciated. And yes, we did copy that position ;)

Yaya Jean, thank you for buying the books and supporting us even when we all know you will not read them for fear of finding things out about your daughter you don’t want to know.

Uncle Richard, thank you for purchasing and pimping us out to everyone at the job site. I am sure this one will go over super well ;)

Sandy was the name of a family friend who lost his battle with cancer while we were working on this series. We chose your name for our character because of stories you told in the past and how you showed that you were more than your name.

And everyone else that is here right now thank you. We hope you loved Knuckles and Whitley’s story, and we can’t wait for you to see what’s to come.

See y’all in Rambo.

About The Author


We are two moms that met through a readers group and found an instant connection via the books we love to read. We started to talk daily and found that we both had been working on our own books. Sharing those books, we realized that we have the same writing style and a few ideas stored away that we could combine and make into a fantastic world.

So, that’s what we did. We are currently working on multiple stories and have various plots written. Now, the struggle is finding the time to get it all out on paper.

With seven kids between us, two husbands, and day jobs, we are working on our stories as fast as we can. However, we are also taking the time needed to produce the most amazing stories.

The most fun fact about us? We have NEVER met in person. Everything is done via text messages, late-night video calls, multiple pages of notes, and hundreds of Google Docs.

It works, and our “date nights” are the best because they are productively unproductive. Oops.

Books In This Series

Namesless Order MC

We are the Nameless Order MC.

we were created to help those that feel nameless in the life they were handed. We are here to share our strength and show there is more than one way to be a family.

We are Nameless.