Page 3 of Unknown Protector

The computer I have in Church only works when I attach it to a specific IP address and VPN. I also have a device that I created that acts as the key to the entire system. If that device isn’t within five feet of my system, it will back out, and the only information that you can find is related to the ranch or the kids staying at the property.

There is no such thing as too many fail safes when Connard is in charge. And that son of a bitch is determined to pin anything and everything on my club. Fuck. Just thinking about Connard makes my head hurt.

Giving my head a shake, I force myself to stop thinking about Connard and all his bullshit. No more, not until this is all setup. I need my babies here with me. With my head now clear, I think back to Zombie’s comment about my naming rights being revoked. I thought Phil’s name was perfect for him, but all the kids didn’t. They felt I was missing the point when it came to naming cats. That’s how my cats all earned the names Barfolomew, Bobolina, Pinky Poo, Fluffbottom, and Schmoopsie. Some were farm cats that the kids felt needed more love than they got on the farm, and I can’t say no to a sad face, whether it be a kid or a cat.

“Are you almost done? I could use some help getting some of your bigger shit up here.” Zombie yells up at me.

Giving up, I stop what I am doing and decide I should go and help him. I quickly make my way out the front door to help move the last few bigger things. Including the damn bed I told him I wouldn’t need.

When I get out onto the landing, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My senses are on high alert. There’s someone watching me. It’s making me feel a little off, but then I remember I’m moving into an apartment. All the neighbors that notice, and can watch, will. What’s more exciting than a new person moving in? But, the feeling only intensifies as I continue to help Zombie. And by the time I’m done, I’m positive it’s more than just a curious neighbor.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: You’re Welcome

The package has been delivered.

“What the fuck?” I mumble, looking over the message that popped into my inbox. “What package has been delivered?” I ask out loud to no one. The random email was also delivered to the only inbox within the club that belongs to me. None of my brothers have access to it as it’s usually for just our club’s IT shit as well as the house. Why would this person pick this email?

Next thing I know, I get a text from Copper, telling me a manila envelope has been dropped at his place. One with a police seal on it. The wheels were spinning in my head. What the hell was going on? Why would they email me but drop the package at Copper’s house? I didn’t want to respond, and truth be told, it took me a while to, but curiosity got the better of me. I had so much in the means of defense installed on my computer that I decided figuring this out was worth it. Copper would be here soon to go over what was dropped off. I needed to find out more from this side.

To:[email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: You’re Welcome

Uhm, what?

Even though I had decided that I needed to see what I could find out, I attached a bug in the off chance they open it, and I can look back to where the IP address is coming from. It’s not a lot, but it will help determine if the clues are legit or not.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: You’re Welcome

You know what I am talking about. You needed information, and I provided it. I’m on your side. I also know you are tracking this IP. But that’s as far as you’re going to get with this firewall.

I knew then, before the trace even came back, whoever this was, was at the station. This is another cop. The question now is—is this person friendly or harmful? I know Copper was dealing with people who were on both sides and some that were just trying to do their job. But I know nothing about these people. All of that was something that he dealt with. How am I supposed to know if this person is someone that I can work with? I don’t want to blindly trust someone from the station after everything they did to Copper and Ellie.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: You’re Welcome

I actually do not know what you’re talking about. I’m not sure that I care to find out when you are choosing to be so damn cryptic. You want me to put some sort of faith in you—to believe that you sent me something that I can use? Why the hell would I do that? Why the hell should I trust you? You’re right about one thing. I did track the email. I did find the IP. I do know that this is coming from the station and the last person I am going to trust is someone associated with Connard.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: You’re Welcome

I knew you were the smart one. I can respect your hesitancy. What could I say, or do, to make you realize that I am attempting to help you? How about—I want to know what happened to the kids more than you do. I know there are children missing but I don’t know why and I can’t prove it. I want to know how the drugs are funneling into the town as well.